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开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 酆景辉
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


This repository stores in its gh-pagesbranch packaged Helmcharts for BinderHub and Zero to JupyterHub K8s. These packaged Helmcharts are made available as a valid Helm chartrepository on an automatically updatedwebsite thanks to GitHub Pages.We use chartpress to add package and add Helm charts to this Helm chartrepository.


This Helm chart repository enables you to install a JupyterHub and BinderHubHelm chart directly from it into your Kubernetes cluster. Please refer to theJupyterHub Helm chart documentation or theBinderHub Helm chart documentation for allthe additional details required.

# Let helm the command line tool know about a Helm chart repository
# that we decide to name jupyterhub.
helm repo add jupyterhub https://jupyterhub.github.io/helm-chart/
helm repo update

# Simplified example on how to install a Helm chart from a Helm chart repository
# named jupyterhub. See the Helm chart's documentation for additional details
# required.
helm install jupyterhub/<helm chart name> --version <helm chart version>

Release notes

The JupyterHub Helm chart

For an extensive list of the released versions, click the badge above!

Each JupyterHub Helm chart release utilizes a specific version of JupyterHuband KubeSpawner and requires a minimum Kubernetes version as well as aminimum Helm version to function properly.

For detailed information about what Python libraries and other packages areavailable alongside JupyterHub, inspect files such as Dockerfile andrequirements.txt within the imagesfolder.

The BinderHub Helm chart

For an extensive list of the released versions, click the badge above!

BinderHub's Helm chart use JupyterHub's Helm chart as a dependency. That meansthat each BinderHub use a specific version of JupyterHub's Helm chart, alongwith BinderHub specific components like the BinderHub Pythonpackage itselfand repo2docker.

For detailed information about what Python libraries and other packages areavailable alongside BinderHub, inspect files such as Dockerfile andrequirements.txt within the imagesfolder.

Currently, the BinderHub Helm chart does not tag releases though, so making asimilar comparison to the one above is hard.

Local development of GitHub page

Background knowledge

To locally development the GitHub page for this repostiory, some backgroundunderstanding can be useful. A good start is to read Helm's documentation aboutHelm chart repositories. After that,keep this in mind.

Setting up for local development

There are probably different ways to go about this, but sometimes what mattersis to have one at all. Doing the following was tested by @consideRatio2019-10-19 on Ubuntu 19.04.

  1. Install Ruby, Gem, and Bundler.

    1. Install rbenv.
    2. Install the rbenv-build plugin to allows you to use rbenv install.
    3. Run rbenv install <version> with the latest stable version.
    4. Run rbenv global <version>.
    5. Verify you can run ruby -v and gem -v.
    6. Run gem install bundler to work with Gemfiles etc.
  2. Install Jekyll.

    1. Checkout the gh-pages branch with git checkout gh-pages.
    2. Run bundle install
  3. Start a local webserver.

    1. Run bundle exec jekyll serve.
    2. Visit http://localhost:4000.
  • 1 问题描述: 编写一个应用charts,将一个模板yaml中的command命令提取到values.yaml中,但是在验证的时候发现command命令中包含的双引号无法正常加载,具体如下: values.yaml containers:   command: [ "sh","-ce","source /etc/profile"]  -------------------------------

  • 我们以一个项目例子来说明,项目文件结构如下: $ tree . ├── Chart.yaml ├── etc │ └── data.txt ├── etc-values.yaml └── templates ├── configmap.yaml ├── deployment.yaml ├── _helpers.tpl ├── NOTES.txt └── service.yaml 准备测试用的配置文

  • 基本概念 Helm 的三个基本概念 Chart:Helm 应用(package),包括该应用的所有 Kubernetes manifest 模版,类似于 YUM RPM 或 Apt dpkg 文件 Repository:Helm package 存储仓库 Release:chart 的部署实例,每个 chart 可以部署一个或多个 release Helm 工作原理 Helm 包括两个部分,hel

  • 查询 charts helm search helm search mysql 查询 package 详细信息 helm inspect stable/mariadb 部署 package helm install stable/mysql 部署之前可以自定义 package 的选项: # 查询支持的选项 helm inspect values stable/mysql # 自定义 passwor

  • Prometheus Community Kubernetes Helm Charts This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The code is provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of o

  • Helm 帮助您管理 Kubernetes 应用程序——Helm Charts 帮助您定义、安装和升级最复杂的 Kubernetes 应用程序。 Helm 可以使用 Charts 启动 Kubernetes 集群,提供可用的工作流: 一个 Redis 集群 一个 Postgres 数据库 一个 HAProxy 边界负载均衡 特性: 查找并使用流行的软件,将其打包为 Helm Charts,以便在

  • Helm 是一个在桌面上使用的系统监控小工具,可定制监控的内容并在桌面上显示,如下图所示:

  • python-helm 是 kubernetes 组件 helm 的 python 客户端,它是基于 pyhelm 进行功能扩展, 对tiller 的操作更为全面。 功能 python-helm 可以实现对Tiller的访问 Tiller控制 安装 升级 回滚 删除 测试 获取版本历史