Kubernetes Native Policy Management
Kyverno is a policy engine designed for Kubernetes. It can validate, mutate, and generate configurations using admission controls and background scans. Kyverno policies are Kubernetes resources and do not require learning a new language. Kyverno is designed to work nicely with tools you already use like kubectl, kustomize, and Git.
Kyverno installation and reference documents are available at: kyverno.io.
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Kyverno is built and maintained by our growing community of contributors!
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自诞生以来,Kubernetes 一直是需要在微服务架构上实现可扩展容器化应用程序的企业的首选容器编排解决方案。它本质上将 Pod 作为最基本的单元来处理,它可以容纳一个或多个容器。由于 Kubernetes 中部署的任何应用程序都是通过一个或多个 Pod 执行的,因此用户必须确保它们免受错误配置和安全漏洞的影响。因此,Pod 安全性不仅是 Kubernetes 集群的主要问题,而且是关键业务应用