
Chris Hough's .dot files + workstation setup
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 应用工具、 操作系统工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 慎风畔
操作系统 OS X
适用人群 未知


Every engineer's workstation configuration (dotfiles) is highly variable and tailored to their desires, habits, and software stack. I love rebuilding and tinkering with my build by learning from and collaborating with others. This setup is what I use to get the job done, however, don't just accept my words as gospel, find your own path when setting up your build.

I also think it is important to reason from first principles, rather than, by analogy. So the normal way we conduct our lives is we reason by analogy. We're doing this because it's like something else that was done or like what other people are doing. Iterations on a theme. It's kinda mentally easier to reason by analogy rather than from first principles. First principles is kinda a physics way of looking at the world and what that really means is you kinda boil things down to the most fundamental truths and say okay, what are we sure is true? or sure as possible is true? and then reason up from there. That takes a lot more mental energy. - Elon Musk Foundation 20

These guides are highly opinionated. If you have any questions please post an issue. I am open to pull requests. Finally, this guide is supposed to read from top to bottom. If you are following this advice, please read it like following the yellow brick road, and have fun.


Shortcuts and Helpers

As you explore the configuration directories you will notice a number of shortcut files have been preloaded. These files are described below and many come pre-built with their own helpers. I encourage you to personalize these as you see fit and make sure you understand what each git function does before blindly using them.

File Helper Command Description
includes This is the base file to pull in all the includes.
global-helpers Controls that apply to all of the includes.
global-settings Machine and include settings.
app apphelp Applications that do not require their own includes file.
git githelp Github shortcuts and workflows.
heroku herokuhelp Heroku shortcuts and workflows.
keybase keybasehelp Keybase shortcuts and workflows.
ruby rubyhelp Ruby and Rails based commands.
shell shellhelp Everything shell.

Alfred Workflows

If you love automation, you will love Alfred! It is basically spotlight on steroids and when you purchase the license you are granted access to infinitely complex workflows. Here is what I have installed.

  • 一、SpringBoot 作用 可以以jar形式独立运行 内置tomcat容器 自动配置spring 约定大于配置,无代码生成 二、@Conditional注解 Config配置类 /** * 创建PersonEntity,根据条件不同,注入不同的对象 */ @Configuration public class Config { @Bean @Conditional

  • TO BE CONTINUED... " ------------------------------ VIM CONF -------------------------------------- " 显示行号 set nu " 设置自动缩进 set ai " 设置tab宽度 set tabstop=4 " [Alt+n] 切换到下一个vim缓冲区 map <A-n> :bn<C

  • Ivy的模块配置(module configurations)是一个非常重要的概念,Ivy里的configurations 可以理解为模块的概览。 以Ivy自带的例子学习,源代码位于src/example/configurations/multi-projects. 里面有两个工程 -filter-framework 是一个库,定义了一个api来过滤字符串数组以及两个对该api的实现 -myapp

  • my

    描述 (Description) 此函数声明LIST中的变量在封闭块中具有词法范围。 如果指定了多个变量,则所有变量都必须括在括号中。 语法 (Syntax) 以下是此函数的简单语法 - my LIST 返回值 (Return Value) 此函数不返回任何值。 例子 (Example) 以下是显示其基本用法的示例代码 - #!/usr/bin/perl -w my $string = "We

  • 本程序最初是自己在装修房子的时候需要收集装修的效果图,找来作参考,开发了这个程序用来收集图片。 功能 创建、编辑、删除相册。 创建、编辑、删除标签。 一次增加多个图片。 加入剪切板中的图片。 拷贝选中的图片到剪切板中。 通过拖拽图片进行打标签,标签可以是多个。 编辑图片的属性(标题和描述)。 收藏好的图片。 以幻灯片的方式来浏览相册。 主界面 增加图片 编辑图片属性 收藏的图片 相册、标签和收藏之间的快捷跳转

  • My Mind 是一个基于 Web 的思维导图绘制工具,免费而且完全开源。My Mind 大多数采用键盘进行操作。 在线演示:

  • My Blog 坚持不易,各位朋友如果觉得项目还不错的话可以给项目一个 star 吧,也是对我一直更新代码的一种鼓励啦,谢谢各位的支持。 你可以拿它作为博客模板,因为 My Blog 界面十分美观简洁,满足私人博客的一切要求; 你也可以把它作为 SpringBoot 技术栈的学习项目,My Blog也足够符合要求,且代码和功能完备; 内置三套博客主题模板,主题风格各有千秋,满足大家的选择空间,后续

  • 98% OSS 1% free-as-in-beer closed source software 1% in-browser tools Please don't submit to Reddit, HN, or post this on Twitter. Share, but share with close friends! Table of Contents Tools by Catego

  • My-BIC是一个易于使用,强大的Ajax/PHP框架。 支持XML,JSON和TEXT的格式Ajax数据传输。 支持EasyForms:调用一个函数就能取得Form中的所有值,并为你创建一个少许美化的查询串。ajaxObj.getForm('formid')。 JSON客户端Encoding支持:利用该功能你就能够在客户端或服务器之间发送和接收经过JSON Encoding的数据。 网络断线保护