AutoSpotting - A tool implementing an automated bidding algorithm against the Amazon AWS EC2 spot market -- Golang
awacs (Amazon Web Access Control Subsystem) - Allows for easier creation of AWS Access Policy Language JSON by writing Python code to describe the AWS policies -- Python pip
aws-runas - A friendly way to do AWS STS AssumeRole operations so you can perform AWS API actions using a particular set of permissions -- Golang
aws-gate - Connect to instances by other means (e.g. DNS, IP, tag, instance name, autoscaling group) -- Python pip
AWSConsoleRecorder - Records actions made in the AWS Management Console and outputs the equivalent CLI/SDK commands and CloudFormation/Terraform templates -- ChromeJavaScript
awslogs - AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans, for easier parsing and readability and searching -- Python pip
AWSSupport-SetupIPMonitoringFromVPC - SSM Automation document that launches a Monitor Instance in the specified subnet. The Monitor Instance pushes subnet network telemetry data to CloudWatch Logs -- article
AWS Amplify - Front end JS suite that provides a templated foundation for cloud-centric apps including authn, analytics, API, push notifications, Graph QL, and more -- JavaScript
AWS Lambda Power Tuning - A state machine powered by AWS Step Functions that helps you optimize your Lambda functions for cost and/or performance in a data-driven way -- JavaScript
AWS Quick Start - Automated gold-standard deployments on AWS, by AWS -- various lang
AWS SAM Local - CLI tool for local development and testing of Lambda applications -- Golang
AWS Samples - Over 2k code samples for all AWS services -- collection
AWS Secrets Manager and Configuration Provider (ASCP) - Plugin for the industry-standard Kubernetes Secrets Store Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver used for providing secrets to applications operating on EKS -- Golang
Azure Service Operator - Helps you provision Azure resources and connect your applications to them from within Kubernetes and kubectl -- Golang
Azure StigRepo - Automate and customize configurations that are compliant with Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) owned and released by the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) -- PowerShell
Azure VM Comparison - Find and compare Azure Virtual Machines specs and pricing on one page across different tiers, payment types, and regions -- in-browser
CloudMapper - Generates network diagrams of Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments and displays them via your browser, by Duo Security -- Python
Cloudockit - Automatically generates diagrams and technical documentation, visualize and document your cloud and on-premises environments, in just a few clicks -- not free but very good
CloudSploit - Scans for risks, multi-cloud -- various lang
CloudTracker - Find over-privileged IAM users and roles by comparing CloudTrail logs with current IAM policies. -- Python
ClusterCloner - Reads the Kubernetes clusters in one location (optionally filtering by labels) and clones them into another (or just outputs JSON as a dry run), to/from AWS, GCP, and Azure -- Golang
credstash - Secrets management using AWS KMS -- Python pip
CrowdStrike Reporting Tool for Azure (CRT) - Quickly and easily review excessive permissions in their Azure AD environments to help determine configuration weaknesses and provide advice to mitigate this risk -- PowerShell
Disposible Cloud Environment (DCE) - Temporary, limited Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts. Accounts can be “leased” for a period of time or up to a pre-determined budget amount. When the period of time is reached or the maximum budgeted amount is exceeded, the lease is expired -- Golang
ec2-price-check - Gives a quick price check for an instance type -- shell - Open source and up to date instance price comparison tool -- Python - ec2 price checker, supports curl -- various lang
eksctl - CLI tool for creating and managing clusters on AWS EKS -- Golang
EKS Boilerplate - IaC boilerplate in mostly Terraform -- various lang
EKS Distro - Use me for multi-cloud EKS -- various lang
Fargate - CLI for AWS Fargate, unofficial -- Golang
Force MFA - Allows users to manage their own passwords and MFA devices but nothing else unless they authenticate with MFA, also makes API calls require MFA -- policy
Former2 - Generate CloudFormation / Terraform / Troposphere templates from your existing AWS resources via self-hosted web GUI -- JavaScript
gcpviz - Visualization tool that takes input from Cloud Asset Inventory -- Golang
GKE Autopilot - Think an opinionated version of GKE, somewhat similar to AWS Fargate -- neat
haproxy-autoscale - Wrapper for haproxy that handles auto-scaling EC2 instances -- Python
Hawk - Powershell Based tool for gathering information related to O365 intrusions and potential breaches -- PowerShell
iamlive - Generate a basic IAM policy from AWS client-side monitoring (CSM) -- Golang
IAM Policy Simulator - Built-in tool where you can test and troubleshoot identity-based policies, IAM permissions boundaries, Organizations service control policies (SCPs), and resource-based policies -- in-browser
kappa - CLI tool that makes it easier to deploy, update, and test Lambda functions -- Python
Scout Suite - Multi-cloud security-auditing tool, which enables security posture assessment of cloud environments. Using the APIs exposed by cloud providers, Scout Suite gathers configuration data for manual inspection and highlights risk areas -- various lang
Serverless (formerly JAWS) - Javascript + AWS stack, the entire backend is Lambda functions, server-free -- JavaScript
Serverless by Design - In-browser or self-hosted GUI for making flow charts for serverless apps -- various lang
Serverless Stack Toolkit (SST) - extension of AWS CDK that includes a live Lambda dev environment and more -- JavaScript
Sneaker - Store secrets on S3 using Amazon KMS -- Golang
ssh2ec2 - SSH into EC2 instances by tag name and/or other metadata filters -- Python pip
SSM Helpers - Interactive shell with an instance via AWS Systems Manager Session Manager and more -- Golang
StackMaster - Provides a ton of info pre-CloudFormation run so that you know exactly what will change -- Ruby gem
StarCluster - Toolkit for using AWS for high performance computing (HPC), by MIT -- Python
Steampipe - Query cloud resources using a SQL syntax -- Golang
Stout - Easy way to reliably upload a static website to S3, capable of configuring CloudFront and Route 53 -- Golang
taskcat - Tool that tests AWS CloudFormation templates. It deploys your AWS CloudFormation template in multiple AWS Regions and generates a report with a pass/fail grade for each region, by AWS -- Python
Terraformer - Generate Terraform files from existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform), supports AWS and GCP, by Google -- Golang
Terraforming - Export all AWS resources into Terraform -- Ruby gem
Duplicati - Supports encryption and dedupe -- Mono
Duplicity - Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using the rsync algorithm -- Python
Elkarbackup - Comes as a ready to use VM, supports Linux and Windows -- PHP
Fpart - Packs file systems into "partitions" so you can do multi-threaded or multi-node rsyncs -- C
FSArchiver - Save the contents of a file system to a compressed archive, if one of the checksums doesn't match the file is lost, not the whole backup -- C
Mondo Rescue - Disaster recovery, supports tapes, disks, network and CD/DVD as backup media, multiple filesystems, LVM, software and hardware RAID -- C
rdiff-backup - Combines the best features of a mirror and an incremental backup in a bandwidth efficient manner -- WindowsOS XPython
OwnTracks - Self-hosted location tracking you can share - use for diaries, work orders, etc -- various langmobile
Pandoc - Convert files from one markup format to another, supports a ton of formats -- Haskell
Phabricator - Suite of web-based software dev collaboration tools, and all-in-one project management tool -- PHP
PrivateBin - Pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data, data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES -- various lang
QueryClips - Pastebin for Postgres or my mySQL SQL query sharing -- in-browser
RainLoop - Simple, modern & fast web-based email client -- PHP
Buildah - A low-level interface to core-utils, build container images with the scripting language of your choice without using Dockerfiles, compare to Podman -- Golang
cadvisor - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers -- Golang
cert-manager - Automate the management and issuance of TLS certificates from various issuing sources -- Golang
Cilium - Transparently secure layer 7 services, communicate based on identity groups, load balancing, BPF-level for performance and instrumentation & more -- Golang
Clear Linux - New name for Clear Containers, attempts combine the security advantages of VMs with the deployment advantages of containers -- various lang
ClusterCloner - Reads the Kubernetes clusters in one location (optionally filtering by labels) and clones them into another (or just outputs JSON as a dry run), to/from AWS, GCP, and Azure -- Golang
CodeReady Containers - Run OpenShift 4.x locally on your laptop, RECOMMENDED -- various lang
Docker Desktop - Notable because it works without admin / root, Mac and Windows -- Golang
Docker Distribution - AKA Docker Registry 2.0 - pack, ship, store, and deliver containers -- Golang
Docker Hub - Official Docker images for many projects -- various lang
Docker Toolbox - Docker Client, Machine, Compose, Kitematic, VirtualBox, and the boot2docker VM in a single package, official -- various lang
dockerfile-security - Open Policy Agent (OPA) rules for dockerfiles that can be integrated into your pipeline -- collection
Dockit - Jump into a container image of your choosing, taking all the files from the current directory with you -- shell
Dokku - Docker powered mini-Heroku (PaaS) in around 100 lines of bash -- shell
dumb-init - Minimal init system for containers, by Yelp -- C
Fedora CoreOS - The best of CoreOS + Fedora Atomic Host, upstream to RHEL CoreOS, successor to now sunset RHEL / Fedora Atomic & Container Linux -- various lang
Flatcar Container Linux - Immutable Linux distribution for containers, the modern choice -- various lang
gvisor - User-space kernel, can be used to sandbox containers, by Google -- Golang
OpenShift Virtualization Hands-on Lab - Script that builds out an OpenShift UPI installation on a single baremetal machine where all of the masters and workers are virtualised -- shell
Panamax - Containerized app creator with an open-source app marketplace hosted in GitHub -- various lang
Permission Manager - Excellent solution for standalone or onprem isolated clusters -- Golang
pipework - SDN for Linux Containers -- various lang
Popeye - Scans the live cluster for dead or unused resources such as ports mismatches, metrics utilization, probes, container images, RBAC rules, naked resources, etc -- Golang
Portainer - Web interface for Docker aka us-for-docker -- JavaScript
pulumi - HOT create and deploy cloud programs that use containers, serverless functions, hosted services, and infrastructure, on any cloud, supports most languages -- various lang
Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers - Lets you use a Docker container as a full-featured development environment. It allows you to open any folder inside (or mounted into) a container and take advantage of Visual Studio Code's full feature set -- neat
Watchtower - Monitors your running Docker containers and restart them when a new image is available -- Golang
Weave - Virtual network that connects Docker containers deployed across multiple hosts -- Golang
Staytus - Complete solution for publishing the latest info about issues with your web applications, networks or services -- Ruby
Tessera - Graphite dashboard in Python -- Python pip
Thruk - Web interface for Nagios, Icinga, Shinken and Naemon, can create SLA reports, has a mobile client -- JavaScript
vnstati - Creates PNG images using vnStat data -- built-in
Distributed Systems Tools
DCOSes, microservices, service discovery, schedulers, and related tools for dynamic, warehouse-scale computing - see also Containers and HPC Tools
Akkio - Data placement service that determines how and when to move information in order to optimize retrieval speed for people across the globe, using the minimum required number of copies -- various lang
Avro - Data serialization system with backwards compatible schemas -- Java
Celery - Async task/job queue based on distributed message passing -- Python
consul - Service discovery and configuration via DNS or HTTP, great for auto-scaling -- Golang
consul Tools - Official, includes consul-template and others -- various lang
Dapr - Serverless and event-driven runtime that makes it easy for developers to build resilient, stateless and stateful microservices that run on the cloud and edge in any language, think of it as as microservices framework -- various lang
DoctorKafka - Kafka cluster auto healing and workload auto-balancing -- Java
etcd - Distributed, consistent key-value store for shared configuration and service discovery -- Golang
fabio - Zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router for deploying microservices managed by Consul, by eBay -- Golang
katran - C++ library and BPF program to build high-performance layer 4 load balancing forwarding plane, uses XDP from the kernel to provide an in-kernel facility for fast packet's processing -- C++
keto - OSS implementation of Zanzibar: Google's Consistent, Global Authorization System -- Golang
Kong - Microservice abstraction layer (aka API Gateway or Service Mesh), great for creating API endpoints -- Lua
LogDevice - A distributed data store for logs, by Facebook -- C++
Mantl - Complete microservices infrastructure built using OSS tools by Cisco -- various langyowza
MaxScale - General purpose DB query proxy, router, and load balancer, by MariaDB -- C
mcrouter - memcached protocol router for scaling memcached, by Facebook -- C++
Mitogen - Python library for writing distributed self-replicating programs like magic -- Python
mrjob - Lets you write MapReduce and Spark jobs in Python 2.7/3.4+ and run them on several platforms (AWS, GCP) -- Python pip
Pinpoint - Application Performance Monitoring (APM) for distributed systems, based on Dapper -- Java
Plumber - Read and write messages to Kafka, RabbitMQ, Google Cloud PubSub, and more -- Golang
redis-cell - Redis module that provides rate limiting in Redis as a single command using GCRA -- C
Redisson - Distributed and scalable Java data structures on top of Redis -- Java
Redpanda - Kafka compatible event streaming platform no Zookeeper, no JVM, and no code changes required -- C++
Riemann - Aggregates events from your servers and applications with a powerful stream processing language, for distributed systems, similar to Borgmon -- Clojure
Serf - Decentralized solution for service discovery and orchestration -- Golang
Spark - Near real-time analytics processing platform, succeeded by Flink (real streaming vs Spark's microbatches) -- various lang
Spring Cloud Config - Allows Java Spring to read config info from service discovery or similar source -- Java
twemproxy - Proxy for memcached and redis to reduce connections and allow for sharding -- C
uReplicator - Improved Kafka MirrorMaker by Uber -- Java
010 Editor - Professional hex editor that supports binary templates for easy reading, scripting, and more -- closed source
activate-power-mode - Activate POWER MODE and write code in style, an Atom plugin -- CoffeeScript
Atom - Superb text editor, created by GitHub -- CoffeeScript
Atom Vim Mode - vi/vim style controls for Atom -- CoffeeScript
Atom Linters - A collection of lint tools for the Atom editor -- various lang
Brackets - Modern editor that understands and focuses on web design, by Adobe -- JavaScript
LargeFile - vim plugin that automatically disables certain things so you can edit large (multi-gig) files faster -- vim
Light Table - Next-generation editor that gives you instant feedback -- Clojure
MacDown - Markdown editor and live preview for Mac -- Objective-COS X
MacVim - Has far more features than the vim that's included with the OS -- C
Nuclide - Collection of packages for Atom to provide IDE-like functionality for a variety of programming languages and technologies, by Facebook -- JavaScript
Notepad++ - Killer GPL'ed text editor for Windows -- C++
rcron - cron redundancy and failover, ensures a job will only run on the "active" machine -- lost-to-the-internetC
rmanager - Resource group manager daemon for cluster services -- built-in
Seesaw - Load balancer based on Linux Virtual Server (LVS), by Google -- Golang
Traefik - Modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer, supports many backends -- Golang
UCARP - VIP management using the CARP protocol -- C
HPC Tools
High performance computing for simulations, supercomputing, shared memory systems, and grid computing - see also Distributed Systems Tools and Containers
Clustered File System - Ceph, GlusterFS, Lustre, etc, take your pick -- various lang
HTCondor - Workload management system for compute-intensive jobs, formerly Condor
ParallelCluster - AWS supported Open Source cluster management tool to deploy and manage HPC clusters in the AWS cloud -- Python
Rocks Cluster Distribution - Linux cluster distribution that enables end users to easily build computational clusters, grid endpoints and visualization displays
ansible-runner - Provides a stable and consistent interface abstraction to Ansible so you can embed Ansible into other systems such as CI/CD, Jenkins, or other automated tooling -- Python pip
Ansible-Terraform Workspace - Dockerized development environment with Ansible, Terraform, and lots of other stuff installed, so that you don't need to do it yourself SO HOT 10 OUT OF 10 -- various lang
Ansible Galaxy - Community site for finding, reusing, and sharing Ansible content -- various lang
ara (ARA Records Ansible) - Provides reporting by saving detailed and granular results of ansible and ansible-playbook commands -- Python pip
asecurecloud - A free library of 400+ customizable AWS security configurations and best practices (CF, Terraform, and AWS CLI) -- collection
Atlantis - A unified workflow for collaborating on Terraform through GitHub and GitLab, by Hootsuite -- Golang
Automatic Server Hardening - Linux hardening cookbooks/manifests/playbooks for Puppet, Chef, and Ansible -- various lang
Terratest - Makes it easier to write automated tests for your infrastructure code, provides a variety of helper functions and patterns for common infrastructure testing tasks -- Golang
tflint - Terraform linter for detecting errors that can not be detected by terraform plan -- Golang
tfwriter - Auto-generate Terraform code in a non-opinionated way, also great for seeing which parameters a resource provides -- in-browser
Kubernetes is ancient Egyptian for "he who has won the platform wars", see Learning Resources for tutorials
Nomad - Consdier Nomad as a lightweight alternative to Kubernetes, by Hashicorp -- Golang
Ambassador - Kubernetes-native API gateway built on Envoy proxy includes gRPC, auth, TLS, and more -- Python
Argo - Container-native workflow engine implemented as a Kubernetes CRD (Custom Resource Definition) -- Golang
Azure Service Operator - Helps you provision Azure resources and connect your applications to them from within Kubernetes and kubectl -- Golang
Banzai Cloud - Kubernetes based, open source, multi-cloud with all the good stuff baked in (Prometheus, CICD pipelines, and more) CHECK THIS -- various lang
ClusterCloner - Reads the Kubernetes clusters in one location (optionally filtering by labels) and clones them into another (or just outputs JSON as adry run), to/from AWS, GCP, and Azure -- Golang
Flannel - Network fabric for containers via etcd, designed for Kubernetes -- Golang
Gangway - Enable authentication flows via OIDC (OpenID Connect Tokens) for a Kubernetes cluster -- Golang
Gatekeeper - Gatekeeper is a validating webhook that enforces CRD-based policies executed by Open Policy Agent -- Golang
GCP Config Connector - Kubernetes add-on that allows customers to manage GCP resources, such as Cloud Spanner or Cloud Storage, through your k8s cluster's API -- Golang
Gitkube - Build and deploy docker images to Kubernetes using git push -- various lang
Gloo - Gateway / abstraction layer between upstream services, based off of Envoy -- Golang
Goldilocks - Helps you identify a starting point for resource requests and limits -- Golang
gravity - Creates snapshots of a Kubernetes cluster that can be restored elsewhere (on-prem, DR situation, etc) -- Golang
Helm - tool for managing Kubernetes charts (packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources) -- Golang
Heptio Sonobuoy - Kubernetes end to end conformance testing and debugging tool -- Golang
Istio - Envoy + auth, policy enforcement, telemetry, traffic flow management etc control plane that runs on top of Mesos and Kubernetes, service mesh control plane -- various lang
Istio Operator - An operator that manages Istio deployments on Kubernetes, by Banzai Cloud -- Golang
Jenkins Kubernetes Plugin - Use a Kubernetes cluster to dynamically provision a Jenkins agent (using Kubernetes scheduling mechanisms to optimize the loads), run a single build, then tear-down that agent -- Java
Jenkins X - Another Kubernetes deployer -- various lang
k3s - Lighweight Kubernetes in a 40mb binary, built for the edge or laptop or Pi, by Rancher -- Golang
k8spurger - Delete unused resources in your cluster, default mode is dry run -- Python
kaniko - Build container images from a Dockerfile, inside a container or Kubernetes cluster -- Golang
kaim - Integrate AWS IAM with Kubernetes, associate IAM roles with pods -- Golang
Keel - Stateless, automated Kubernetes deployment updates -- Golang
Kind - Run local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes", great for local development -- Golang
Knative - Run serverless containers on Kubernetes with ease Knative takes care of the details of networking, autoscaling (even to zero), and revision tracking, great for event-driven architectures -- Golang
kops - CLI for managing, upgrading, maintaining, and creating Kubernetes clusters on AWS -- Golang
kube-applier - service that enables continuous deployment of Kubernetes objects by applying declarative configuration files from a Git repository to a Kubernetes cluster -- Golang
kube-bench - Compliance checker for Kubernetes CIS benchmarks -- Golang
kube-hunter - Hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters -- Python
kube-prometheus - Use Prometheus to monitor Kubernetes and applications running on Kubernetes -- Golang
kube-secrets-init - Kubernetes mutating webhook for secrets-init injection -- Golang
kube-state-metrics - It is not focused on the health of the individual Kubernetes components, but rather on the health of the various objects inside, such as deployments, nodes and pods -- Golang
kube2iam - Provide IAM credentials to containers running inside a kubernetes cluster based on annotations -- Golang
kube2pulumi - k8s yaml in, language of your choice out -- Python
Kubecost - Creates cost future and past models so you can see and predict your spend -- Golang
kubectl-debug - Debug your pod via a new container with every troubleshooting tools pre-installed -- Golang
kubectx - Easily switch between kubectl contexts and namespaces, also includes the kubens tool -- Ruby
kubed - Perform periodic cluster snapshots, provide temp storage for deleted objects, automatic event forwarding, deliver notifications via various channels for Kubernetes -- Golang
KubeEdge - CNCF project to run Kubernetes at edge -- Golang
kubeplus - Worth checking out for the "connections" option -- Golang
Kubernetes - Open source orchestration system for Docker containers, by Google -- Golang
kubernetes-cloudflare-sync - Run in your Kubernetes Cluster on GKE and sync DNS records on Cloudflare with your nodes IPs to avoid GCP LB fees -- Golang
kubernetes-deploy - tool that helps you ship changes to a Kubernetes namespace and understand the result, by Shopify -- Ruby
kubernetes-external-secrets - CRD to pull secrets from AWS Secrets Manager, AWS System Manager, Hashicorp Vault, Azure Key Vault, and Google Secret Manager -- Golang
Kubernetes IN Docker (KinD) - Tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container "nodes" -- Golang
Reloader - Reloader can watch changes in ConfigMap and Secret and do rolling upgrades on Pods -- Golang
Rook - Self managing, self healing storage orchestrator for Kubernetes via an operator plugin, see also EdgeFS -- Golang
shell-operator - Integration layer between Kubernetes cluster events and shell scripts by treating scripts as hooks triggered by events -- Golang
skaffold - Easy and repeatable Kubernetes development, test locally then push to a cluster, by Google -- Golang
Sloop - Monitors Kubernetes, recording histories of events and resource state changes and providing visualizations to aid in debugging past events, by Salesforce -- Golang
Squash - Debug applications from your terminal or IDE while they run in Kubernetes or OpenShift (locally or remotely) -- Golang
SuperGloo - Service mesh management and orchtestration -- Golang
Telepresense - Local development against a remote Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster -- Python
Teleport - Auditing bastion host & middleman, now supports the Kubernetes apifserver protocol -- Golang
Typhoon - Minimal and free Kubernetes distro, great for testing and learning on small systems -- various lang
Wormhole - CNI plugin for Kubernetes that uses WireGuard for creating a full mesh encrypted network between each host in the Kubernetes cluster. The Kubernetes API is used to coordinate key exchange and configuration -- Golang
vcluster - Virtual Kubernetes clusters - Each vcluster runs inside a namespace of the underlying k8s cluster. It's cheaper than creating separate full-blown clusters and it offers better multi-tenancy and isolation than regular namespaces -- Golang
Velero - Manage disaster recovery for your Kubernetes persistent volumes and cluster resources, formerly Heptio Ark -- Golang
version-checker - Check image versions running in the cluster vs the newest and then alert via Prometheus when newer ones are available for evaluation -- Golang
virtual-kublet - kublet implementation that masquerades as a kubelet for the purposes of connecting Kubernetes to other APIs (Fargate, ACI, IoT, Nomad, Azure, etc) -- Golang
Voyager - HAProxy backed secure L7 and L4 ingress controller for Kubernetes -- Golang
Cortex - Multitenant, horizontally scalable Prometheus as a Service -- Golang
Diamond - Python daemon that collects system metrics and publishes them to Graphite (or similar), has an API -- Python
dim_STAT - Collects almost everything and stores it in a MySQL database, produces reports too -- C
FastForward - Flexible system event and metric forwarding agent by Spotify -- Ruby gem
Ganglia - Focused on HPC / distributed clusters, uses RRD -- various lang
Graphite - Store numeric time-series data and render graphs of the data on demand -- Python
Graphite Tools - Tools that work with Graphite -- collection
Heka / hekad - Stream processing, can gather logs or performance metrics, by Mozilla, based on Borgmon -- Golang
InfluxDB - Distributed time series database with no external dependencies -- Golang
jmxtrans - Connector between speaking to a JVM via JMX and whatever stats / TSDB you use -- Java
KairosDB - Time series DB written on top of Cassandra -- Java
m3 - Distributed TSDB and query dngine, Prometheus sidecar and metrics platform by Uber -- Golang
Metricbeat - fetches a set of metrics on a predefined interval from OS & services and ships them to Elasticsearch or Logstash -- Golang
Metrics - Metrics and instrumentation at both the JVM and application level -- Java
Micrometer - Provides a simple facade (fake interface) over the instrumentation clients for the most popular monitoring systems, allowing you to instrument your JVM-based application code without vendor lock-in -- Java
mtail - Extract monitoring data from application logs for collection into a timeseries database, by Google -- Golang
OpenTSDB - Store and serve massive amounts of time series data without losing granularity -- Java
Prometheus - Metrics collection and storage, can trigger alerts when thresholds are breached, based on Borgmon -- Golang
prometheus-am-executor - HTTP server that receives alerts from the Prometheus Alertmanager and executes a given command with alert details set as environment variables -- Golang
Sensu Go - Open source monitoring framework, cloud-focused, dynamic, scalable - also does metrics collection -- Ruby
SNMPcollector - SNMP collector that saves into InfluxDB for easy visualization -- GolangJavaScript
SNMP MIB Archive - Massive archive of SMMP MIBs, please fork and contribute -- collection
StatsD - Network daemon that listens for stats/counters/metrics and sends them to backend services (TSDB, Graphite, etc), by Etsy -- JavaScript
Telegraf - Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics -- Golang
Thanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities -- Golang
TimescaleDB - PostgreSQL extension for time series ingestion and queries via SQL -- C
Whisper - Store time series info in regular file system files, a modern RRD -- Python
FRRouting - Replacement for / fork of Quagga with more features -- C
ftptop - Monitor FTP connections in real time -- built-in
Gas Mask - Simple hosts file manager for Mac OS X, switch between host files easily -- Objective C
kcptun - Secure and fast tunnel based on KCP -- Golang
ipcalc - CLI tool to calculate subnets, netmasks, IP ranges, broadcast addresses, and more -- built-in
iptstate - A top-like display of IP Tables state table entries -- built-in
GridFTP - Supports parallel streams, optimized for WANs, part of the Globus Toolkit -- C
hosts - Consolidates several reputable hosts files and merges them into a unified hosts file with duplicates removed (ads, malware, gambling, porn, etc) -- collection
hping3 - Create custom TCP/IP packets, very flexible -- built-in
OpenBMP - BGP Monitoring Protocol collector with real-time monitoring, looking glass, analytics, etc -- various lang
OpenOnload - User-land network stack that requires no modifications to applications to use by intercepting calls -- C
OpenWRT - Full Linux distro for consumer-grade routers, allows for tons of non-vendor customization -- various lang
PFQ - Framework that allows efficient packets capture/transmission, in-kernel functional processing, and packets steering across sockets/end-points -- C
Quagga - Routing software suite, supports most routing protocols -- C
SiLK (System for Internet-Level Knowledge) - Tool suite supports the efficient collection, storage, and analysis of network flow data, enabling network security analysts to rapidly query large historical traffic data sets -- C
Paris Traceroute - Shows proper network topology when load balancers and load-balanced routers are used -- C
Ruru - Real-time TCP latency monitoring, utilises Intel DPDK for high speed packet processing with a Node.JS frontend for visualizing the data -- various lang
SmokePing - Network latency visualizer, written by the MRTG and RRDtool guy -- perl
ss - Socket statistics, a modern netstat -- built-in
xCAT (Extreme Cloud Administration Toolkit) - Complete all in one management solution (provisioning, orchestration, management, etc) supports almost every UNIX and next generation platform, by IBM -- legit
Package Patch and Repository Tools
Repos, RPM/APT packages, packaging guidelines, patching, and patch management - see also Provisioning Tools
apt-dater - Simple ncurses frontend for package management via SSH, also supports yum -- C
aptly - Swiss army knife for Debian repository management, has the ability to take snapshots for easy rollback -- C
AutoPkg - Packaging and distribution for OS X, great for managing many laptops -- PythonOS X
Munki - Managed software installation for OS X, great for managing laptops -- PythonOS X
OStree - Tool for managing bootable, immutable, versioned filesystem trees (not really a package manager but...) -- thefutureC
pkgr - Made deb or RPM packages out of any Ruby, NodeJS, or Go app -- Ruby
Pulp - Next generation repository management, a component of Red Hat Satellite 6 -- Python
Red Hat Software Collections (SCL) - Use multiple versions of software on a system without disturbing the system default version, use this to get the newest / latest versions of things -- repo
reposync - Synchronize yum repositories to a local directory -- built-in
rpm-ostree - Hybrid image/package system with atomic upgrades and package layering -- Cthefuture
RPM Fusion - Provides software that the Fedora Project or Red Hat doesn't ship -- repo
schroot - Allow non-root users to create chroot environments, great for package testing -- built-in
Spacewalk - Patch management, remote commands, and more - the upstream for Red Hat Satellite -- various lang
Tito - Tool for managing RPM based projects using git for their source code repository -- Python
yum-presto - yum plugin that provides support for downloading package deltas -- article
yum-security - Plugin to only install security updates -- built-in - Monitor a processes' memory usage over time -- shell
Munin - Historical performance monitoring to help determine when you server became "slow" -- perl
NetData - Real time performance visualization and dashboards -- C
nmon - Provides both real-time and historical performance metrics -- C
NumaTOP - top for NUMA systems, shows hotspots, call chains, etc -- C
PerfKit Benchmarker - Open effort to define a canonical set of benchmarks to measure and compare cloud offerings (disk, network, CPU, etc) -- various lang
Phoronix Test Suite - Benchmarking and profiling suite, very feature-rich and versatile -- PHP
pidstat - vmstat type output for CPU, disk I/O, page faults, and more on a per-process basis -- built-in
pmap - Shell scripts for tracking memory usage using "pmap" -- shell
PowerTOP - Real-time power consumption on a per-process & per-thread basis, by Intel -- C++
ps_mem - Accurately reports core memory usage for a process -- Python
ptop - top/ntop-like task monitor written in Python -- Python pip
recap - Collects info from various standard utilities (free, sar, vmstat, etc) at specified intervals, by Rackspace -- various lang
saidar - ncurses based program for viewing system statistics -- built-in
slabtop - Tutorial on how to use slabtop, useful when you have no idea on how your RAM is being used -- article
smem - Reports memory usage based on proportional set size (PSS) instead of the usual resident set size (RSS) -- C
sysdig - Linux system exploration and troubleshooting tool with first class support for containers -- C++
VMtouch - File system cache diagnostics and control -- C
MIT Open Courseware - Objects in Python - Python tuples, lists, and dictionaries, as well as the concept of mutability and how to avoid problems relating to it.
asecurecloud - A free library of 400+ customizable AWS security configurations and best practices (CF, Terraform, and AWS CLI) -- collection
ATA Secure Erase - Send a signal to an ATA drive to perform a hardware-based erase, the ONLY way to wipe a SSD properly -- article
Attack Surface Analyzer 2.0 - See exactly what changed post-OS install or post-software install, by Microsoft -- Windows
Attack Surface Framework - ASF will discover assets/subdomains, enumerate their ports and services, track deltas and serve as a continuous and flexible attacking and alerting framework -- various lang
auditd-attack - A Linux Auditd rule set mapped to MITRE's Attack Framework -- collection
authconv - Web app authorization coverage scanning -- JavaScript
Autopsy - Great for grabbing artifacts for DIFR -- closed source
Awesome Honeypots - Curated collection of honepots and honeypot resources -- collection
bettercap - Swiss Army knife for 802.11, BlueTooth, and Ethernet networks reconnaissance and attacks -- Golang
Brida - Bridge between Burp Suite & Frida, lets you use and manipulate applications own methods while tampering the traffic exchanged between the applications and their back-end services/servers -- various lang
bro - Framework for network analysis and security monitoring -- C++
CALDERA - Automated adversary emulation system that performs post-compromise adversarial behavior within Windows Enterprise networks -- Python
Checkov - Scans cloud infrastructure provisioned using Terraform, Cloudformation or Kubernetes and detects security and compliance misconfigurations, similar to a sub-component of Twistlock -- Golang
cherrytree - Hierarchical note taking application, excellent for red team / pentest notes -- Python
chkrootkit - Rootkit checker, best used from a live CD -- C
ConfigServer Security and Firewall (CSF) - Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, Login/Intrusion Detection and Security application for Linux servers -- various lang
Conftest - Write tests against structured configuration data (Kuberetes, Terraform, Serverless, etc) -- Golang
CSP Evaluator - Check if a Content Security Policy (CSP) serves as a strong mitigation against cross-site scripting attacks, by Google -- in-browser
cuckoo - Feed in malware URL, it fires up VM, and provides a report about the actions the malware took -- in-browser
CyberChef - A web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis -- in-browserJavaScript
Forensics Wiki - Digital forensics wiki, tons of tools and information -- wiki
FTimes - System baselining and evidence collection tool -- C
fwknop (FireWall KNock OPerator) - Single Packet Authorization (SPA), authoriation packet from you opens firewall rules so only you can get in -- various lang
Kali NetHunter Linux Root Toolkit (LRT) - Collection of bash scripts that setup and install Kali Linux NetHunter from a Linux/OSX environment onto a NetHunter supported device -- shell
LinEnum - Enumerate a local Linux environment -- shell
Lynis - Auditing and hardening tool, supports most Unix-like operating systems -- shell
Malcom - Easily deployable network analysis tool suite for full packet capture artifacts (PCAP files) and Zeek logs -- various lang
Massscan - Scans in parallel and async for the fastest scans around -- C
Metasploit - Classic exploit framework -- various lang
MITRE ATT&CK - Knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations, used for threat modeling -- collection
MobSF (Mobile Security Framework) - Automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis -- various lang
National Checklist Program - U.S. government repository of publicly available security checklists (or benchmarks) that provide detailed low level guidance on setting the security configuration of operating systems and applications -- collection
p0f - Utilizes an array of sophisticated, purely passive traffic fingerprinting mechanisms to identify the players behind any incidental TCP/IP communications (often as little as a single normal SYN) without interfering in any way -- C
PALADIN - Easy to use Linux-based live CD for forensic analysis -- various lang
Samhain - HIDS, file integrity checker, rootkit detection, log file monitoring, and more -- C
Scout Suite - Multi-cloud security-auditing tool, which enables security posture assessment of cloud environments. Using the APIs exposed by cloud providers, Scout Suite gathers configuration data for manual inspection and highlights risk areas -- various lang
scrub - Supports many disk-wiping standards including military / government grade wipes -- built-in
scrypt - More secure against hardware brute-force attacks than alternatives such as PBKDF2 or bcrypt, key stretching -- C
SIFT Workstation - Collection of free and open-source incident response and forensic tools designed to perform detailed digital forensic examinations in a variety of settings, by SANS -- various lang
simplewall - Simple app to configure Windows Filtering Platform (WFP), VERY powerful -- Windows
Snort - The classic network intrusion prevention system (NIPS) -- C
SPARTA - GUI to simplify the scanning and enumeration phases -- Python
Spiderfoot - Automate the process of gathering intelligence about a given target -- Python
SubBrute - Subdomain enumeration tool for penetration testers -- Python
sudosh2 - Records all keystrokes and output and can play back the session as just like a VCR -- C
SuperTokens - OSS alternative to Auth0, Firebase Auth and AWS Cognito -- Java
Suricata - IDS + IPS + NSM + PCAP processing all in one -- various lang
SWORD Dropbox -- $15 OpenWRT + Pi based DIY disposable pen-test tool -- various lang
tcpbin - A simple TCP dumping server/host for pentesting -- Python
terraform-compliance - Uses "negative testing" (not functional testing), similar to Hashicorp Sentinel, NOT for best practices, makes sure your code does what you think it does -- Python pip
tfsec - Static code analysis for Terraform -- Golang
theZoo - These are real and they are smarter than you, do not fuck around -- collection
tink - Smiple, small, secure crypto library by Google -- C++
ZMap - Scanner designed for large address spaces -- in-browser
zxcvbn - Password strength estimator, written by Dropbox, operates in a browser window -- CoffeeScriptin-browser
zzuf - Transparent application input fuzzer that works by intercepting file and network operations and changing random bits in the program's input -- C
MockServer - Web server to remotely or locally mock HTTP/HTTPS and similar -- Java
mountebank - Stub downstream resources for testing, supports HTTP HTTPS SMTP TCP -- JavaScriptWindowsOS X
Ninja - Small build system with a focus on speed -- Python
Pact - HTTP contract tests and without contract testing, the only way to ensure that applications will work correctly together is by using expensive and brittle integration tests -- various lang
PatchELF - Simple utility for modifying existing ELF executables and libraries -- C
PEview - Easily and quickly view the structure and content of Windows EXE DDL LIB Portable Executable (PE) files -- closed source
PRoot - chroot, mount --bind, and binfmt_misc without privilege/setup -- C
Proxygen - Modern C++ HTTP library, by Facebook -- C++
REST-assured - Java DSL for testing of REST services -- Java
RocksDB - Library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage - by Facebook -- C++
SonarQube - Platform and dashboard for managing code quality -- RubyJava
SourceGraph - Perhaps the best code search and navigation engine -- Golang
SymbolHound - Search engine that doesn't ignore special characters, great for programming questions -- try it
Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers - Lets you use a Docker container as a full-featured development environment. It allows you to open any folder inside (or mounted into) a container and take advantage of Visual Studio Code's full feature set -- neat
watchman - Watch files and take action when they change (eg: kick off the CI system), by Facebook -- C
WireMock - Flexible stubbing and mocking services -- Java
ltrace Tutorial - ltrace (library call tracer) tutorial by Red Hat -- article
lttng-analyses - Official collection of LLTNG scripts and snippets -- collection
Mastif Visualizer - Visualizer for the Valgrind's Mastiff utility -- C++
OpenSnoop - Continually monitor for file opens -- shell
OProfile - System-wide statistical profiling tool -- C
perf - User-land performance analysis tool, a sampling profiler -- C
perf-tools - Uses perf and ftrace, includes iosnoop -- Brendan Gregg
pstore - Save kernel crash info in a platform-specific persistent memory so data is not lost (eg: disks failed so write dump to NVRAM instead) -- article
Record and Replay (rr) - Record the failure once, then debug the recording deterministically, supports C and C++, by Mozilla -- CC++
strace - System call tracer for user space processes -- built-in
SystemTap (stap) - Linux kernel tracing and performance analysis tool -- CC++
Valgrind - Tool suite that includes cache profilers, heap profiles, thread race condition checkers, and more - a CPU-level emulator -- C
Authelia - 2FA and SSO for your apps via Docker on Kubernetes, supports Yubikey, Google Authenticator, and e-mail based password reset -- Golang
CentOS 7 2FA VPN - VPN with CentOS 7 + FreeRADIUS + FreeIPA + Google Authenticator -- tutorial
FreeOTP - Open source fork of Google Authenticator, by Red Hat -- Cmobile
Google Authenticator - Official project, supports Android, iOS, and has a PAM module for SSH 2FA -- C
Nitrokey - Open source thumb drive for authentication -- various lang
One Time Password - PAM module allowing single-use passwords to login to a system -- C
pam-u2f - PAM module for auth via U2F compatible devices, by YubiKey -- C
privacyIDEA - All in one solution for two-factor authentication across all your organization's devices such as OTP tokens, SMS, VPNs, SSH keys, Windows, keyfob, etc -- various lang
OS, network, and storage virtualization, emulation, and simulation including SDN, load balancers, and firewalls - see also Containers for container-only network meshes and VMware Tools
BlueStacks - Android emulator that you can run on Windows, run apps from the Play store, etc -- various lang
Boxedwine - WINE that uses Emscripten (wasm and asm.js) to run in a browser -- various lang
BusyBox - Bootable Linux with tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities in a single small executable -- C
Calico - L3 fabric that runs a vRouter on each node, supports containers -- Python
DOSbox - Open source DOS emulator, great for running old games or utilities -- CC++
Firecracker - Micro-VM for serverless computing, by Amazon -- Rust
VMware Community PowerPack - A variety of scripts from and now other blogs such as and -- lost-to-the-internetPowerShell
VPN client & servers, tunneling proxies, DNS tunneling, simple host-to-host tunnels, and related tools - see also SSL Tools and SSH Tools and Virtualization and SDN
Algo VPN - IKEv2 Ubuntu-based strongSwan VPN server deployed to any cloud via Ansible -- Python
AutoVPN - Spin up and autoconfigure OpenVPN instances in AWS -- Python
BrowserLeaks - See if info is leaking from your browser (your real IP when you're behind a VPN, etc) -- in-browser
CentOS 7 2FA VPN - VPN with CentOS 7 + FreeRADIUS + SSSD + Google Authenticator -- stepbystep
DNS Leak Test - See if DNS queries are leaking outside of your VPN / secured network -- in-browser
dnscrypt-proxy - DNS proxy, with support for modern encrypted DNS protocols such as DNSCrypt v2 and DNS-over-HTTP/2 -- Golang
dnscrypt-wrapper - Add dnscrypt support to any resolver, server-side dnscrypt proxy -- C
fwknop (FireWall KNock OPerator) - Single Packet Authorization (SPA), authoriation packet from you opens firewall rules so only you can get in -- various lang
IP Leak - Test to see if your browser is leaking information -- in-browser
kcptun - Secure and fast tunnel based on KCP, can increase throughput -- Golang
localtunnel - Share a HTTP/web service on your local development machine without messing with DNS and firewall settings -- JavaScriptWindowsOS X
MACsec aka 802.1AE - Use me for confidentiality and integrity at layer 2, useful for WAN links -- standard
Magic Wormhole - Safely and simply send arbitrary-sized files and directories (or short pieces of text) from one computer to another -- Python
n2n - L2 over L3 VPN that uses a peer-to-peer architecture -- C
nipe - A script to make Tor Network your default gateway -- perl BOOYA
OpenConnect - Supports Cisco's AnyConnect SSL VPN -- C
Pritunl - Distributed enterprise VPN server built using the OpenVPN protocol, supports Google sign-in -- Python
Project V - A set of network tools that helps you to build your own computer network. It secures your network connections and thus protects your privacy, a newer Shadowsocks -- Golang
Shadowsocks - A secure socks5 proxy, designed to protect your Internet traffic -- various langmost platforms
SoftEther - Perhaps the best VPN software out there -- C
spiped - Create encrypted pipes between socket addresses using pre-shared keys (PSKs), similar to ssh -L -- C
sshttp - Port multiplexer that hides a SSH daemon behind HTTP, HTTPS, or SMTP on a single port -- C
sshuttle - Transparent proxy server / VPN, doesn't need admin, forwards over SSH, supports DNS tunneling -- PythonOS X
htty - A console application for interacting with web servers -- Ruby gem
Huginn - Build agents that perform automated tasks/workflows for you online or locally, like IFTTT -- Ruby
Insomnia REST Client - An alternative to POSTman, additional features -- ElectronWindowsOS XLinux
Ionic Framework - Mobile UI kit that allows you to write multi-platform mobile apps in JS, Angular, Vue, or React - no Swift or Android knowledge needed -- various lang
JSON Server - Full fake REST API for quickly prototyping and mocking in 30 seconds -- JavaScript
jq - Command line JSON processor and manipulator -- C
localtunnel - Share a HTTP/web service on your local development machine without messing with DNS and firewall settings -- JavaScriptWindowsOS X
mitmproxy - Intercept, modify, replay and save HTTP/S traffic - even edit flows on the fly -- Python pip
mountebank - Stub downstream resources for testing, supports HTTP HTTPS SMTP TCP -- JavaScriptWindowsOS X
ngrok - Reverse proxy that creates a secure tunnel from a public endpoint to a locally running web service and captures & analyzes all traffic over the tunnel for later inspection and replay -- rocksGolang
OpenResty - Turn nginx into a non-blocking API server -- C
PageKite - Makes HTTP servers or SSH publicly available on any server -- Python
POSTman - Create and share API and HTTP requests, great for testing and sharing -- Chrome
Puppeteer - Provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome over the DevTools Protocol -- JavaScript
Pushpin - Proxy server that adds WebSockets to existing request-response APIs -- C++
react-admin - Add an React admin GUI to any RESTful API -- JavaScript
Redirect Detective - See the complete path a redirected URL goes through -- in-browser
Repose - REST proxy, solutions to API tasks such as auth, rate limiting, API validation, HTTP logging, and much more -- Java
Resty - CLI REST client you can use in shell/bash/zsh pipes -- shell
OpenTelemetry - Vendor-neutral distributed tracing, a merger of OpenTracing and OpenCensus -- various lang
OpenZipkin - Distributed tracing systems for SaaS and webapps, by Twitter, based on Google's Dapper -- Scala
Packetbeat - Distributed packet monitoring system that can be used for application performance management -- Golang
PageSpeed Insights - Analyzes the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster, by Google -- in-browser
PageSpeed Module - Open-source server modules that optimize your site automatically (nginx and Apache), by Google -- various lang
peep - Heap inspector for live memcached instances -- Ruby
redis-faina - Query analyzer that parses Redis' MONITOR command for counter/timing stats about query patterns, by Facebook -- Python
Tempo - Cost-efficient, requiring only object storage to operate, and is deeply integrated with Grafana, Prometheus, and Loki and OpenTelemetry -- various lang
Web Page Test - Free website speed test from multiple locations around the globe using real browsers (IE and Chrome) and at real consumer connection speeds -- in-browser
wrk - Multi-threaded CLI-based HTTP load generation tool -- C
wrk2 - Fork of wrk that fixes the "coordinated omissions problem" -- C
UpTrends Uptime Checker - Check a URL's response time from ~30 different sites around the globe -- in-browser
AutoHotKey - Automate input (desktop and web forms, data entry, keybinds, etc) -- C++Windows
Awesome AutoHotKey - A collection of AutoHotKey scripts and libraries -- various lang
AutoIT - Scriptable GUI input for Windows (think AutoHotKey) but with a BASIC-like syntax -- closed source
Backstage - Unifies all your infrastructure tooling, services, and documentation with a single, consistent UI so developers can easily provision and view their resources -- various lang
Clone Wars - Open-source clones of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Tiktok, Spotify, Trello, Whatsapp, Youtube, etc -- various lang
Cloud Custodian - Rules engine for managing public cloud accounts and resources via policies, by Capital One -- various lang
conserver - Virtual console server with many features (multi-user, console log history, etc) -- C
Container Proxy - Set up proxies and then assign proxy to a container. Each request comming from any tab in the container will use this proxy -- Firefox
Container Tabs Sidebar - Show tabs in a sidebar grouped by privacy containers -- Firefox
Cookie Autodelete - Browser add-on that's essentially a cookie whitelist / grey list -- FirefoxChrome
crumbs - Simple mind maps with asterisks - great for brain dumping with little transcription overhead -- Golang
Dashkiosk - Manage dashboards on multiple screens, simple and effective -- JavaScript
DevOps Conferences - Add and remove via PR, please contribute -- collection
Discount for Student Dev - Programming and DevOps related discounts for .edu addresses, updated frequently, please contribute -- collection
Etcher - SD card writing software, easy -- various lang
Exploit Database - Collection of current and past exploits -- collection
f.lux - Changes your screen from blue light to yellow light when the sun sets to tell your brain it's night time -- closed sourceOS XWindows
fast-data-dev - Docker image for Kafka developement that includes a boatload of related tools -- various lang
FigmaToCode - Outputs Figma objects to Tailwind, Flutter, or SwiftUI code -- JavaScript
Firefox Multi-Account Containers - Cookies are separated by container, allowing you to use the web with multiple identities or accounts simultaneously -- Firefox
GoodRX - Coupons for prescriptions, vaccines, and more, can be used pre-deductible, USA-centric -- ez savings
gosu - Simple Go-based setuid+setgid+setgroups+exec for stepping down privs, use me to avoid weird su and sudo TTY bugs -- Golang
Highlight This - Multi-highlight, regex, all data local, tons of features -- Chrome
Homomorphic Encryption - Allows data to be encrypted and out-sourced to 3rd parties for processing, all while encrypted (or remove HIPAA barriers) -- article
Hoopla - Digital movies, music and ebooks for USA public library members -- explore yours today
HTML5 Up - HTML5 website templates all free and under a CC license -- collection
HTTPS Everywhere - Uses client-side tricks to force misconfigured sites to use HTTPS all the time, by the EFF (donate) -- FirefoxChrome
Huginn - Build agents that perform automated tasks/workflows for you online or locally, like IFTTT -- Ruby
ICANN Domain Lookup - Use this when searching for a domain to buy because they cannot use your searches to jack up the price -- in-browser
inxi - "a full featured system information script" (hardware info, etc) -- shell
IPTV - Collection of 8000+ publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world -- screw off Bundesliga -- collection
JustWatch - Search for movies and TV across dozens of streaming services, it shows you which services it is available on, and you can click to watch, app and in-browser -- collection
Kanopy - Streaming movies for USA public library members -- explore yours today
Libby - App for ebooks and audio books for USA public library members, from OverDrive -- explore yours todayAndroidiOSWindows 10
Library Extension - Browser extension that shows you which Amazon books are available free at your local libraries, please donate -- closed source
Mail Tester - Test the spammyness of your e-mails -- in-browser
maybe - Allows a dry run of almost any Linux binary, see the files it will modify, calls made, etc -- Python pip
Maza - Like Pi-hole but local and using your operating system -- shell
Mjolnir - Automation for OS X via Lua, think AutoHotKey for Mac -- COS X
Popcorn Time - Multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player -- various lang
priceMedic - Compare procedures and services at hospitals near you, currently in beta -- collection
Privacy Badger - The best in-browser privacy and anti-tracking tool, by the EFF (donate) -- ChromeFirefox - All in one collection, web site source is on GitHub -- collection
Puffer - Re-transmits free over-the-air broadcast television signals received by an antenna located on the campus of Stanford University, USA geo-locked, by Stanford Platform Lab and many others -- in-browserAndroid - In-browser REPLs for a ton of languages -- in-browser
RISC-V - The open source CPU that can run at >5Ghz while using 1/100th the power of a Xeon E7 -- hardware
Rocky Linux - A replacement for CentOS which was discontinued in Dec 2020 by IBM in favor of CentOS Stream -- operating system
RSS-Bridge - Generate RSS and Atom feeds for websites that don't have one -- PHP
runwhen - Utilities for running commands at particular times, cron on steroids -- C
Say What - Using speech-to-text to fully check out during conference calls -- Python
scrcpy - Remote display and control of Android devices connected on USB or TCP/IP -- C
Secure Messaging Apps - True comparison of the technical features and merits of various apps, which are TRULY secure? -- collection
SessionBox - Use websites with multiple accounts at the same time made easy -- Chrome
Spectacle - Control desktop windows via keyboard shortcuts -- Objective C
StackStorm - IFTTT for Ops, auto-remediation -- Python
Stack on a Budget - Collection of services with great free tiers for developers on a budget, excellent for learning -- collection
SymbolHound - Search engine that doesn't ignore special characters, great for programming questions -- try it
Temporary Containers for Firefox - Open tabs, websites, and links in automatically managed disposable containers which isolate the data websites store (cookies, storage, and more) from each other, enhancing your privacy and security while you browse -- addon
Two Factor Auth (2FA) - Web sites that do and don't support 2FA, organized by category, submit PRs for changes -- collection
uBlock Origin - Ad blocker, only use Origin, do not use another uBlock -- FirefoxChrome
unPaywall - When you view a paywalled scholarly article, Unpaywall automatically checks its open database of 28 million legal, open-access articles and tells you if you can get it elsewhere for free -- JavaScript
WhosHere - Monitor an area for WiFi and Bluetooth probe requests to see when people (devices) come and go, with web UI and IFTTT webhook integraiton for Slack/SMS pushes -- PHP
Learning Resources
Free learning resources and collections of note (DevOps/SRE, cloud, information security, Kubernetes, Docker/containers, Python, Golang)
4+1 architectural view model - Model used for describing the architecture of software-intensive systems, based on the use of multiple, concurrent views (logical, physical, development, process) -- article
Awesome System Design - System Designing articles, videos and resources for distributed computing -- collection
AWS Architecture Center - Reference architecture diagrams, vetted architecture solutions, Well-Architected best practices, patterns, icons, and more -- collection
AWS Breaking Changes - List of changes announced for AWS that may break existing code -- collection
AWS by Open Guides - Excellent summary of almost all services -- collection
AWS Case Studies - Excellent for understanding motivations and designs -- collection
AWS Stash - A collection of AWS related videos, podcasts, code repositories, whitepapers, and feature releases, all in a single, easy to search interface -- collection
AWS Video Catalog - All official AWS videos cataloged and categorized (by topic, by year, etc) -- collection
Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) v4 - Cybersecurity control framework for cloud computing aligned to the CSA best practices, considered the de-facto standard for cloud security and privacy -- article
Cloud Design Patterns - Useful for building reliable, scalable, secure applications in the cloud, by Microsoft -- collection
Cloud Native Landscape - A map that attempts to categorize most of the projects and product offerings in the cloud native space -- collection
Cloud Security Kanban - Certify your strategy is involved in various relevant areas of compliance (GLBA, SOC II, information security models and risk assessments, IT audits, vendor management, data breach, and incident management) -- collection
Cyber Security Book of Knowledge (CyBOK) - Aims to bring cyber security into line with the more established sciences by distilling knowledge from major internationally-recognised experts -- collection
Design Patterns - Wonderful collection of software development design patterns with examples, includes anti-patterns and refactoring guidelines -- collection
Design Patterns for Humans - An ultra-simplified explanation of repeatable software design patterns -- article
DevDocs - Documentation browser for almost every API -- collection
Devhints - Rico's dev & ops cheat sheets, nice little collection -- collection
DevOps Maturity Framework - Categorized by crawl/walk/run, also Google terms like "DevOps maturity model" for similar ideas, by Adidas -- tutorial
DevSecOps Maturity Model - Provides opportunities to harden DevOps strategies and shows how these can be prioritized, by OWASP -- tutorial
Docker - Dog vs. Cat: Docker Swarm Stacks - Examples for building full Swarm-based clusters including proxies, centralized logging, persistent storage, deployment pipelines, and more -- tutorial
Docker - Play with Docker - Docker playground that allows users to run Docker commands in a matter of seconds (Alpine + Docker in Docker (DIN)) -- learning
Enterprise Architecture on a Page - One-page aggregated view of popular EA artifacts used in organizations with their most essential properties -- tutorial
eShop on Dapr - An example using .NET Core -- various lang
Every Programmer Should Know... - A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know -- collection
Google Cloud Architecture Center - Reference architectures, diagrams, design patterns, guidance, and best practices for building or migrating your workloads on Google Cloud -- collection
Google Cloud Microservices Demo - Sample cloud-native application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes / GKE, Istio, gRPC and OpenCensus -- various lang
Google Cloud Security Best Practices Center - Specific, informed guidance on helping secure Google Cloud deployments and describe recommended configurations, architectures, suggested settings, and other operational advice -- collection
Hashicorp Learn - Official training for Vault, Consul, Terraform, Vagrant, Packer, and Nomad -- training
HEAD - A free guide to HTML5 elements -- collection
High Performance Browser Networking - What every web developer needs to know about the various types of networks (WiFi, 3G/4G), transport protocols (UDP, TCP, and TLS), application protocols (HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2), and APIs available in the browser (XHR, WebSocket, WebRTC, and more) -- book
How They SRE - A curated collection of publicly available resources on how technology and tech-savvy organizations around the world practice Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) -- collection
Interactive Coding Challenges - 120+ interactive Python coding interview challenges (algorithms and data structures), includes Anki flashcards -- Python
Interlibrary Loan - If your local library doesn't have a book or DVD in their collection they can use this service to order it from another library so you can borrow it out -- i'm learnding
Kubernetes Clusters for the Hobbyist - How to securely run Kubernetes on providers that don't have ELBs, private networking, or persistent distributed storage (Hetzner Cloud, DigitalOcean or Scaleway) -- guide
OSINT Framework - Focuses on gathering information from free tools or resources. The intention is to help people find free OSINT resources -- collection Mailing List - Report and discuss major outages, network status updates, etc -- mailing list
OverAPI - Large collection of cheat sheets for almost anything -- collection
OverDrive - Ebooks and audio books for USA public library members -- explore yours today
PowerShell Koans - Learn the PowerShell language through Pester unit testing -- PowerShell
Production Readiness Checklist - Excellent checklist for pre-go-live, AWS-centric but great general advice -- collection
Public Pentesting Reports - Curated list of public penetration test reports released by several consulting firms and academic security groups -- collection
python-patterns - A collection of design patterns and idioms in Python -- collection
Python Cheat Sheet - Mostly based on the book written by Al Sweigart, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python -- collection
Python Reference - A collection of useful scripts, tutorials, and other Python-related things -- collection
Python Patterns - Python patterns by Brandon Rhodes -- collection
Sock Shop - A Microservice Demo Application - User-facing part of an online shop that sells socks and using Spring Boot, Go kit and Node.js and is packaged in Docker containers -- various lang
Teach Yourself Computer Science - 9 subjects, they choose the best free source to learn each subject and explain why that source is the best - they did the research for you -- collection
Twelve-Factor App - Language-independent rules for codebase, dependencies, build/release/run, dev and prod, logs, etc for a cloud/web-centric app -- collection
Vim Adventures - A game to learn vi / vim using your browser -- in-browsertutorial
Web Security Academy - Free online training for the creators of Burp Suite, the free successor to the industry standard training material "Web Application Hacker's Handbook" -- tutorial
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------vector clock A vector clock event synchronization strategy will likely be introduced in a future version of Cassandra. --《Cassandra The Definitive Guide》 why vector clocks are easy: http://blog.
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