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Deep Learning Materials by Deep Learning Wizard

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Repository Details

This repository contains all the notebooks and mkdocs markdown files of the tutorials covering machine learning, deep learning, scalable database, programming, data processing and data visualization powering the website.

Take note this is an early work in progress, do be patient as we gradually upload our guides.

Sections and Subsections

CPU to GPU Production-level Pipeline for AI

At Deep Learning Wizard, we cover the basics of some parts of the whole tech stack for production-level CPU/GPU-powered AI.

This AI pipeline is entirely based on open-source distributions.

This stack would get you started, and enable you to adjust the stack according to your needs.

About Deep Learning Wizard

We deploy a top-down approach that enables you to grasp deep learning theories and code easily and quickly. We have open-sourced all our materials through our Deep Learning Wizard Wikipedia. For visual learners, feel free to sign up for our video course and join thousands of deep learning wizards.

To this date, we have taught thousands of students across more than 120+ countries.


We are openly calling people to contribute to this repository for errors. Feel free to create a pull request.

Main Contributor

Ritchie Ng

Editors and Supporters

Bugs and Improvements

Feel free to report bugs and improvements via issues. Or just simply try to pull to make any improvements/corrections.

Social Media


If you find the materials useful, like the diagrams or content, feel free to cite this repository.

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