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Homebridge plugin for Particle Devices
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Particle.io device plugin for Homebridge

As you all know in the new version of Homebridge, the plugin architecture is changed. In new Homebridge, plugins are published through NPM with name starts with homebridge-. Users can install the plugin using NPM.

You can install it using NPM like all other modules, using:

npm install -g homebridge-particle-io.

In this version, I have made some changes from the older version. Mainly the plugin is now a Homebridge Platform. Also in this version accessories are defined in config.json file. The plugin loads the accessories from the config.json file and create accessory dynamically. A sample configuration file is like:

    "bridge": {
      "name": "Homebridge",
      "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:39",
      "port": 51826,
      "pin": "031-45-154"

    "description": "This is an example configuration file with one Particle platform and 3 accessories, two lights and a temperature sensor. You should replace the access token and device id placeholder with your access token and device id",

    "platforms": [
        "platform": "ParticleIO",
        "name": "Particle Devices",
        "access_token": "<<access token>>",
        "cloud_url": "https://api.particle.io/v1/devices/",
        "devices": [
            "name": "Bedroom Light",
            "type": "lightbulb",
            "device_id": "<<device id>>",
            "function_name": "onoff",
            "args": "0={STATE}"
            "name": "Kitchen Light",
            "type": "lightbulb",
            "device_id": "<<device id>>",
            "function_name": "onoff",
            "args": "1={STATE}"
            "name": "Kitchen Temperature",
            "type": "temperaturesensor",
            "device_id": "<<device id>>",
            "event_name": "tvalue",
            "split_character": ":"

As you can see from the above example this config.json file defines 3 accessories. 2 Lights and one Temperature Sensor. The access_token defines the Particle Access Token and cloud_url defines the base Particle API url. If you are using the Particle Cloud, then the value of cloud_url should be https://api.particle.io/v1/devices/. If you are using local cloud, then replace with your sensor address.

The devices array contains all the accessories. You can see the accessory object defines following string objects:

  • name - Display name, this is the name to be displayed on the HomeKit app.
  • type - Type of the accessory. As of now, the plugin supports 3 types: lightbulb, temperaturesensor and humiditysensor.
  • device_id - Device ID of the Particle Device (Core, Photon or Electron). It is defined in accessory so that you can use different Particle Devices for different accessory.
  • event_name - The name of the event to listen for sensor value update. This is only valid if the accessory is a sensor (i.e. currently temperaturesensor or humiditysensor). The plugin listens for events published from a Particle Device (using Particle.publish). The device firmware should publish the sensor values as a raw number.
  • function_name - The name of the particle function that will be called when an action is triggered via HomeKit. If there is no function provided, the default power will be used. This is only valid if the accessory is an actor (i.e. lightbulb or switchaccessory).

Particle Event Data Format

By default it expects the event data as "key=value".

Particle.publish("tvalue", "temperature=20.7")

In order to parse JSON format, a custom split_character can be configured.

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