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RFCs for the AWS CDK
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 邹丰羽
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


This repo is a place to propose and track major upcoming changes to AWS CDK, jsii, andother related projects. It also is a great place to learn about the current andfuture state of the libraries and to discover projects for contribution.

Jump to: What is an RFC? |When to submit? |RFC Process |RFC Life Cycle

# Title Owner Status
1 CDK Watch �� implementing
71 Deployment Triggers �� implementing
77 CloudFormation Registry Support �� implementing
249 Experimental Code in CDK v2 @ericzbeard �� implementing
340 Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream L2 @otaviomacedo �� implementing
287 Deprecated API Warnings �� approved
8 Project Structure Guidelines @rix0rrr ✍️ review
175 AppSync Mapping Template Object Model @MrArnoldPalmer ✍️ review
317 CDK third-party dependencies management ✍️ review
362 Construct Library for Contributor Insights Rules ✍️ review
2 Support for CloudFormation Resource Imports �� proposed
4 CDK Testing Toolkit @nija-at �� proposed
5 Security-restricted environments �� proposed
9 Master developer guide sources in main repo �� proposed
10 New workshop modules �� proposed
13 Improvements to Reference docs �� proposed
14 Toolchain 2.0 �� proposed
15 Scaffolding �� proposed
17 CLI support for multiple-environments �� proposed
18 Open Context Providers @ddneilson �� proposed
19 Introspection API �� proposed
20 Security posture summary �� proposed
21 CDK Explorer Roadmap �� proposed
22 Cost calculator �� proposed
23 Stateful resource support �� proposed
24 Resource imports �� proposed
25 Defaults & configuration policy �� proposed
26 Monitoring packs �� proposed
27 200 resource limit tools & guidance �� proposed
30 Improve synthesized template output �� proposed
31 Integration tests @nija-at �� proposed
32 App-centric operational experience �� proposed
34 Third-party construct ecosystem �� proposed
39 Release public artifacts (lambda layers for custom resources, docker images) �� proposed
40 Stack traces across language boundaries �� proposed
48 Faster builds �� proposed
51 Standardize security groups �� proposed
52 Support resource import �� proposed
58 Improved ergonomics for stack default environment �� proposed
63 CDK in Secure Environments �� proposed
64 Garbage Collection for Assets @kaizen3031593 �� proposed
65 CDK Code Generation from AWS Console �� proposed
66 StackSets Support �� proposed
67 Monitoring Packs �� proposed
69 One-off "job" Stacks ("auto destruct") �� proposed
70 Cost Estimation Tools �� proposed
72 Stack Policy �� proposed
73 AWS Resource Model �� proposed
74 Common API for Resources with Web Addresses �� proposed
78 Feature proposal: Workspaces �� proposed
81 AWS Landing Zone CDK pattern request �� proposed
82 Weak references �� proposed
83 Global Name Prefix �� proposed
86 AWS Account Alias Resource �� proposed
116 Easier identification of experimental modules �� proposed
127 CDK to directly reference/import/update an existing stack �� proposed
139 "fromLookup" for additional resources �� proposed
158 Implement Custom Resources in the AWS Construct Library as CFN Registry Resource Types �� proposed
159 Cross-App Resource Sharing �� proposed
161 Cross-Region/Account References �� proposed
162 CDK Refactoring Tools �� proposed
180 CustomResources: Allow usage across accounts �� proposed
193 Fixing of type unions @RomainMuller �� proposed
201 Construct scope relocation �� proposed
217 Alternative Infrastructure Providers @ccfife �� proposed
219 ECS Patterns Service Builder �� proposed
223 Improvements to Lambda Development Experience �� proposed
228 CDK CLI Triggers �� proposed
229 Construct library pattern for metrics �� proposed
230 Construct library pattern for grants �� proposed
231 Construct library pattern for resources that use a VPC �� proposed
232 Construct library pattern for resources that need IAM roles �� proposed
242 Bootstrap stacks as CDK apps �� proposed
244 Migration path for EKS Developer Preview �� proposed
247 CDK Common Stored Data Type Model �� proposed
248 Standardized context key for "cheap mode" �� proposed
256 ReactCDK: Add JSX/TSX Support �� proposed
272 CI/CD to Cloudfront Deploy �� proposed
275 route53-patterns for cross account DNS delegation �� proposed
277 cdk logs �� proposed
294 Policy Definition and Enforcement �� proposed
300 Programmatic Access of CDK CLI Capabilities �� proposed
305 support code signing of assets �� proposed
308 CLI displays advisories �� proposed
309 Parameter Store for cross stack references �� proposed
313 Questions on the Go Bindings RFC �� proposed
348 CloudFormationController - refactor CloudFormation stacks �� proposed
353 Constructs for all public CloudFormation resources and modules �� proposed
370 CLI deploy with change set review confirmation �� proposed
374 Modularizing jsii �� proposed
375 Support Encode Properties for CloudFormation CustomResource �� proposed
380 Remove Node.js as an installed pre-requisite for the jsii runtime �� proposed
6 Monolithic Packaging done
7 Lambda Bundles done
16 RFC Process @MrArnoldPalmer done
35 Publish construct library guidelines done
36 Constructs Programming Model done
37 Release from a "release" branch @MrArnoldPalmer done
49 CI/CD for CDK apps @rix0rrr done
55 Feature Flags done
79 CDK v2.0 done
92 CI/CD Asset Publishing @rix0rrr done
95 Cognito Construct Library @nija-at done
107 Publish a Construct Library Module Lifecycle document @ccfife done
110 CLI Compatibility Strategy @iliapolo done
171 CloudFront Module Redesign done
192 Removal of the "constructs" compatibility layer (v2.0) @eladb done
204 JSII Go Support @MrArnoldPalmer done
253 CDK Metadata v2 done
282 CDK Pipelines security posture change approvals done
322 CDK Pipelines Updated API done
324 Construct Hub @RomainMuller done
328 polyglot assert library @nija-at done
359 Construct Hub Deny List done
60 Bazel Build System �� rejected
164 Construct Library Segments @nija-at �� rejected

What is an RFC?

An RFC is a document that proposes a change to one of the projects led by theCDK team at AWS. Request for Comments means a request for discussion andoversight about the future of the project from maintainers, contributors andusers.

When should I write an RFC? The CDK team proactively decides to write RFCson major features or complex changes that we feel require that extra vetting.However, the process is designed to be as lightweight as needed and can be usedto request feedback on any change. Quite often, even changes that seem obviousand simple at first sight can be significantly improved once a wider group ofinterested and experienced people have a chance to weigh in.

Who should submit an RFC? An RFC can be submitted by anyone. In most cases,RFCs are authored by CDK maintainers, but contributors are more than welcome tosubmit RFCs.

If you are a contributor and you wish to write an RFC, please contact thecore team at the #aws-cdk-rfcs to make sure someone from the core team cansponsor your work. Otherwise, there is a good chance we won't have bandwidth tohelp.

RFC Process

To start an RFC process, create a new tracking issue and follow theinstructions in the issue template. It includes a checklist of the variousstages an RFC goes through.

This section describes each stage in detail, so you can refer to it forguidance.

1. Tracking Issue

Each RFC has a GitHub issue which tracks it from start to finish. The issue isthe hub for conversations, community signal (+1s) and the issue number is usedas the unique identifier of this RFC.

Before creating a tracking issue, please search for similar or related ideas inthe RFC table above or in the issue list of this repo. If there is a relevantRFC, collaborate on that existing RFC, based on its current stage.

Our tracking issue template includes a checklist of all the steps an RFC goesthrough and it's the driver's responsibility to update the checklist and assignthe correct label to on the RFC throughout the process.

When the issue is created, it is required to fill in the following information:

  1. Title: the name of the feature or change - think changelog entry.
  2. Description: a short description of feature, as if it was already implemented.
  3. Proposed by: fill in the GitHub alias of the person who proposed the ideaunder "Proposed by".

2. API Bar Raiser

Reach us via #aws-cdk-rfcs to get an "API Bar Raiser" assigned to your RFC.

For each RFC, CDK leadership will assign an API Bar Raiser who reviews andapproves the public API of the feature. API Bar Raisers have veto rights onAPI-related design decisions, such as naming, structure, options, CLI commandsand others.

The public API of a feature represents the surface through which users interactwith it, and we want to make sure these APIs are consistent, ergonomic anddesigned based on the intent and the mental model of our users. Additionally,once we announce that a feature is "stable" (1.0, GA, etc) any breaking changeto its public API will require releasing a new major version, so we like thinkof API decisions as "one way doors".

API Bar Raisers will be assigned using a tiering model which is generally basedon the size of the user base that will likely get exposed to the feature. As ageneral rule, the more "significant" the feature is, we will assign a bar raiserwith a wider and longer-term context of the project.

To merge an RFC, a sign-off from the bar raiser is requiredon the public API of the feature, so we encourage to engage with them early inthe process to make sure you are aligned on how the API should be designed.

NOTE: The technical solution proposed in an RFC does not require approvalbeyond the normal pull request approval model (e.g. a core team member needsto approve the RFC PR and any subsequent changes to it).

3. Kick-off

Before diving into writing the RFC, it is highly recommended to organize akick-off meeting that includes the API Bar Raiser and any stakeholders thatmight be interested in this RFC or can contribute ideas and direction. The goalof the meeting is to discuss the feature, its scope and general direction forimplementation.

If you are not part of the CDK team at Amazon, reach out to us via #aws-cdk-rfcsand we will help to organize the kick-off meeting.

Our experience shows that such a meeting can save a lot of time and energy.

You can use the tracking issue to record some initial API and design ideas andcollect early feedback and use cases as a preparation for the kick-off meetingand RFC document itself. You can start the meeting by letting participantsobtaining context from the tracking issue.

At the end of the meeting, record any ideas and decisions in the tracking issueand update the checklist to indicate that the kick-off meeting has happened.

4. RFC Document

The next step is to write the first revision of the RFC document itself.

Create a file under text/NNNN-name.md based off of the template under0000-template.md (where NNNN is your tracking issuenumber). Follow the template. It includes useful guidance and tips on how towrite a good RFC.

What should be included in an RFC? The purpose of an RFC is to reduceambiguity and risk and get approval for public-facing interfaces (APIs), whichare "one-way doors" after the feature is released. Another way to think about itis that the goal and contents of the document should allow us to create ahigh-confidence implementation plan for a feature or a change.

In many cases, it is useful to develop a prototype or even start coding theactual implementation while you are writing the RFC document. Take into accountthat you may need to throw your code away or refactor it substantially, but ourexperience shows that good RFCs are the ones who dive into the details. Aprototype is great way to make sure your design "holds water".

5. Feedback

Once you have an initial version of your RFC document (it is completely fine tosubmit an unfinished RFC to get initial feedback), submit it as a pull requestagainst this repo and start collecting feedback.

Contact the CDK core team at #aws-cdk-rfcs (or via email/Slack if you are partof the core team) and reach out to the public and Amazon internal communitiesvia various Slack channels in cdk.dev, Twitter and any otherrelevant forum.

This is the likely going to be the longest part of your RFC process, and wheremost of the feedback is collected. Some RFCs resolve quickly and some can takemonths (!!). Take into account at least 1-2 weeks to allow community andstakeholders to provide their feedback.

A few tips:

  • If you decide to resolve a comment without addressing it, take the time toexplain.
  • Try to understand where people are coming from. If a comment seems off, askfolks to elaborate and describe their use case or provide concrete examples.
  • Work with your API bar raiser: if there are disagreements, @mention them in acomment and ask them to provide their opinion.
  • Be patient: it sometimes takes time for an RFC to converge. Our experienceshows that some ideas need to "bake" and solutions oftentimes emerge via ahealthy debate. We've had RFCs that took months to resolve.
  • Not everything must be resolved in the first revision. It is okay to leavesome things to resolve later. Make sure to capture them clearly and have anagreement about that. We oftentimes update an RFC doc a few times during theimplementation.

6. API Sign-off

Before you can merge your RFC, you will need the API Bar Raiser to sign-off onthe public API of your feature. This is will normally be described under theWorking Backwards section of your RFC.

To sign-off, the API bar raiser will add the api-approved label to the RFCpull request.

Once the API was signed-off, update your RFC document and add a [x] therelevant location in the RFC document. For example:

[x] Signed-off by API Bar Raiser @foobar

7. Final Comments Period

At some point, you've reached consensus about most issues that were brought upduring the review period, and you are ready to merge. To allow "last call" onfeedback, the author can announce that the RFC enters "final comments period",which means that within a ~week, if no major concerns are raised, the RFC willbe approved and merged.

Add a comment on the RFC pull request, tracking issue (and possibly slack/emailif relevant) that the RFC entered this stage so that all relevant stakeholderswill be notified.

Once the final comments period is over, seek an approval of one of the core teammembers, and you can merge your PR to the main branch. This will move your RFCto the "approved" state.

8. Implementation

For large changes, we highly recommend creating an implementation plan whichlists all the tasks required. In many cases, large implementation should bebroken down and released via multiple iterations. Devising a concrete plan tobreak down the break can be very helpful.

The implementation plan should be submitted through a PR that adds an addendumto the RFC document and seeks the approval of any relevant stakeholders.

Throughout this process, update the tracking issue:

  • Add the alias of the "implementation lead"
  • Execution plan submitted (label: status/planning)
  • Plan approved and merged (label: status/implementing)
  • Implementation complete (label: status/done)

State Diagram

The following state diagram describes the RFC process:

  1. Proposed - A tracking issue has been created with a basic outline of theproposal.
  2. Review - An RFC document has been written with a detailed design and a PR isunder review. At this point the PR will be assigned a shepherd from the coreteam.
  3. Final Comment Period - The shepherd has approved the RFC PR, and announcesthat the RFC enters a period for final comments before it will be approved (~1wk).At this stage, if major issues are raised, the RFC may return to Review.
  4. Approved - The RFC PR is approved and merged to master, and the RFC is nowready to be implemented.
  5. Planning - A PR is created with the Implementation Plan section of the RFC.
  6. Implementing - Implemetation plan is approved and merged and the RFC is activelybeing implemented.
  7. Done - Implementation is complete and merged across appropriaterepositories.
  8. Rejected - During the review period, the RFC may be rejected and then it willbe marked as such.

AWS CDK's RFC process owes its inspiration to the Yarn RFC process, RustRFC process, React RFC process, and Ember RFC process

  • 我有一个Powershell Lambda,我希望通过AWS CDK部署它,但在运行时遇到问题。 通过手动发布AWSPowerShellLambda部署Powershell可以: 但是,与CDK一起部署的同一脚本不会记录到CloudWatch日志,即使它具有以下权限: powershell脚本当前仅包含以下行,在CLI上由Publish AWSPowerShellLambda部署时可以工作: 注意

  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software developmentframework to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it through AWS CloudFor

  • 我正在尝试遵循官方教程:https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/latest/guide/gett_started.html 关于发生了什么或者如何调试这个问题有什么线索吗? 我使用的是带有以下CLI版本的Mac OS X 10.15.6:

  • 我有一个AWS架构,其中我介绍了一个配置数据库,多个Lambdas将依赖于此。 配置数据库通过CDK填充:通过创建S3 bucket,将数据上传到S3 bucket,S3 bucket反过来通知将填充数据库的Lambda。 我有其他Lambda依赖于正在填充的数据库,其中一个Lambda位于cron上,最初由CDK通过自定义资源调用,因此计时非常关键。 目前,所有AWS资源都是通过单个堆栈部署的,

  • 我是AWS世界的新手。我正在做一个项目,建立一个服务器少的应用程序,作为其中的一部分,我已经创建了4 lambda,工作正常。 接下来,我尝试使用CDK创建一个部署管线;下面是我想做的。 > 从同一个图像创建4个不同的lambda,只需覆盖docker图像中的CMD,并提及lambda处理程序 我在本地安装了CDK,并能够创建堆栈,一切正常。 下面是我的代码片段 --创建docker映像 --从d

  • 我浏览了https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/latest/python/aws_cdk.aws_elasticache.html。 如何使用AWS-CDK创建Elasticache Redis模板。如果您共享示例代码会更有帮助。