
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 游戏/娱乐、 游戏模拟器/工具/引擎
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 顾烨磊
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Unreal Engine Binary Builder

Buy Me A Coffee

This is a small app designed to create binary build of Unreal Engine from GitHub source.

Watch the below video to get an idea.Watch the video

How to use (Compiling Engine)

Step I
  • Download the latest release of Unreal Binary Builder.
Step II
  • Clone or Download UE4 source from github.
Step III
  • Open Unreal Binary Builder.
  • Click Browse and select root folder of your downloaded Engine (where Setup.bat and GenerateProjectFiles.bat exists).

  • Once the root folder is selected, click Start.
  • If Continue to Engine Build is enabled, then Unreal Binary Builder will automatically continue to compile the Engine with given options under Compile tab.
Step IV
  • Click Compile tab and set options for the Engine.


Bug with 4.25.4
There is a known issue with 4.25.4 where it fails to build with an error message: AutomationException: Attempt to add file to temp storage manifest that does not exist (<Path To Engine>\cpp.hint) This issue has been fixed in 4.26 but if you need to use 4.25.4 see this workaround by Bernard Rouhi: https://github.com/ryanjon2040/UE4-Binary-Builder/issues/26#issuecomment-718204352

Access Denied on some files?
On Windows, just change the ownership to Users then try again. To change ownership on Windows, follow these steps

  • Right click on the UE4 folder, choose Properties
  • Switch to Security tab
  • Click on Advanced
  • Near the top, click on Change User
  • A new dialog will open, in the text box at bottom, type in "Users", then click Check Names
  • OK till the end.


HandyControl by HandyOrg

DotNetZip by Henrik/Dino Chiesa

GameAnalytics by Game Analytics

Json.NET by Newtonsoft

Sentry.NET by Sentry

AutoGrid by SpicyTaco

LogViewer by Federico Berasategui

NetSparkle by NetSparkleUpdater

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.coma

  • Unreal Engine 虚幻引擎是一个面向PC、Xbox 360、iOS和PlayStation 3的完整开发框架,其中提供了大量核心技术、内容创建工具以及支持基础设施内容。 虚幻引擎各方面功能的设计思想都是使得内容创建和编程变得更方便,其设计目标是赋予美工人员及游戏设计人员尽可能多的控制权来开发可视化环境中的资源,最小化程序员的协助,同时为程序员提供一个高度模块化的、可升级的、可扩展的架构,

  • OpenHandx-Unreal是一个可扩展的轻量级web框架。Unreal以Ajax技术为核心,开创了SS(Script-Service)脚本服务框架开发模式,并完全兼容MVC(Model-View-Controller)框架。SS框架可以轻易完成页面的 Script对象与Pojo对象的创建、操作、转化、传输,实现了web层与Service层的完全分离和解耦,使Service层的领域驱动设计能彻

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