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Event-driven scripting for Kubernetes
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 瞿和硕
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Brigade: Event-based Scripting for Kubernetes

FOSSA Status

Script simple and complex workflows using JavaScript. Chain together containers,running them in parallel or serially. Fire scripts based on times, GitHub events,Docker pushes, or any other trigger. Brigade is the tool for creating pipelinesfor Kubernetes.

  • JavaScript scripting
  • Project-based management
  • Configurable event hooks
  • Easy construction of pipelines
  • Check out the docs to get started.


Brigade 2.0 is currently under active development in thev2 branch of this repository.

We're excited to announce the first beta release for Brigade 2, v2.0.0-beta.1! See the README on the v2 branch to learn how to get started with Brigade 2.0.

The Brigade Technology Stack

  • Brigade ❤️ JavaScript: Writing Brigade pipelines is as easy as writing a few lines of JavaScript.
  • Brigade ❤️ Kubernetes: Brigade is Kubernetes-native. Your builds are translated intopods, secrets, and services
  • Brigade ❤️ Docker: No need for special plugins or elaborate extensions. Brigade usesoff-the-shelf Docker images to run your jobs. And Brigade also supports DockerHubwebhooks.
  • Brigade ❤️ GitHub: Brigade comes with built-in support for GitHub, DockerHub, andother popular web services. And it can be easily extended to support your ownservices.

The design introduction introduces Brigade concepts andarchitecture.


Check out the quickstart on the docs here.

Related Projects

Brigade ❤️ Developers

To get started head to the developer's guide

Brigade is well-tested on Minikube and Azure Kubernetes Service.


The Brigade project accepts contributions via GitHub pull requests. The Contributing document outlines the process to help get your contribution accepted.

Support & Feedback

We have a slack channel! Kubernetes/#brigade Feel free to join for any support questions or feedback, we are happy to help. To report an issue or to request a feature open an issue here


FOSSA Status

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