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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 詹杰
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

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A collection of higher-level reusable cdk constructs


This repository is a monorepo managed with Lerna. Several constructs are published to pypi and npm from the same codebase.

Constructs Description Npm-Downloads
cdk-codepipeline-slack #slack approval workflow and notification messages on codepipeline state changes
cdk-contentful-webhook Create, update and delete contentful webhooks with your app deployment
cdk-github-webhook Create, update and delete github webhooks with your app deployment
cdk-stripe-webhook Create, update and delete stripe webhooks with your app deployment
cdk-static-website Static website using S3, configures CloudFront (CDN) and maps a custom domain via Route53 (DNS)
cdk-pull-request-check CodeCommit pull request check
cdk-pull-request-approval-rule CodeCommit pull request approval rules to enforcing your pull request workflow
cdk-codepipeline-merge-action CodePipeline action to merge branches
cdk-codepipeline-check-parameter-action Cdk component that checks if system parameters are set correctly
cdk-codecommit-backup Backup CodeCommit repositories to S3
cdk-dependency-check OWASP dependency-check for codecommit repositories
cdk-container-registry Registry for container images
cdk-blue-green-container-deployment Blue green container deployment with CodeDeploy
cdk-chatops Constructs for chattool integration: #slack / msteams
cdk-developer-tools-notifications #slack / msteams / email notifications for developer tools: CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline
cdk-deletable-bucket Bucket with content cleanup to allow bucket deletion when the stack will be destroyed
cdk-codepipeline-dockerfile-linter-action CodePipeline action to lint dockerfiles with hadolint
cdk-codepipeline-anchore-inline-scan-action CodePipeline action to integrate Anchore Engine into your pipeline
cdk-dynamodb-seeder A seeder for dynamodb tables
cdk-temp-stack A stack that destroys itself after a given time (ttl)
cdk-lambda-at-edge-pattern CDK Constructs for Lambda@Edge pattern: HttpHeaders
cdk-cloudfront-authorization CloudFront with Cognito authentication using Lambda@Edge
cdk-secret-key Provide secret keys to lambdas
cdk-responsive-email-template Responsive email template for aws ses
cdk-s3-antivirus Antivirus for Amazon S3
cdk-wordpress CDK Construct to deploy wordpress


We welcome community contributions and pull requests.



  • aws创建几个vpc AWS CDK is a software development framework that allows you to define your cloud infrastructure in code and provision it though Cloudformation. 一个 WS CDK是一个软件开发框架,可以让你在代码和提供它虽然Cloudformatio

  • CDK


  • 我有一个Powershell Lambda,我希望通过AWS CDK部署它,但在运行时遇到问题。 通过手动发布AWSPowerShellLambda部署Powershell可以: 但是,与CDK一起部署的同一脚本不会记录到CloudWatch日志,即使它具有以下权限: powershell脚本当前仅包含以下行,在CLI上由Publish AWSPowerShellLambda部署时可以工作: 注意

  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software developmentframework to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it through AWS CloudFor

  • Awesome CDK Curated list of awesome AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) open-source projects, guides, blogs and other resources. The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software deve

  • Current Status (January 16, 2020) After developing and using this Clojure wrapper for AWS CDK for the pastsix months, we've decided to use TypeScript and AWS' library directly. We arediscontinuing mai

  • AWS CDK RFCs This repo is a place to propose and track major upcoming changes to AWS CDK, jsii, andother related projects. It also is a great place to learn about the current andfuture state of the li