User documentation can be found on the OLM website.
This project is a component of the Operator Framework, an open source toolkit to manage Kubernetes native applications, called Operators, in an effective, automated, and scalable way. Read more in the introduction blog post and learn about practical use cases at OLM-Book.
OLM extends Kubernetes to provide a declarative way to install, manage, and upgrade Operators and their dependencies in a cluster. It provides the following features:
Kubernetes clusters are being kept up to date using elaborate update mechanisms today, more often automatically and in the background. Operators, being cluster extensions, should follow that. OLM has a concept of catalogs from which Operators are available to install and being kept up to date. In this model OLM allows maintainers granular authoring of the update path and gives commercial vendors a flexible publishing mechanism using channels.
With OLMs packaging format Operators can express dependencies on the platform and on other Operators. They can rely on OLM to respect these requirements as long as the cluster is up. In this way, OLMs dependency model ensures Operators stay working during their long lifecycle across multiple updates of the platform or other Operators.
OLM advertises installed Operators and their services into the namespaces of tenants. They can discover which managed services are available and which Operator provides them. Administrators can rely on catalog content projected into a cluster, enabling discovery of Operators available to install.
Operators must claim ownership of their APIs. OLM will prevent conflicting Operators owning the same APIs being installed, ensuring cluster stability.
Operators can behave like managed service providers. Their user interface on the command line are APIs. For graphical consoles OLM annotates those APIs with descriptors that drive the creation of rich interfaces and forms for users to interact with the Operator in a natural, cloud-like way.
Check the Getting Started section.
Install OLM on a Kubernetes cluster by following the installation guide.
For a complete end-to-end example of how OLM fits into the Operator Framework, see the Operator Framework Getting Started Guide. Also, see Getting Started on
Use the admin console to interact with and visualize the resources managed by OLM. Create subscriptions, approve install plans, identify Operator-managed resources, and more.
Ensure kubectl
is pointing at a cluster and run:
$ make run-console-local
Then visit http://localhost:9000
to view the console.
Have an awesome Operator you want to share? Checkout the publishing docs to learn about contributing to
Cloud Services can be installed from the catalog by subscribing to a channel in the corresponding package.
An Operator is an application-specific controller that extends the Kubernetes API to create, configure, manage, and operate instances of complex applications on behalf of a user.
OLM requires that applications be managed by an operator, but that doesn't mean that each application must write one from scratch. Depending on the level of control required you may:
The primary vehicle for describing operator requirements with OLM is a ClusterServiceVersion
. Once you have an application packaged for OLM, you can deploy it with OLM by creating its ClusterServiceVersion
in a namespace with a supporting OperatorGroup
ClusterServiceVersions can be collected into CatalogSource
s which will allow automated installation and dependency resolution via an InstallPlan
, and can be kept up-to-date with a Subscription
Learn more about the components used by OLM by reading about the architecture and philosophy.
OLM standardizes interactions with operators by requiring that the interface to an operator be via the Kubernetes API. Because we expect users to define the interfaces to their applications, OLM currently uses CRDs to define the Kubernetes API interactions.
Examples: EtcdCluster CRD, EtcdBackup CRD
OLM introduces the notion of “descriptors” of both spec
and status
fields in kubernetes API responses. Descriptors are intended to indicate various properties of a field in order to make decisions about their content. For example, this can drive connecting two operators together (e.g. connecting the connection string from a mysql instance to a consuming application) and be used to drive rich interactions in a UI.
See an example of a ClusterServiceVersion with descriptors
To minimize the effort required to run an application on kubernetes, OLM handles dependency discovery and resolution of applications running on OLM.
This is achieved through additional metadata on the application definition. Each operator must define:
, because Vault is backed by etcd.Basic dependency resolution is then possible by finding, for each “required” CRD, the corresponding operator that manages it and installing it as well. Dependency resolution can be further constrained by the way a user interacts with catalogs.
Dependency resolution is driven through the (Group, Version, Kind)
of CRDs. This means that no updates can occur to a given CRD (of a particular Group, Version, Kind) unless they are completely backward compatible.
There is no way to express a dependency on a particular version of an operator (e.g. etcd-operator v0.9.0
) or application instance (e.g. etcd v3.2.1
). This encourages application authors to depend on the interface and not the implementation.
OLM has the concept of catalogs, which are repositories of application definitions and CRDs.
Catalogs contain a set of Packages, which map “channels” to a particular application definition. Channels allow package authors to write different upgrade paths for different users (e.g. alpha vs. stable).
Example: etcd package
Users can subscribe to channels and have their operators automatically updated when new versions are released.
Here's an example of a subscription:
kind: Subscription
name: etcd
namespace: olm
channel: singlenamespace-alpha
name: etcd
source: operatorhubio-catalog
sourceNamespace: olm
This will keep the etcd ClusterServiceVersion
up to date as new versions become available in the catalog.
Catalogs are served internally over a grpc interface to OLM from operator-registry pods. Catalog data such as bundles
are documented there as well.
To explore any operator samples using the OLM, see the and its resources in Community Operators.
Check out the contributor documentation. Also, see the proposal docs and issues for ongoing or planned work.
See reporting bugs for details about reporting any issues.
Operator Lifecycle Manager is under Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
operator sdk与kubebuilder的区别 operator sdk和kubebuilder都是为了用户方便创建和管理operator而生的脚手架项目。对于用基于Golang开发的operator项目而言,operator sdk在底层使用了kubebuilder,例如operator sdk的命令行工具底层实际是调用kubebuilder的命令行工具。所以无论由operator sd
简介 operator framework 是一个为云原生开发者提供开发operator的组件框架的开源项目,它目前包含三个组件: Operator SDK。集成controller-runtime,提供了:编写运维逻辑的高阶API,快速构建Operator项目及代码生成的脚手架工具,覆盖常见Operator用例的扩展。Operator SDK是Operator Framework中最核心的工程。
一、环境准备 组件 版本 kube-prometheus-stack kube-prometheus-stack-39.6.0 prometheus-operator prometheus-operator:v0.58.0 prometheus prometheus:v2.37.0 alertmanager alertmanager:v0.24.0 grafana grafana:9.0.5 no
目录 1.了解 Kubernetes 的基本概念和组件,如 Pod、Deployment、Service 等。 2.熟悉 Flink 的基本概念和架构,如 JobManager
简介: 可运维:云原生时代 RocketMQ 运维管控的利器 - RocketMQ Operator: 简介: RocketMQ Operator 现已加入 OperatorHub,正式进入 Operator 社区。本文将从实践出发,结合案例来说明,如何通过 RocketMQ Operator 在 Kubernetes 上快速搭建一个 RocketMQ 集群,并提供一些 RocketMQ 集群管理
OLM是一组cluster资源的集合,用来管理一个operator的lifecycle. 安装olm 假设你已经安装operator-sdk operator-sdk olm install operator-sdk olm status 我的输出为 INFO[0000] Fetching CRDs for version "v0.21.2" INFO[0000] Fetc
OpenShift 4.x在受限网络中的Operator Lifecycle Manager一直很难用,直到OpenShift 4.6的发布。 OpenShift 4.6能够采用下面的命令定制自己所需要的Operator,再也不用为安装日志犯愁了。 实施工程师终于可以轻松的掌握实施时间了。 opm index prune \ -f
Angular 2应用程序遍历整个流程集,或者从应用程序的启动到结束都有一个生命周期。 下图显示了Angular 2应用程序生命周期中的整个过程。 以下是每个生命周期钩子的描述。 ngOnChanges - 当数据绑定属性的值更改时,将调用此方法。 ngOnInit - 只要在Angular首次显示数据绑定属性后初始化指令/组件,就会调用此方法。 ngDoCheck - 用于检测并对Angular
caution This section is a work in progress. Lifecycle APIs are shared by Themes and Plugins. validateOptions({options, validate}) Return validated and normalized options for the plugin. This method is
Android、iOS 和最新的 Windows 系统可以随时自主地停止后台进程,及时释放系统资源。也就是说,网页可能随时被系统丢弃掉。以前的浏览器 API 完全没有考虑到这种情况,导致开发者根本没有办法监听到系统丢弃页面。 为了解决这个问题,W3C 新制定了一个 Page Lifecycle API,统一了网页从诞生到卸载的行为模式,并且定义了新的事件,允许开发者响应网页状态的各种转换。 有了这
Operator是由CoreOS开发的,用来扩展Kubernetes API,特定的应用程序控制器,它用来创建、配置和管理复杂的有状态应用,如数据库、缓存和监控系统。Operator基于Kubernetes的资源和控制器概念之上构建,但同时又包含了应用程序特定的领域知识。创建Operator的关键是CRD(自定义资源)的设计。 工作原理 Operator是将运维人员对软件操作的知识给代码化,同时利
问题内容: 我想尝试Google(的新生命周期资料,但打开应用时会崩溃。我要做的就是添加依赖项。还有其他人有这个问题吗? 日志: build.gradle依赖项: 问题答案: 您是否使用Proguard?如果是这样,请尝试将其关闭: 或者,您可以将自定义规则添加到您的Proguard配置中:
在本章中,我们将了解Grav的生命周期。 Grav Lifecycle确定Grav如何处理以通过插件扩展Grav。 下图显示了Grav生命周期过程的流程。 Grav生命周期的以下四个步骤 - PHP Version Loader class is initialized Obtain Grav Instance Call Grav Process PHP版本 它检查PHP的版本以确保我们运行的是5