Learn the craft of "DevOps" (Developer Operations)to easily/reliably deploy your App and keep it Up!
You should learn more "advanced" DevOps if:
"DevOps integrates developers and operations teamsin order to improve collaboration and productivityby automating infrastructure, automating workflowsand continuously measuring application performance."from: "What is DevOps?" by RackSpace
Everyone that wants to seriously consider/call themselfa "Full Stack" Developer must know how to deploy,secure and monitor their app on their chosen infrastructure.
Over the years we @dwyl have deployed/managed Apps,both our own and those of our clients,on a wide variety of infrastructure and platform providers.
Most of our Apps have been deployed to Amazon Web Services ("AWS")e.g: https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk
We have several clients who use (and love) Heroku e.g:https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org
For the National Health Service (NHS) in England,(who have a major contract with Microsoft) we deployedhttps://www.healthlocker.uk to Azure.
We have clients who still own their own "Bare Metal" Servers.
We have produced a guide for each of our most-usedinfrastructure/platform providers:
If you would like to see a guide for a different service provider,please open an issue with your suggestion(s):https://github.com/dwyl/learn-devops/issues
Deployment is what you do with your app once you havebuilt, tested and documented it.
If you are unfamiliar with Test-Driven Development (TDD),please see: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-tdd
Next you should be proficient with Continuous Integration.For that we recommend using Travis-CI, see:https://github.com/dwyl/learn-travis
While this tutorial has focussed on using Linode,we @dwyl have experience of using several infrastructure providers:
if you have a question specific to using Linode or one of the other"cloud" providers, pleaseopen an issueand we will attempt to help!
如果是时候学习 DevOps 了,这里是开始的地方 If it’s time to learn DevOps, here’s where to begin 如果是时候学习 DevOps 了,这里是开始的地方 如果你是 DevOps 团队的新成员,那么您的职业生涯迈出了一大步,但是你可能还有很多东西需要学习。要真正学习 DevOps,需要弄清楚一些技术和流程,需要理解一些阶段,还需要采用一种全新的思
IT 行业是一个变化非常快的行业,它需要我们持续去学习新的知识和技能。 但是,工作以后,我们经常会发现自己学习的东西很少了,倒不是没有时间去学习,而是学习的效率太低了。久而久之,就演变成『一年的工作经验,重复用十年』。 当然,有些人会说自己经常加班,没有时间学习,这只是表象,时间挤挤总是有的。你想想你为了上王者,浪费了多少时间?为了刷今日头条,又消磨了多少光阴? 另外,很多人推崇碎片化学习,但是有
https://www.quora.com/What-is-DevOps https://neoteric.eu/blog/devops-a-culture-of-getting-things-done/?utm_source=quora_cs&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=www.quora.com%2FWhat-is-DevOps&utm_campaign=b
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