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Run OpenShift 3.x locally
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 商华藏
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Welcome to Minishift!

Minishift is a tool that helps you run OpenShift locally by running asingle-node OpenShift cluster inside a VM. You can try out OpenShift ordevelop with it, day-to-day, on your local host.


Minishift runs OpenShift 3.x clusters. Due to different installation methods, OpenShift 4.x clusters are not supported. To run OpenShift 4.x locally, use CodeReady Containers.

Minishift uses libmachine forprovisioning VMs, and OpenShift Origin for running the cluster. The code base is forked from the Minikube project.

Getting started

To download the latest binary and review release notes, seethe Minishift releases page.

Minishift requires a hypervisor to start the virtual machine on which the OpenShift clusteris provisioned. Make sure that the hypervisor of your choice is installed and enabled onyour system before you start Minishift.

For detailed installation instructions for Minishift and the required dependencies, seethe Getting started documentation.


Minishift documentation is published as a part of theOpenShift Origin documentation library.Check out the latest official Minishift documentation for information about getting started,using, and contributing to Minishift:

In addition, you can review the release notes and project roadmap here on GitHub:


Contributions, questions, and comments are all welcomed and encouraged!

You can reach the Minishift community by:

For information about contributing, building, and releasing Minishift, as well as guidelines forwriting documentation, see the Contributing to Minishift topics.

If you want to contribute, make sure to follow the contribution guidelineswhen you open issues or submit pull requests.

  • 欢迎使用Openshift - Minishift OpenShift 是由红帽公司推出的 PaaS 云计算平台,供用户创建网络应用(App、网站)。 Openshift 当前共提供四种产品:OpenShift Online、OpenShift Enterprise、Openshift Dedicated 和 OpenShift Origin。 其中,OpenShift Online 是面向普通开

  • 虚拟化支持: OS X: xhyve (default), VirtualBox, VMware Fusion GNU/Linux: KVM (default), VirtualBox Windows: Hyper-V (default), VirtualBox 本文所述过程全部在MacOS X环境下完成 启动 命令行和参数 $ minishift start --vm-driver=virtua

  • 安装minishift的kvm driver 使用以下命令安装minishift的kvm driver。 curl -L https://github.com/dhiltgen/docker-machine-kvm/releases/download/v0.7.0/docker-machine-driver-kvm -o /usr/local/bin/docker-machine-driver-k

  • awx文件 红帽的Ansible Tower产品的上游版本是AWX 。 这是一个容器化的解决方案,这意味着您需要一个容器协调器来运行和维护它。 巧妙的本地安装选项是Minishift ,它运行OKD ,这是Red Hat的Minikube版本,这使得在本地运行Kubernetes更加容易。 如果您已经在使用Minishift ... 首先,为确保一切顺利,请删除所有旧的Minishift实例。



