
授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 顾英发
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Intelligence and Reconnaissance Package/Bundle installer.

IntRec-Pack is a Bash script designed to download, install and deploy several quality OSINT, Recon and Threat Intelligence tools. Due to the fact it manages the installation of the various dependencies related to these programs as well it aims to be a comprehensive assistant in setting up your intelligence gathering environment. Below is an overview of the tools and utilities it will help you set up.

| Tool                  | Utility type and feature summary          |
|1. QuickScan	        | Port Scanner/WHOIS/Domain Resolver        |
|2. DNSRecon            | Advanced DNS Enumeration & Domain Utility |
|3. Sublist3r           | OSINT Based Subdomain Enumeration         |
|4. TekDefense-Automator| OSINT Based IP, URL and Hash Analyzer     |
|5. TheHarvester        | eMail, vHost, Domain and PII Enumeration  |
|6. IOC-Parser          | Threat Intel, parses IOC data from reports|
|7. PyParser-CVE        | Multi Source Exploit Parser/CVE Lookup    |
|8. Mimir               | HoneyDB CLI/Threat Intelligence Utility   |
|9. Tadpole		| Open AWS bucket, file search and Download |
|10.Harbinger           |, Virus Total, Threat Feed Parser |
|11.Inquisitor          | OSINT Recon/data visualization utility    |
|12.BirdWatch           | SOCMINT Utility with a focus on Twitter   |
|13.Spiderfoot          | Advanced OSINT/Reconnaissance Framework   |
|14.EagleEye            | Facial recognition powered SOCMINT utility|

Furthermore I have included functionality within the Bash script that allows the user to easily pull up two web based resources(Three as of update 1.2.1) Namely OSINT-Framework and HoneyDB. The former serves as a curated list of open source intelligence tools, websites and related materials for use as a reference guide. While the latter is an OSINT aggregative threat intelligence pool that collects and organizes data provided by HoneyPy honeypots. My Command Line Interface for which is included in the selection of tools available for download with IntRec-Pack as well.


Clone the tool from the repo and make it executable like so.

git clone
cd IntRec-Pack
chmod +x

After which it can be started from the command line with sudo ./ Upon doing so you will be presented with a menu the options for which are as follows:

1) Help	                 4) Specify Install Location
2) List and Install      5) Online Resources
3) Install All           6) Quit

The help option displays further usage information and general details about the tool. List and Install will list all the tools available for download/installation and lets you select the ones you would like. Upon doing so the tool plus it's dependencies will be installed in the current working directory. Unless the Specify Install Location option has been used to provide a path to a custom location. Install All will download and install all the tools available with this script and Online Resources will open the web applications previously mentioned.


The script has been updated to version 1.3.0.


This update adds EagleEye to the list of tools available for download. EagleEye is a SOCMINT utility that makes use of reverse image searches and facial recognition.

Tadpole has been added to the latest version. This program allows you to search for and download items from open AWS buckets.

Two additional programs have been added. BirdWatch, which is a SOCMINT utility with a focus on Twitter and Inquisitor which is an OSINT based Recon tool. Furthermore has been added to the Online Resources feature to be used as a reference guide to additional OSINT tools, services and more.

Each installation operation now has its own function in order to make the script modular. This will also allow for the easy addition of operations that would install other/more tools in the future.

Additional checks have been added to the script in order to look for the presence of utilities such as wget, git and pip. This is important because some distros such as Debian and Devuan do not come with some of these utilities installed by default. Should the script find any of these utilities are missing it will attempt to automatically resolve the issue. Making the script effective and compatible with most Debian based distros.

From now on IntRec-Pack will check to see if it has been started with super user privilege. Since there are a lot of sudo commands in the script this will prevent the user from running into trouble halfway through the execution.

Special thanks to Chandrapal for his contributions to the tool.


Since the Online Resources feature employs functionality derived from Python, Selenium and the Mozilla Geckodriver, I have added some logic to the script that will automatically install the proper version of each component(Selenium and Geckodriver) needed in order for the script to function as it should.

While this functionality has been tested and the script is designed to automate as much as possible for ease of use. Should you find you have any issues or perhaps encounter a bug please feel free to Open a Ticket or Submit a Pull Request

Thank you.

  • keil 5 STM32的pack包 在官网上下载的太慢,所以将pack包上传到CSDN上,以及百度网盘中。如果有CSDN积分的,麻烦给我贡献几个,没有的朋友,就直接从百度网盘上下载就好。 CSND: 百度网盘: STM32 的一些pack包 链接:

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