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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 谷梁博易
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

CRI-O logo

CRI-O - OCI-based implementation of Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface

FOSSA Status

Compatibility matrix: CRI-O ⬄ Kubernetes

CRI-O follows the Kubernetes release cycles with respect to its minor versions(1.x.0). Patch releases (1.x.y) for CRI-O are not in sync with those fromKubernetes, because those are scheduled for each month, whereas CRI-O providesthem only if necessary. If a Kubernetes release goes End ofLife,then the corresponding CRI-O version can be considered in the same way.

This means that CRI-O also follows the Kubernetes n-2 release version skewpolicy when it comes to feature graduation, deprecation or removal. This alsoapplies to features which are independent from Kubernetes.

For more information visit the Kubernetes versioningdocumentation.

Version - Branch Kubernetes branch/version Maintenance status
CRI-O HEAD - main Kubernetes master branch
CRI-O 1.21.x - release-1.21 Kubernetes 1.21 branch, v1.21.x =
CRI-O 1.20.x - release-1.20 Kubernetes 1.20 branch, v1.20.x =
CRI-O 1.19.x - release-1.19 Kubernetes 1.19 branch, v1.19.x =
CRI-O 1.18.x - release-1.18 Kubernetes 1.18 branch, v1.18.x =


  • Changes in main Kubernetes repo about CRI are actively implemented in CRI-O
  • = Maintenance is manual, only bugs will be patched.

The release notes for CRI-O are hand-crafted and can be continuously retrievedfrom our GitHub pages website.

What is the scope of this project?

CRI-O is meant to provide an integration path between OCI conformant runtimes and the kubelet.Specifically, it implements the Kubelet Container Runtime Interface (CRI) using OCI conformant runtimes.The scope of CRI-O is tied to the scope of the CRI.

At a high level, we expect the scope of CRI-O to be restricted to the following functionalities:

  • Support multiple image formats including the existing Docker image format
  • Support for multiple means to download images including trust & image verification
  • Container image management (managing image layers, overlay filesystems, etc)
  • Container process lifecycle management
  • Monitoring and logging required to satisfy the CRI
  • Resource isolation as required by the CRI

What is not in scope for this project?

  • Building, signing and pushing images to various image storages
  • A CLI utility for interacting with CRI-O. Any CLIs built as part of this project are only meant for testing this project and there will be no guarantees on the backward compatibility with it.

This is an implementation of the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface (CRI) that will allow Kubernetes to directly launch and manage Open Container Initiative (OCI) containers.

The plan is to use OCI projects and best of breed libraries for different aspects:

It is currently in active development in the Kubernetes community through the design proposal. Questions and issues should be raised in the Kubernetes sig-node Slack channel.


Command Description
crio(8) OCI Kubernetes Container Runtime daemon

Note that kpod and its container management and debugging commands have moved to a separate repository, located here.


File Description
crio.conf(5) CRI-O Configuration file
policy.json(5) Signature Verification Policy File(s)
registries.conf(5) Registries Configuration file
storage.conf(5) Storage Configuration file

OCI Hooks Support

You can configure CRI-O to inject OCI Hooks when creating containers.

CRI-O Usage Transfer

We provide useful information for operations and development transfer as it relates to infrastructure that utilizes CRI-O.


For async communication and long running discussions please use issues and pull requests on the github repo. This will be the best place to discuss design and implementation.

For chat communication we have a channel on the Kubernetes slack that everyone is welcome to join and chat about development.

Awesome CRI-O

We maintain a curated list of links related to CRI-O. Did you findsomething interesting on the web about the project? Awesome, feel free to openup a PR and add it to the list.

Getting started

Installing CRI-O

To install CRI-O, you can follow our installation guide.Alternatively, if you'd rather build CRI-O from source, checkout our setupguide.We also provide a way in building static binaries of CRI-O via nix.Those binaries are available for every successfully built commit on our Google Cloud Storage Bucket.This means that the latest commit can be installed via our convinience script:

> curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cri-o/cri-o/main/scripts/get | bash

Beside amd64 we also support the arm64 bit architecture. This can beselected via the script, too:

> curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cri-o/cri-o/main/scripts/get | bash -s -- -a arm64

It is also possible to select a specific git SHA or tag by:

> curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cri-o/cri-o/main/scripts/get | bash -s -- -t v1.21.0

The above script resolves to the download URL of the static binary bundletarball matching the format:


where $ARCH can be amd64 or arm64 and $REV can be any git SHA or tag.Please be aware that using the latest master SHA might cause a race, becausethe CI has not finished publishing the artifacts yet or failed.

Running kubernetes with CRI-O

Before you begin, you'll need to start CRI-O

You can run a local version of Kubernetes with CRI-O using local-up-cluster.sh:

  1. Clone the Kubernetes repository
  2. From the Kubernetes project directory, run:
CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT='unix:///var/run/crio/crio.sock' \

For more guidance in running CRI-O, visit our tutorial page

The HTTP status API

CRI-O exposes per default the gRPC API to fulfill theContainer Runtime Interface (CRI) of Kubernetes. Besides this, there exists anadditional HTTP API to retrieve further runtime status information about CRI-O.Please be aware that this API is not considered to be stable and productionuse-cases should not rely on it.

On a running CRI-O instance, we can access the API via an HTTP transfer tool likecurl:

$ sudo curl -v --unix-socket /var/run/crio/crio.sock http://localhost/info | jq
  "storage_driver": "btrfs",
  "storage_root": "/var/lib/containers/storage",
  "cgroup_driver": "systemd",
  "default_id_mappings": { ... }

The following API entry points are currently supported:

Path Content-Type Description
/info application/json General information about the runtime, like storage_driver and storage_root.
/containers/:id application/json Dedicated container information, like name, pid and image.
/config application/toml The complete TOML configuration (defaults to /etc/crio/crio.conf) used by CRI-O.

The tool crio-status can be used to access the API with a dedicated commandline tool. It supports all API endpoints via the dedicated subcommands config,info and containers, for example:

$ sudo go run cmd/crio-status/main.go info
cgroup driver: systemd
storage driver: btrfs
storage root: /var/lib/containers/storage
default GID mappings (format <container>:<host>:<size>):
default UID mappings (format <container>:<host>:<size>):


Please refer to the CRI-O Metrics guide.

Container Runtime Interface special cases

Some aspects of the Container Runtime are worth some additional explanation.These details are summarized in a dedicated guide.

Debugging tips

Having an issue? There are some tips and tricks for debugging located in our debugging guide


An incomplete list of adopters of CRI-O in production environments can be found here.If you're a user, please help us complete it by submitting a pull-request!

Weekly Meeting

A weekly meeting is held to discuss CRI-O development. It is open to everyone.The details to join the meeting are on the wiki.

License Scan

FOSSA Status

  • 前言:本文是k8s搭建系列的第三篇,其它三篇分别为 1.Centos7.9 + haproxy + keepalived + docker + flannel + kubeadm +1.23.6 https://blog.csdn.net/lic95/article/details/124903648?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501 2.AlmaLinux + haproxy +

  • 目录、参考文献 CRI-O 是一个基于开放容器计划(Open Container Initiative (OCI))的 Kubernetes 容器运行时接口(Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface (CRI)) 本文的环境为 Linux 操作系统 1 安装 CRI-O 的打包版本 CRI-O 用 openSUSE 的 OBS 为本地包管理器构建 1.1 支持的

  • crio --help [root@k8s-master 7]# crio --help WARN[0000] Failed to decode the keys ["secret" "secret.opts"] from "/usr/share/containers/containers.conf". NAME: crio - OCI-based implementation of Kub

  • 参考:容器运行时 笔记 / CRI-O / CRI-O 安装说明 CRI-O 是一个基于开放容器计划(Open Container Initiative (OCI))的 Kubernetes 容器运行时接口(Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface (CRI)) 本文的环境为 Linux 操作系统 1 安装 CRI-O 的打包版本 CRI-O 用 openSUS

  • 在容器实践线路图中介绍了容器技术选型,关于容器运行时,提到了CRI规范与CRI-O实现,使用CRI-O可以在运行时完全替代docker。CRI-O提供了crictl工具,类似docker client,可以pull镜像、ps容器进程、attach到容器进程内等等,除了build与tag/push镜像没提供之外,其他都有了。至于为何不提供镜像build/tag/push操作,官方解释是crictl不

  • 公众号:MCNU云原生,欢迎微信搜索关注,更多干货,及时掌握。 Docker、containerd、CRI、CRI-O、OCI、runc都是容器相关的技术或规范,很多人容易搞混了,今天我们来捋一捋它们之间的关系。 Docker:Docker 是一个开源的容器化平台,可以创建、部署和运行容器应用程序。Docker 使用了自己的容器格式(Docker Image)和运行时(Docker Engine)

  • 自 Docker 开启了使用容器的爆发式增长,有越来越多的工具和标准来帮助管理和使用这项容器化技术,与此同时也造成了有很多术语让人感到困惑。 比如 Docker, containerd, CRI, CRI-O, OCI, runc,本篇将介绍这些你听过但并不了解的术语,并解释容器生态系统是如何在一起工作的。 容器生态系统 容器生态系统是由许多令人兴奋的技术、大量的专业术语和大公司相互争斗组成的。

  • 在Ubuntu 20.04上快速部署K8S 1.23(CRI-O) K8S 节点 k8snode01 服务器配置 加载所需的内核模块 # cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/k8s.conf overlay br_netfilter EOF # modprobe overlay # modprobe br_netfilter

  • 一、吐槽前言: 1.最开始安装部署cri-o时,就想到的是通过yum的方式来进行部署,但是安装官方推荐的yum源配置后,根本就不能够安装成功,后面某个机缘下,看到同事就是通过yum源的方式安装部署,查看的它的步骤,突然发现在配置官方yum源的时候,少配置了两个变量,就导致配置的yum源不能够生效,所以在次编写此文章做记录分享(这方面的资料实在是太少了,都是坑) 2. 官方安装说明方法链接 http

  • 前言:本文是k8s搭建系列的第四篇,前三篇分别为 1.Centos7.9 + haproxy + keepalived + docker + flannel + kubeadm +1.23.6 https://blog.csdn.net/lic95/article/details/124903648?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501 2.AlmaLinux + haproxy + k

  • 1. 环境 系统:CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core) Kubernetes: 1.25.4 Cri-o: 1.25 2. 安装 crio 根据官方文档: curl -L -o /etc/yum.repos.d/devel:kubic:libcontainers:stable.repo https://download.opensuse.org/reposito

  • CentOS7安装cri-o VERSION=1.20 OS=CentOS_7 sudo curl -L -o /etc/yum.repos.d/devel:kubic:libcontainers:stable.repo https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/kubic:/libcontainers:/stable/$OS/devel:

  • CRI中定义了容器和镜像的服务的接口,因为容器运行时与镜像的生命周期是彼此隔离的,因此需要定义两个服务。该接口使用Protocol Buffer,基于gRPC,在Kubernetes v1.10+版本中是在pkg/kubelet/apis/cri/runtime/v1alpha2的api.proto中定义的。 CRI架构 Container Runtime实现了CRI gRPC Server,包括

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