Online resources that will help you prepare for taking the Kubernetes Certified Administrator Certification exam.
Disclaimer: This is not likely a comprehensive list as the exam will be a moving target with the fast pace of k8s development - please make a pull request if there something wrong, should be added, or updated.
I tried to restrict the cross references of resources to Youtube videos and other blog resources are optional; however, I still found them useful in my k8s learning journey.
Ensure you have the right version of Kubernetes documentation selected (e.g. v1.21 as of June 2021 exam) especially for API objects and annotations.
LDR: practice practice practice
These are the exam objectives you review and understand in order to pass the test.
Provision underlying infrastructure to deploy Kubernetes cluster
Peform a version upgrade on Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm
#etcd backup and restore brief
export ETCDCTL_API=3 # needed to specify etcd api versions, not sure if it is needed anylonger with k8s 1.19+
etcdctl snapshot save -h #find save options
etcdctl snapshot restore -h #find restore options
## possible example of save, options will change depending on cluster context, as TLS is used need to give ca,crt, and key paths
etcdctl snapshot save /backup/snapshot.db --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key -- cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt
# evicting pods/nodes and bringing back node back to cluster
kubectl drain <node># to drain a node
kubectl uncordon <node> # to return a node after updates back to the cluster from unscheduled state to Ready
kubectl cordon <node> # to not schedule new pods on a node
#backup/restore the cluster (e.g. the state of the cluster in etcd)
# upgrade kubernetes worker node
kubectl drain <node>
apt-get upgrade -y kubeadm=<k8s-version-to-upgrade>
apt-get upgrade -y kubelet=<k8s-version-to-upgrade>
kubeadm upgrade node config --kubelet-version <k8s-version-to-upgrade>
systemctl restart kubelet
kubectl uncordon <node>
#kubeadm upgrade steps
kubeadm upgrade plan
kubeadm upgrade apply
Understand host networking configuration on the cluster nodes
Understand connectivity between Pods
Understand ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer service types and endpoints
Know how to use Ingress controllers and Ingress resources
#### Storage Class example
#### Persistent Volume Claim example
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: local-pvc
- ReadWriteOnce
storageClassName: local-storage-sc
storage: 100Mi
## Persistent Volume example
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: local-pv
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 200Mi
path: /data/pv/disk021
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
storageClassName: local-storage-sc
volumeMode: Filesystem
### Pod using the pvc
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
name: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx
- name: local-persistent-storage
mountPath: /var/www/html
- name: local-persistent-storage
claimName: local-pvc
practice practice practice
Get familiar with:
Familiarize yourself with the documentation, initially concepts and mostly tasks, kubectl explain command, kubectl cheatsheet, and kubectl commands reference
kubectl api-versions
and kubectl api-resources
wih grep
for a specific resoruce e.g. pv, pvc, deployment, storageclass, ..etc can help figure out the apiVersion, and kind combined with explain below will help in constructing the yaml manifest
kubectl explain --recurisve to construct out any yaml manifest you need and find its specd and details
When using kubectl for investigations and troubleshooting utilize the wide output it gives your more details
$kubectl get pods -o wide --show-labels --all-namespaces
$kubectl get pods -o wide --show-labels -A # -A is quicker than --all-namespaces
In kubectl
utilizie --all-namespaces or better -A
to ensure deployments, pods, objects are on the right name space, and right desired state
for events and troubleshooting utilize kubectl describe if its pod/resource related and logs if it is application issue related
$kubectl describe pods <PODID> # for pod, deployment, other k8s resource issues/events
$kubectl logs <PODID> # for container/application issues like crash loops
allows you to create a manifest template from an imperative spec, combined with --edit
it allows you to modify the object before creationkubectl create service clusterip my-svc -o yaml --dry-run=client > /tmp/srv.yaml
kubectl create --edit -f /tmp/srv.yaml
alias k='kubectl'
alias kg='kubectl get'
alias kgpo='kubectl get pod'
alias kcpyd='kubectl create pod -o yaml --dry-run=client'
alias ksysgpo='kubectl --namespace=kube-system get pod'
alias kd='kubectl delete'
alias kdf='kubectl delete -f'
## for quick deletes you can add --force --grace-period=0 **Not sure if it is a good idea if you are in a production cluster**
alias krmgf='kubectl delete --grace-period 0 --force'
alias kgsvcoyaml='kubectl get service -o=yaml'
alias kgsvcwn='watch kubectl get service --namespace'
alias kgsvcslwn='watch kubectl get service --show-labels --namespace'
#example usage of aliases
krmgf nginx-8jk71 # kill pod nginx-8jk71 using grace period 0 and force
k -n [Press Tab]
will suggest available namespaces). Example command to enable autocomplete is available at official kubectl Cheat Sheet page, you don't have to remember anything.source <(kubectl completion bash) # setup autocomplete in bash into the current shell, bash-completion package should be installed first.
echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc # add autocomplete permanently to your bash shell.
alias k=kubectl
complete -F __start_kubectl k
Double check if the course is uptodate with the latest exam information (e.g. api, or curicuilim)
1.kubectl api-versions查看kubectl的用户组。cat .kube/config查看配置信息,client-certificate-data可以看到用户的认证信息,client-key-data用户的密钥信息。 [root@master ~]# kubectl api-versions apiexte
Service Account Service Account概念的引入是基于这样的使用场景:运行在pod里的进程需要调用Kubernetes API以及非Kubernetes API的其它服务。Service Account它并不是给kubernetes集群的用户使用的,而是给pod里面的进程使用的,它为pod提供必要的身份认证。 kubectl get sa --all-namespaces
认证安全 任何用途操作集群的资源对象是,都要经历三种安全相关的操作: 任何用户来访问时, 都需要完成kubernetes系统认证操作 认证通过后, 进行授权检查 准入控制, 检查是否有权限操作其它的一些资源操作 认证方式: 令牌认证 SSL 秘钥认证, 也是最常用的方式. RBAC 全程:Role Base AccessControl 授权检查机制 客户端 --> API Server 传递的参数
kubernetes的Service Account Service account作用 Service account是为了方便Pod里面的进程调用Kubernetes API或其他外部服务。 Service account使用场景 运行在pod里的进程需要调用Kubernetes API以及非Kubernetes API的其它服务。Service Account它并不是给kubernetes集
ServiceAccount 每个namespace下有一个名为default的默认的ServiceAccount对象,这个ServiceAccount里有一个名为Tokens的可以作为Volume一样被Mount到Pod里的Secret,当Pod启动时这个Secret会被自动Mount到Pod的指定目录下,用来协助完成Pod中的进程访问API Server时的身份鉴权过程。 如果一个Pod在定义
背景:最近客户需要回收root权限,需要自己创建audio用户并设置为sudo权限 问题:项目都是用k8s部署的,创建了audio用户并设置了sudo权限之后,切换到audio用户下执行 kubectl get po报错: error: Error loading config file "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf": open /etc/kubernetes/admi
Kubernetes Names Kubernetes REST API中的所有对象都用Name和UID来明确地标识。 对于非唯一用户提供的属性,Kubernetes提供labels和annotations。 Name Name在一个对象中同一时间只能拥有单个Name,如果对象被删除,也可以使用相同Name创建新的对象,Name用于在资源引用URL中的对象,例如/api/v1/pods/some-
Kubernetes (通常称为 K8s) 是来自 Google 云平台的开源容器集群管理系统,用于自动部署、扩展和管理容器化(containerized)应用程序。该系统基于 Docker 构建一个容器的调度服务。 Kubernetes 可以自动在一个容器集群中选择一个工作容器供使用。其核心概念是 Container Pod。详细的设计思路请参考这里。 Kubernetes 由 Google 设
我正在使用Ansible、Docker、Jenkins和Kubernetes实现持续集成和持续部署。我已经使用Ansible和kubespray部署创建了一个具有1个主节点和2个工作节点的Kubernetes集群。我有30-40个微服务应用。我需要创建这么多的服务和部署。 我的困惑 当我使用Kubernetes包管理器Kubernetes Helm chart时,我需要在主节点上启动我的图表,还是
扩展应用 通过修改Deployment中副本的数量(replicas),可以动态扩展或收缩应用: 这些自动扩展的容器会自动加入到service中,而收缩回收的容器也会自动从service中删除。 $ kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/nginx-app $ kubectl get deploy NAME DESIRED CURRENT
体验Kubernetes最简单的方法是跑一个nginx容器,然后使用kubectl操作该容器。Kubernetes提供了一个类似于docker run的命令kubectl run,可以方便的创建一个容器(实际上创建的是一个由deployment来管理的Pod): $ kubectl run --image=nginx:alpine nginx-app --port=80
我试图在Kubernetes上运行Spark作为调度程序。 当使用从kubernetes集群外部运行时,它可以正常工作。 但是,每当我们尝试从pod中直接运行spark-shell或spark-submit时,它都不会起作用(即使使用从spark文档中执行rbac也不会起作用。我们有授权执行异常: io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.kubernetesclientExcep
部署单元 依赖方式 架构模式 微服务涉及的技术点 服务发现 服务目录 服务列表 配置中心 服务生命周期 变更,升级 服务依赖关系 链路跟踪 限流 降级 熔断 访问控制 为微服务而生的 Kubernetes Kubernetes 架构 Kubernetes Pod - Sidecar 模式 Kubernetes 支持微服务的一些特性 微服务集大成之 istio Kubernetes 架构 一个状态存