A set of exercises that helped me prepare for the Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam, offered by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, organized by curriculum domain. They may as well serve as learning and practicing with Kubernetes.
During the exam, you are allowed to keep only one other browser tab open to refer official documentation. Make a mental note of the breadcrumb at the start of the excercise section, to quickly locate the relevant document in kubernetes.io. It is recommended that you read official documents before attempting exercises below it.
Absolutely! Feel free to PR and edit/add questions and solutions, but please stick to the existing format.
If this repo has helped you in any way, feel free to post on discussions or buy me a coffee!
Using an alias for kubectl $ alias k=kubectl $ k version Setting the namespace per context $ kubectl config set-context <context-of-question> --namespace=<namespace-of-question> Deleting Kubernetes
作业 写一个npm模块,并发布到npmjs.org上 如何去写一个cli工具,并发布到npmjs.org上 作业实例 最近我在做iOS适配了有一个算法,比如我在ps里测量高度是200px(ps里的2x的),也就是说它的实际告诉是100px 2x的frame是320536 但是全能适配的视图的frame是400800 所以需要转换一下 比如我取到的值是200,我需要200%2 = 100px的实际像
Examine the following script. Run it, then explain what itdoes. Annotate the script and rewrite it in a more compact andelegant manner. 1 #!/bin/bash 2 3 MAX=10000 4 5 6 for((nr=1;
etec-aspnet-exercises Exercícios de ASP.NET do meu curso na ETEC Exercícios Todos os exercícios estão disponíveis no diretório exercises/.
ℹ️ This repo contains questions and exercises on various technical topics, sometimes related to DevOps and SRE :) �� There are currently 1726 questions �� To learn more about DevOps and SRE, check