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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 苏德容
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Emissary-Ingress (fka Ambassador API Gateway) CII Best Practices

Emissary-Ingress (formerly known as the Ambassador API Gateway) is an open-source Kubernetes-native API Gateway + Layer 7 load balancer + Kubernetes Ingress built on Envoy Proxy. Emissary Ingress is an CNCF incubation project.

The Ambassador Edge Stack is a complete superset of the OSS Emissary Ingress project that offers additional functionality. Edge Stack is designed to easily expose, secure, and manage traffic to your Kubernetes microservices of any type. Edge Stack was built around the ideas of self-service (enabling GitOps-style management) and comprehensiveness (so it works with your situations and technology solutions).

Emissary Ingress enables its users to:

See the full list of features here. Learn Why the Ambassador Edge Stack?


Ambassador deploys the Envoy Proxy for L7 traffic management. Configuration of Ambassador is via Kubernetes annotations. Ambassador relies on Kubernetes for scaling and resilience. For more on Ambassador's architecture and motivation, read this blog post.

Getting Started

You can get Ambassador up and running in just three steps. Follow the instructions here: https://www.getambassador.io/docs/emissary/latest/tutorials/getting-started/

If you are looking for a Kubernetes ingress controller, Ambassador provides a superset of the functionality of a typical ingress controller. (It does the traditional routing, and layers on a raft of configuration options.) This blog post covers Kubernetes ingress.

For other common questions, view this FAQ page.

You can also use Helm to install Ambassador. For more information, see the instructions in the Helm installation documentation


Ambassador is an open-source project, and welcomes any and all contributors. To get started:

If you're interested in contributing, here are some ways:

The Ambassador Edge Stack is a superset of the Ambassador API Gateway that provides additional functionality including OAuth/OpenID Connect, advanced rate limiting, Swagger/OpenAPI support, integrated ACME support for automatic TLS certificate management, and a UI. For more information, visit https://www.getambassador.io/editions/.

  • 发布日期:2021年11月4日 Emissary-ingress项目维护者的项目客串文章 云原生计算基金会(CNCF)孵化项目Emissary-ingress是Kubernetes的开源入口控制器和API网关,宣布得到主要服务网状社区Linkerd(CNCF毕业项目)和Istio的正式支持。 -- Emissary-ingress由Ambassador Labs创建,建立在Envoy Proxy(

  • 先从应用层面考虑-emissary 0.1 想造一个.Net Application Server,得先了解企业级应用需要什么基础服务和开发人员需要什么!我就从这里开始,我给我的.Net Application Server起个名字"emissary",全面基于.Net的Application Server.希望能够成为一个Remoting对象和Web Service的新寄主,但是我不想让它成为一

  • 对于Emissary Application Server 的新进展 一直以来我梦想有这样一个东西,帮助.Net Team选择合适的企业应用软件架构,并且能够轻松解决企业级应用的基础问题。由于新的技术以及新的企业级应用方式的发展,我在原有文章中设想的方式已经有些落伍,所以这几个月来我一直在研究SOA的实现问题,以及IOC和AOP的实现问题,并且对Java EE的EJB 3.0容器规范和JMS,JC

  • Emissary Application System Server(1) 现在正在一个J2EE项目上,对EJB进行了深入的研究,一直使用.Net的我终于发现EJB这种企业级组件的设计长处,当我需要设计一个业务组件时,只需要按照EJB规范写一个Bean(从SessionBean继承的普通Java类),然后在这个Bean中实现SessionBean接口中的回调方法和Home接口对应的ejbCreat

  • 对《对于Emissary Application Server 的新进展》一文的再补充 对于昨天的一文中,还缺少一个对对象池问题的想法,今天拿出来。 有一天出去买了水果,回家我就把它们送进了冰箱,突然间有了个想法,主要是对对象池的想法,在技术实现上应该不是很难做到。想法如下,冰箱内根据温度分成不同的储藏区域,温度由高向低,最低温度的部分,我经常用来制作冰块。那么我想,App Server的对象池应

  • 最新系统漏洞2021年11月20日 受影响系统: Emissary Emissary 5.9.0 描述: Emissary是一个应用软件。一个基于P2P的数据驱动的工作流引擎,可在异构的可能广泛分布的多层P2P网络计算资源中运行。 Emissary 5.9.0的ConsoleAction组件存在跨站请求伪造漏洞。攻击者可利用该漏洞通过CONSOLE_COMMAND_STRING参数注入任意Ruby



