Alexa Deployment Pipeline - Construct which creates a CodePipeline to deploy Alexa Skills to Lambda and to the Developer console using AWS SAM and DeployToAlexa action.
cdk-developer-tools-notifications - Slack / Microsoft Teams / Email notifications for developer tools: CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline.
aws-pdf-textract-pipeline - ETL pipeline for crawling PDFs from the Web using Puppeteer and transforming their contents into structured data using AWS Textract and storing the results in DynamoDB.
Multi-accounts setup
aws-bootstrap-kit - Creates a multi-account set-up with AWS Organization, AWS SSO, DNS, and AWS CodePipeline.
High-Level Frameworks
punchcard - TypeScript framework to unify infrastructure and runtime code for the CDK, so you can declare constructs and implement runtime logic within the context of one Node.js application.
aws-cdk-pure - A toolkit to develop purely functional and high-order cloud components with AWS CDK.
Orkestra - An event-driven alternative to Airflow built on the AWS CDK and Step Functions.
SST - An open source framework for building serverless applications with CDK. It features a Live Lambda Development environment, to test and debug Lambda functions locally without having to redeploy them.
Datajob - Build and deploy a serverless data pipeline or machine learning pipeline on AWS with no effort.
GitHub Changelog Crawler - A fully fledged CDK app written by Nathan Peck which uses Fargate, API Gateway, Lambda, CloudFront, S3, ElastiCache, and Dynamodb.
ECS with CI/CD - Demo of deploying ECS application using CDK.
Awesome Awesome Node.js A curated list of awesome lists that are about or related to Node.js. Inspired by the awesome list thing, going deeper down the rabbit hole. �� Meta stuff about this awesome li
A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js This awesome list is for Vite 2.x and onward. Vite 1.x's list is archived. Resources Official Resources 文档 GitHub Repo Release Notes Vue 3 Docs Awes
The Lithe Project Development Team Awesome CryptoNote A curated list of awesome CryptoNote open-source blockchains, resources, projects, and shiny other things related.Many projects are derived from f