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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 云和惬
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

CNF Test Suite

Build Status

The CNF Test Suite is a tool that makes it possible to validate telco applications, aka Cloud Native Network Functions (CNFs), and the underlying Telecom platforms adherence to Cloud native principles and best practices.

This Test Suite initiative works closely with the CNF WG which determines requirements for the CNF Test Suite program.

Installation and Usage

To get the CNF Test Suite up and running, see the Installation Guide.

To give it a try immediately you can use these quick install steps

Prereqs: kubernetes cluster, wget, curl, helm 3.1.1 or greater on your system already.

  1. Install the latest test suite binary: source <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite/main/curl_install.sh)
  2. Run setup to prepare the cnf-testsuite: cnf-testsuite setup
  3. Pull down an example CNF configuration to try: curl -o cnf-testsuite.yml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite/main/example-cnfs/coredns/cnf-testsuite.yml
  4. Initialize the test suite for using the CNF: cnf-testsuite cnf_setup cnf-config=./cnf-testsuite.yml
  5. Run all of application/workload tests: cnf-testsuite workload

More Usage docs

Check out the usage documentation for more info about invoking commands and logging.

Cloud Native Categories

The CNF Test Suite will inspect CNFs for the following characteristics:

  • Compatibility - CNFs should work with any Certified Kubernetes product and any CNI-compatible network that meet their functionality requirements.
  • State - The CNF's state should be stored in a custom resource definition or a separate database (e.g. etcd) rather than requiring local storage. The CNF should also be resilient to node failure.
  • Security - CNF containers should be isolated from one another and the host.
  • Microservice - The CNF should be developed and delivered as a microservice.
  • Scalability - CNFs should support horizontal scaling (across multiple machines) and vertical scaling (between sizes of machines).
  • Configuration and Lifecycle - The CNF's configuration and lifecycle should be managed in a declarative manner, using ConfigMaps, Operators, or other declarative interfaces.
  • Observability - CNFs should externalize their internal states in a way that supports metrics, tracing, and logging.
  • Installable and Upgradeable - CNFs should use standard, in-band deployment tools such as Helm (version 3) charts.
  • Hardware Resources and Scheduling - The CNF container should access all hardware and schedule to specific worker nodes by using a device plugin.
  • Resilience - CNFs should be resilient to failures inevitable in cloud environments. CNF Resilience should be tested to ensure CNFs are designed to deal with non-carrier-grade shared cloud HW/SW platforms.

See the Test Categories Documentation for a complete overview of the tests.


Welcome! We gladly accept contributions on new tests, example CNFs, updates to documentation, enhancements, bug reports, and more.

Communication and community meetings


CNF Test Suite Demo

Crystal in the Cloud: A cloud native journey at Crystal 1.0 Conference

Implementation overview

The CNF Test Suite leverages upstream tools such as OPA Gatekeeper, Helm linter, and Promtool for testing CNFs. The upstream tool installation, configuration, and versioning has been made repeatable.

The test framework and tests (using the upstream tools) are written in the human-readable, compiled language, Crystal. Common capabilities like dependencies between tests and categories are supported.

Setup of vanilla upstream K8s on Equinix Metal is done with the CNF Testbed platform tool chain, which includes k8s-infra, Kubespray. To add support for other providers, please submit a Pull Request to the CNF Testbed repo.

Code of Conduct

The CNF Test Suite community follows the CNCF Code of Conduct.

License terms

The CNF Test Suite is available under the Apache 2 license.

  • # Example MySQL config file for medium systems. # # This is for a system with little memory (32M - 64M) where MySQL plays # an important part, or systems up to 128M where MySQL is used together

  • Mysql作为时下流行的关系型数据库,越来越受到企业开发者的青睐。但是很多入门的新手对于其配置了解不深,笔者给出常见的my.cnf配置,以供参考~ /etc/my.cnf [client] #password       = your_password port               = 3306 socket          = /data0/data/mysql.sock defaul

  • 一般情况下,my.ini 在 MySql 安装的根目录下,也有可能在隐藏文件夹“ProgramData”下面。 my.cnf设置_萧木易的博客-CSDN博客 为了方便读者阅读,我们省略了 my.ini 文件中的注释内容。下面分开介绍 my.ini 中参数的具体意义,文件内容如下: [client] port=3306 [mysql] default-character-set=gbk 上面显示的是

  • #BEGIN CONFIG INFO #DESCR: 4GB RAM, 只使用InnoDB, ACID, 少量的连接, 队列负载大 #TYPE: SYSTEM #END CONFIG INFO # # 此mysql配置文件例子针对4G内存,并在两个日ip2w ,pv 20w  测试过的。 # 主要使用INNODB #处理复杂队列并且连接数量较少的mysql服务器 # # 将此文件复制到/etc/m

  • 本文主要介绍的是mysql5.7版本的my.cnf配置文件,详情如下: [client] #指定客户端连接的端口号 port = 5300 #指定客户端连接使用的sock文件 socket = /app/mysql/mysql5300/run/mysql5300.sock [mysql] #在mysql提示符中显示当前用户、数据库、时间等信息 prompt="\\u@\\h [\\d]>" #

  • Mysql my.cfg 解析 文章分类:数据库 #BEGIN CONFIG INFO #DESCR: 4GB RAM, 只使用InnoDB, ACID, 少量的连接, 队列负载大 #TYPE: SYSTEM #END CONFIG INFO # # 此mysql配置文件例子针对4G内存,并在www.bt285.cn bt下载与 www.5a520.cn 小说520,这两个日ip 2w ,pv 2

  • [client] port = 3306 socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock default-character-set = utf8mb4 [mysqld] port = 3306 socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock #basedir = /usr/local/mysql datadir=/var/lib/mysql pid-file=

  • [mysqld] back_log = 300 binlog_format = MIXED character-set-server=utf8mb4 long_query_time = 1 log-bin=/databack/data_logbin/mysql_binlog innodb_log_file_size=2G innodb_log_buffer_size=4M innodb_buffe

  • mysqld程序--目录和文件 引用 basedir = path 使用给定目录作为根目录(安装目录)。 character-sets-dir = path 给出存放着字符集的目录。 datadir = path 从给定目录读取数据库文件。 pid-file = filename 为mysqld程序指定一个存放进程ID的文件(仅适用于UNIX/Linux系统); Init-V脚本需要使用这个文件里

  • 先附上自己的配置表 [mysqld] user=mysql basedir=/usr/local/mysql datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data character-set-server=utf8 [client] port=3306 socket=/tmp/mysql.sock [mysqld] port = 3306 user = mysql basedir = /

  • [client] default-character-set= utf8mb4 [mysql] default-character-set= utf8mb4 [mysqld] character_set_server= utf8mb4 port= 3306 datadir = /mnt/mysql/data socket= /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock symbolic-li

  • [client] port = 3307 socket = /home/mysql/mysqldb/run/mysql.sock default-character-set = utf8mb4 #prompt = \\u@\\h:\\d \\r:\\m:\\s > no-auto-rehash [mysql] port = 3307 socket = /home/mysql/mysqldb/run

  • [client] ######################################################################### #                                                                       # #                         MySQL客户端配置      

  • 环境 mysql 5.7 [client] port = 3306 socket = /tmp/mysql.sock [mysqld] ###############################基础设置 ##################################### #Mysql服务的唯一编号 每个mysql服务Id需唯一 server-id = 1 #服务端

  • 以下是 my.cnf 配置文件参数解释:  #*** client options 相关选项 ***# #以下选项会被MySQL客户端应用读取。注意只有MySQL附带的客户端应用程序保证可以读取这段内容。如果你想你自己的MySQL应用程序获取这些值。需要在MySQL客户端库初始化的时候指定这些选项。 [client] port = 3309 socket = /usr/local/mysql/t

  • my.cnf 文件详解 # 客户端设置 [client] port = 3306 # 默认情况下,socket文件应为/usr/local/mysql/mysql.socket,所以可以ln -s xx /tmp/mysql.sock socket = /tmp/mysql.sock # 服务端设置 [mysqld] ####################################

  • 1. 找到mysqld的路径 which mysqld 2. /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --verbose --help |grep -A 1 'Default options' 3. 下面就是my.cnf的路径

  • Common Navigator Framework (CNF) 是一套帮助用户开发基于 eclipse 的内容导航视图的框架,通过这套框架开发者可以迅速地将特定的资源与模型无缝地集成到 eclipse 中,并利用其提供的的 API 以树型的结构展示出来。CNF 最初来源于 Rational® Application Developer (RAD) v6.0 项目,并使用于 Eclipse 3.2。

  • 我正在使用下面的aws cloudformation模板来启动一个自动缩放组,当我尝试运行cfn init时,它抛出了一个python错误。我已经想尽一切办法来解决这个问题,但现在我完全被难倒了。我得到的错误是: 这是我的云形成模板: 在正确的方向上提供任何帮助或指导都将是了不起的。我尝试过使用不同版本的aws cfn引导,但它们都给了我相同的问题。

  • 本文向大家介绍mysql配置模板(my-*.cnf)参数详细说明,包括了mysql配置模板(my-*.cnf)参数详细说明的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 mysql安装成功后有几个默认的配置模板,列表如下: my-huge.cnf : 用于高端产品服务器,包括1到2GB RAM,主要运行mysql my-innodb-heavy-4G.ini : 用于只有innodb的安装,最多有4GB

  • 我正在学习如何在apache 2.4 Web服务器(Windows Server 2012)上启动和运行ssl。在没有SSL的情况下,我的web服务器和PHP运行得非常好。 我生成了证书和密钥,并将它们放在C:\Apache24\conf中 我修改了httpd。conf,方法如下: 我修改了c:\Apache24/conf/extra/httpd-ssl。conf,方法如下: < li >添加了以

  • 问题内容: 我设法找到了如何在jUnit 4中制作TestSuite的方法,但是我真的很想念v3可能将套件包装在TestSetup中的可能性。 关于如何为jUnit 4中的一组测试用例执行某些@ BeforeClass / @ AfterClass设置的任何想法吗? 即 不幸的是,以上代码片段无法正常工作。仅适用于每个测试类别。 问题答案: 这是我所拥有的,运行正常。 这是我的测试套件1(对测试套

  • 问题内容: 我有一组非常缓慢的测试,需要一周才能运行。(他们实际上会连续运行一些代码约一周)。 自然,没有开发人员(甚至是默认的构建作业)都不想运行这些测试。只有特定的,单独的构建作业才有时间运行它们。因此 ,默认情况下需要禁用这些测试 。 JUnit的类别对此似乎很完美:我用注释了那些缓慢的测试。问题在于它们仍在运行,因为: 我不想维护TestSuite类,因为我们每天都添加Tests。我有0个