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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 其他开源、 物联网
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 刘琨
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


An esp8266 powered garage door controller with HomeKit support powered by Homebridge.


This project uses PlatformIO to manage dependencies and build process. See https://platformio.org/platformio-ide for installation instructions.


  1. Create an auth.h file based on the src/auth.h-template file and define a secure alphanumeric username and password.
  2. Review the GPIO pins defined in src/settings.h and adjust as required.


pio run


pio run -t upload

Monitor Serial

pio device monitor

You may need to adjust the upload_port and monitor_port in the platformio.ini file. You can list the available devices using:

pio device list

Homebridge Plugin

If you just want to install the plugin, search for and install @oznu/homebridge-esp8266-garage-door.

sudo npm install -g @oznu/homebridge-esp8266-garage-door


The Homebridge plugin is located in the ./homebridge directory.

cd homebridge


TypeScript needs to be compiled into JavaScript before it can run. The following command will compile the contents of your src directory and put the resulting code into the dist folder.

npm run build

Link To Homebridge

Run this command so your global install of Homebridge can discover the plugin in your development environment:

npm link

You can now start Homebridge, use the -D flag so you can see debug log messages in your plugin:

homebridge -D

Watch For Changes and Build Automatically

If you want to have your code compile automatically as you make changes, and restart Homebridge automatically between changes you can run:

npm run watch
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