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Homebridge ESP8266 Projects

Smart Home is becoming more and more popular and I have started to work on it a few months ago. In this directory I would like to share my ESP8266 and other projects with you, because it is often not easy to find detailed instructions on the Internet. You can find something for everything, but often you have to search a long time until you have all the necessary information together.


Check out the Wiki for the Projects!

  • Luani HV IO ESPEasy & Case
  • Itead Sonoff Garagedoor Opener
  • Itead Sonoff Door Opener
  • Itead Sonoff Thermostat (Beta)
  • ESP8266 Mailbox Sensor
  • Zoneminder Camera Motion Sensor
  • ESP8266 Temperature & Humidity
  • MQTT Security System
  • ESP8266 IR Remote Control (Beta)
  • RFLink Gateway 433Mhz
  • RFLink Gateway MiLight
  • Itead Sonoff RFBridge 433Mhz


Every project has its own requirements, which are explained in each article. But what should be in principle for all my projects is:

  1. Working version of Homebridge on a Raspberry Pi or other Linux Server
  2. MQTT Broker such as Mosquitto
  3. Node-Red for easy creation and management of MQTT devices
  4. iOS Device with Home App installed and optional an Apple TV 4 as remote station
  5. Arduino IDE for flashing (Set up here)

How exactly the different components are installed, you can find out on the Internet. There are really beautiful instructions, which are easy to do. Everyone should get there. However, if you experience problems, feel free to contact me here.

About me

I am 23 years old and I love to play around with technology. I study media computer science and like to deal with technology. I figured that we live in a time when the computer can make many things easier for us and so I have dealt with the topic of smart home and was caught directly. Forgive me my bad english but i am german and have to translate a lot with a translator. I hope you find something in this directory that interests you. Please share your experience or problems with me here.

  • homebridge-esp8266-garage-door An esp8266 powered garage door controller with HomeKit support powered by Homebridge. PlatformIO This project uses PlatformIO to manage dependencies and build process. S

  • FastLED + ESP8266 Web Server Control an addressable LED strip with an ESP8266 via a web browser or via HomeBridge and a HomeKit iOS device. Changes in this fork In order to have this library work with

  • ESP8266 based  HomeKit Smart Blind Controller ESP8266 based  HomeKit Smart Blind Controller for Vertical and Venetian Blinds with BH1750 Light Sensor and Automatic Mode! This project is still in dev

  • ESP8266  HomeKit Paradox Alarm System ESP8266  HomeKit server for Paradox Alarm Systems Still in development, currently its just an "empty" HomeKit Security System accessory and not controlling anyt

  • ESP8266 Apple HomeKit Elgato Eve Motion Sensor ESP8266 based  HomeKit Motion Sensor that works the same as Elgato Eve Motion For Usage please read the Build Instructions Wiki page! This HomeKit enabl

  • 更新几乎在那里,我可以收到消息,我想。当代码可读时,我会把它放进去。也在尝试发送。。 原始问题 我试图连接我的esp8266(@38400波特)(3.5美元的wifi芯片:)),到一个网络插座。该芯片与Arduino pro mini相连。这个设置是确定的,它的工作原理。 多亏了一些代码,我能握手了(https://github.com/ejeklint/ArduinoWebsocketServe