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开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
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操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

AWS App Mesh


App Mesh makes it easy to run microservices by providing consistent visibility and network traffic controls for every microservice in an application. App Mesh separates the logic needed for monitoring and controlling communications into a proxy that runs next to every microservice. App Mesh removes the need to coordinate across teams or update application code to change how monitoring data is collected or traffic is routed. This allows you to quickly pinpoint the exact location of errors and automatically re-route network traffic when there are failures or when code changes need to be deployed.

You can use App Mesh with AWS Fargate, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS), and Kubernetes on EC2 to better run containerized microservices at scale. App Mesh uses Envoy, an open source proxy, making it compatible with a wide range of AWS partner and open source tools for monitoring microservices.

Learn more at https://aws.amazon.com/app-mesh


Today, AWS App Mesh is generally available for production use. You can use App Mesh with AWS Fargate, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS), applications running on Amazon EC2, and Kubernetes on EC2 to better run containerized microservices at scale. App Mesh uses Envoy, an open source proxy, making it compatible with a wide range of AWS partner and open source tools for monitoring microservices.

Learn more at https://aws.amazon.com/app-mesh

Getting started

For help getting started with App Mesh, take a look at the examples in this repo.

China Regions

All the examples and walkthrough are written for commercial regions. You need to make few changes to make them work for China regions, below are some changes that will be needed:

  • Change ARN:For China regions include aws-cn in all arns. So instead of 'arn:aws:' it starts with 'arn:aws-cn:'.Replace 'arn:aws:' with 'arn:${AWS::Partition}:' to make it work for all partitions.
  • Change Endpoints:The endpoint domain for China regions is amazonaws.com.cn. Replace the endpoints from amazonaws.com to amazonaws.com.cn Refer this doc for a list of endpoints for cn-north-1.Do not change the Service Principal like ecs-tasks.amazonaws.com, it is a Service Principal not an endpoint.
  • Change TCP ports 80/8080/443By default all AWS China accounts are blocked for TCP ports 80/8080/443 with EC2 and S3 services. These ports will be unlocked when an ICP license has been provided by customers. As a workaround you can use some other port for ex: 9090. The url that you curl for, needs to explicitly mention the port now.For example: http://appme-.....us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com.cn:9090/color


The AWS App Mesh team maintains a public roadmap.


If you have a suggestion, request, submission, or bug fix for the examples in this repo, please open it as an Issue.

If you have a feature request for AWS App Mesh, please open an Issue on the public roadmap.

Security disclosures

If you think you’ve found a potential security issue, please do not post it in the Issues. Instead, please follow the instructions here or email AWS security directly.

Why use App Mesh?

  1. Streamline operations by offloading communication management logic from application code and libraries into configurable infrastructure.
  2. Reduce troubleshooting time required by having end-to-end visibility into service-level logs, metrics and traces across your application.
  3. Easily roll out of new code by dynamically configuring routes to new application versions.
  4. Ensure high-availability with custom routing rules that help ensure every service is highly available during deployments, after failures, and as your application scales.
  5. Manage all service to service traffic using one set of APIs regardless of how the services are implemented.

What makes AWS App Mesh unique?

AWS App Mesh is built in direct response to our customers needs implementing a 'service mesh' for their applications. Our customers asked us to:

  • Make it easy to manage microservices deployed across accounts, clusters, container orchestration tools, and compute services with simple and consistent abstractions.
  • Minimize the cognitive and operational overhead in running a microservices application and handling its monitoring and traffic control.
  • Remove the need to build or operate a control plane for service mesh.
  • Use open source software to allow extension to new tools and different use cases.

In order to best meet the needs of our customers, we have invested into building a service that includes a control plane and API that follows the AWS best practices. Specifically, App Mesh:

  • Is an AWS managed service that works across container services with a design that allows us to add support for other computer services in the future.
  • Works with the open source Envoy proxy
  • Is designed to pluggable and will support bringing your own Envoy images and Istio Mixer in the future.
  • Implemented as a multi-tenant control plane to be scalable, robust, cost-effective, and efficient.
  • Built to work independently of any particular container orchestration system. Today, App Mesh works with both Kubernetes and Amazon ECS.
  • 概念 什么是 Service Mesh,为什么需要它 Service Mesh 是指由微服务应用及其之间交互构成的一个微服务网络。随着服务网格的大小和复杂性的增加,理解和管理变得更加困难。 其要求可包括: 服务发现(Discovery) 负载平衡(Load balancing) 故障恢复(Failure recovery) 指标(Metrics) 监控(Monitoring) 服务网络通常还具有更

  • Mesh 是一个安全的、轻量级的网格中间件基于的单点登录功能的内置的公共密钥身份验证机制SSH使用系统调用插入。每个网安装致力于提供一个特定的虚拟组织 (VO),这是定义为一个动态的个人、机构和资源。网允许个人在一个签证官Mesh-accessible资源上执行SSH远程命令在其他合作VOs使用 单一网格SSH私有密钥生成的在当地的签证官。 全网状部署包含两个专用的 主机和三个主要的软件组件(除了

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  • AWS OpsWorks Rails Demo App 是用于运行 AWS OpsWorks 的 Rails 应用程序样本。

  • 北极星(Polaris Mesh)是腾讯自研的服务发现和治理中心,以服务注册中心为基础,扩展了服务治理功能以及相应的控制面,解决分布式和微服务架构中的服务可见、故障容错、流量控制和安全问题,提供多语言的客户端实现,不同的开发框架可以集成使用。 功能 基础功能:服务发现、服务注册、健康检查 故障容错:熔断降级、访问限流 流量控制:动态路由、负载均衡 安全:访问鉴权 特色 北极星的功能采用插件化的形式

  • Aeraki [Air-rah-ki] 是希腊语 ” 微风 “ 的意思。 该命名的寓意是希望 Aeraki Mesh 这股 “微风” 能帮助 Istio 和 Kubernetes 在云原生的旅程中行得更快更远。Aeraki Mesh 的定位非常明确:只处理服务网格的非 HTTP 七层流量,将 HTTP 流量留给 Istio 。(我们认为现有的项目已经足够优秀,不必重新造轮子)。 由腾讯云主导,联合