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Learn Vim (the Smart Way)

What's This?

Learn Vim (the Smart Way) is a guide to learn the good parts of Vim.

There are many places to learn Vim: the vimtutor is a great place to start and the help manual has all the references you will ever need. However, the average user needs something more than vimtutor and less than the help manual. This guide attempts to bridge that gap by highlighting only the key features to learn the most useful parts of Vim in the least time possible.

This guide is written for both beginner and advanced Vimmers. It starts out with broad and simple concepts and ends with specific and advanced concepts. If you're an advanced user already, I would encourage you to read this guide from start to finish anyway, because you will learn something new!

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This guide is and will always be free.

If you want to financially support this project, you can purchase this guide on Leanpub.

Table Of Contents


Part 1: Learn Vim the Smart Way

Part 2: Customize Vim the Smart Way

Part 3: Learn Vimscript the Smart Way


License & Copyright

The materials here are all © 2020-2021 Igor Irianto.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

  • 【learn-Vim】01 了解和学习Vim 前言 chapter 0 作为一个新手需要知道的 chapter 1 开始学习Vim 前言 首先说一下为什么要学习vim,vim作为一个原始的编辑器,有着类似于五笔输入法的特性,功能强大但难于上手。为了成为一个更强大的码农,为了提升效率,应对更简单的场景–控制台,有必要克服这些困难,熟练运用Vim。 这里主要参考的学习资料来源于下面的网址,借助搜索引擎

  • https://github.com/spf13/spf13-vim   README.markdown spf13-vim : Steve Francia's Vim Distribution                 __ _ _____              _      ___ _ __  / _/ |___ /      __   __(_)_ __ ___     / __|

  • 英文文章来源:Learn Vim Progressively 中文翻译来源:简明 Vim 练级攻略   四个步骤学习vim: 1.存活 2.感觉良好 3.觉得更好,更强,更快 4.使用VIM的超能力   1.存活 当你安装好一个编辑器后,你一定会想在其中输入点什么东西,然后看看这个编辑器是什么样子。但vim不是这样的,请按照下面的命令操作: 启 动Vim后,vim在 Normal 模式下。 让我们

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