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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 昝晗昱
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Open Service Mesh (OSM)


Open Service Mesh (OSM) is a lightweight, extensible, Cloud Native service mesh that allows users to uniformly manage, secure, and get out-of-the-box observability features for highly dynamic microservice environments.

The OSM project builds on the ideas and implementations of many cloud native ecosystem projects including Linkerd, Istio, Consul, Envoy, Kuma, Helm, and the SMI specification.

Table of Contents


OSM runs an Envoy based control plane on Kubernetes, can be configured with SMI APIs, and works by injecting an Envoy proxy as a sidecar container next to each instance of your application. The proxy contains and executes rules around access control policies, implements routing configuration, and captures metrics. The control plane continually configures proxies to ensure policies and routing rules are up to date and ensures proxies are healthy.

Core Principles

  1. Simple to understand and contribute to
  2. Effortless to install, maintain, and operate
  3. Painless to troubleshoot
  4. Easy to configure via Service Mesh Interface (SMI)


Documentation pertaining to the usage of Open Service Mesh is made available at docs.openservicemesh.io.

Documentation pertaining to development, release workflows, and other repository specific documentation, can be found in the docs folder.


  1. Easily and transparently configure traffic shifting for deployments
  2. Secure service to service communication by enabling mTLS
  3. Define and execute fine grained access control policies for services
  4. Observability and insights into application metrics for debugging and monitoring services
  5. Integrate with external certificate management services/solutions with a pluggable interface
  6. Onboard applications onto the mesh by enabling automatic sidecar injection of Envoy proxy

Project status

OSM is under active development and is NOT ready for production workloads.


Please search open issues on GitHub, and if your issue isn't already represented please open a new one. The OSM project maintainers will respond to the best of their abilities.

SMI Specification support

Kind SMI Resource Supported Version Comments
TrafficTarget traffictargets.access.smi-spec.io v1alpha3
HTTPRouteGroup httproutegroups.specs.smi-spec.io v1alpha4
TCPRoute tcproutes.specs.smi-spec.io v1alpha4
UDPRoute udproutes.specs.smi-spec.io not supported
TrafficSplit trafficsplits.split.smi-spec.io v1alpha2
TrafficMetrics *.metrics.smi-spec.io v1alpha1 �� In Progress #379 ��

OSM Design

Read more about OSM's high level goals, design, and architecture.



  • Kubernetes cluster running Kubernetes v1.19.0 or greater
  • kubectl current context is configured for the target cluster install
    • kubectl config current-context

Get the OSM CLI

The simplest way of installing Open Service Mesh on a Kubernetes cluster is by using the osm CLI.

Download the osm binary from the Releases page. Unpack the osm binary and add it to $PATH to get started.

sudo mv ./osm /usr/local/bin/osm

Install OSM

$ osm install

See the installation guide for more detailed options.


The OSM Bookstore demo is a step-by-step walkthrough of how to install a bookbuyer and bookstore apps, and configure connectivity between these using SMI.

Using OSM

After installing OSM, onboard a microservice application to the service mesh.

OSM Usage Patterns

  1. Traffic Management
  2. Observability
  3. Certificates
  4. Sidecar Injection


Connect with the Open Service Mesh community:

Development Guide

If you would like to contribute to OSM, check out the development guide.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the CNCF Code of Conduct. See CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md for further details.


This software is covered under the Apache 2.0 license. You can read the license here.

  • ** OSM文件如何打开 ** 1.https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Download#Ubuntu 该网站可在Ubutun系统中安装软件查看OSM文件 第一步 sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list 第二步 添加下面的东西 deb https://josm.openstreetmap.de/apt hirsute univers

  • OpenDrive和OSM是两个不同的地图项目,具有一些不同之处。 OpenDrive是一个用于自动驾驶车辆的高精度地图规范,旨在提供车道级别的详细信息。它提供了车道线、道路边界、交通标志等信息,这些信息对于自动驾驶车辆非常重要。OpenDrive由汽车制造商和供应商开发,用于自动驾驶车辆的测试和部署。 另一方面,OSM是一个由社区驱动的免费开源地图项目,旨在为公众提供免费的地图数据。任何人都可以

  • https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Planet.osm OSM所有下载地址

  •              OSM数据下载地址     osm数据下载地址: 1.     Osm数据   http://downloads.cloudmade.com/ 2.      Osm数据 http://download.geofabrik.de/openstreetmap/  

  • https://blog.csdn.net/ChineseBread/article/details/105610963

  •   osm 数据格式(openstreet map)与Route --by wangsh 一.            简介 Opentreetmap项目的异军突起,带动了osm格式解析和基于其应用研究的热潮,已经有许多项目得到了推广和应用,在业界产生了巨大的影响。本文简单介绍osm数据格式与route相关项目。   二.            说明 Osmand是基于adroid系统的osm数据格

  • 通过over-pass-turbo从osm中提取路网数据 [out:xml][timeout:25]; // fetch area “Beijing” to search in {{geocodeArea:Beijing}}->.searchArea; // gather results ( way["highway"="motorway"](area.searchArea); way["

  • 我在我的项目中使用OsmDroid。我导入的项目使用: 现在我想使用osmbonuspack,但是我找不到这个库的编译名。如何导入osmbonuspack?用罐子?

  • 我已经创建了osmdroid地图视图,在上面我可以显示自定义WMS,这很有效。接下来,我需要在地图上以GeoJSON格式从定制服务获得的两点之间绘制路线。GeoJSON如下所示:http://pastebin.com/GJWYNkAq 通过OkHttp客户端调用服务: 我使用以下方法用于此Osmbonuspack库: 当我运行应用程序,启动后崩溃与此错误: 03-09 13:01:51.521 3

  • 我已经在osmdroid和osm奖金包(惊人的LIB!)上混了一段时间了,我一直在思考离线路由和逐圈导航的想法,现在,我还没有尝试过任何东西,但在组合中加入graphhopper听起来很有希望: 官方维基指南如下: 下载原始地图文件(.osm、.osm.pbf等) 跑/格拉普霍珀。sh导入映射文件 现在,这是为MapsForge设计的,我还没有机会检查结果。ghz文件,包含地图的路由数据,但是我的

  • 我正试图使用osmdroid将一些靠近我的位置,但我收到以下: JAVAlang.IllegalArgumentException:south必须位于org的[-85.05112877980658,85.05112877980658]中。osmdroid。util。边界框。set(BoundingBox.java:69)。 我确信坐标不会有任何点靠近我的位置 这就是我实现逻辑的方法 我收到以下错误

  • 问题内容: 在使用osmnx导入道路时,有什么方法可以为基础结构类型指定多个子类别。从这个问题中我了解到,通过指定,我们只能选择高速公路。我们如何扩展它以包括多个类别,例如 我尝试了以下操作,但未成功: 这将是很好有更好的滤波,如 highway=primary or highway=primary_link 问题答案: 将管道|用作立交or操作符,例如:

  • 问题内容: 我知道可以通过OSMNX python软件包提取城市的道路网。请参阅https://geoffboeing.com/2016/11/osmnx- python-street-networks/上的 详细信息。 但是,比方说,我不希望这么高的细节水平,而只想要整个国家的大型高速公路。我正在寻找类似的东西: 我猜它可能来自“基础设施”论点,但是作为一个新手,我真的不知道如何精确地使用它。

  • 在OSMnx中,街道的定向是为了保持单向性,因此,当我尝试使用Networkx查找最短路径时,我得到NetworkXNoPath:No path to(osmid)。如何解决此问题?我需要在具有单向街道的网络中找到最短路径。 见下面的代码:

  • 尝试安装 pip安装OSMnx 出错 异常:Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次):文件"C:\用户\liuzi\AppData\本地\程序\Python\Python36-32\lib\site-包\pip\compat__init__. py",第73行,console_to_str返回s.decode(sys.stdout.encoding)UnicodeDecodeError:'utf