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MCW Cloud-native applications
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 韩欣怿
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Microsoft Cloud Workshops - Retirement Survey

As we look to streamline content and improve training, we are considering retiring the Microsoft Cloud Workshop (MCW) program. Please take a moment to fill out the Microsoft Cloud Workshop Survey and give us your feedback.

Cloud-native applications

Fabrikam Medical Conferences provides conference web site services, tailored to the medical community. Their business has grown and the management of many instances of the code base and change cycle per tenant has gotten out of control.

The goal of this workshop is to help them build a proof of concept (POC) that will migrate their code to a more manageable process that involves containerization of tenant code, a better DevOps workflow, and a simple lift-and-shift story for their database backend.

May 2021

Target Audience

  • Application developer
  • Infrastructure architect



In this workshop, you will build a proof of concept (POC) that will transform an existing on-premises application to a container-based application. This POC will deliver a multi-tenant web app hosting solution leveraging Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Docker containers on Linux nodes, and a migration from MongoDB to CosmosDB.

At the end of this workshop, you will be better able to improve the reliability of and increase the release cadence of your container-based applications through time-tested DevOps practices.

Whiteboard Design Session

In this whiteboard design session, you will learn about the choices related to building and deploying containerized applications in Azure, critical decisions around this, and other aspects of the solution, including ways to lift-and-shift parts of the application to reduce applications changes.

By the end of this design session, you will be better able to design solutions that target Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and define a DevOps workflow for containerized applications.

Hands-on Lab

This hands-on lab is designed to guide you through the process of building and deploying Docker images to the Kubernetes platform hosted on Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS), in addition to learning how to work with dynamic service discovery, service scale-out, and high-availability.

At the end of this lab, you will be better able to build and deploy containerized applications to Azure Kubernetes Service and perform common DevOps procedures.

Azure services and related products

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Azure Container Registry
  • GitHub
  • Docker
  • Cosmos DB (including MongoDB API)

Azure solutions

App Modernization

Related references

Help & Support

We welcome feedback and comments from Microsoft SMEs & learning partners who deliver MCWs.

Having trouble?

  • First, verify you have followed all written lab instructions (including the Before the Hands-on lab document).
  • Next, submit an issue with a detailed description of the problem.
  • Do not submit pull requests. Our content authors will make all changes and submit pull requests for approval.

If you are planning to present a workshop, review and test the materials early! We recommend at least two weeks prior.

Please allow 5 - 10 business days for review and resolution of issues.

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