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ESP8266 based  HomeKit Smart Blind Controller

ESP8266 based  HomeKit Smart Blind Controller for Vertical and Venetian Blinds with BH1750 Light Sensor and Automatic Mode!

This project is still in development so currently not fully working and some parts (PCB, 3D printed parts) are missing yet!

For Usage please read the Build Instructions Wiki page!

Please note that for this Project a 3D Printer is ESSENTIAL!


  • Opening / Closing Blinds
  • Auto Mode (based on Light Sensor reading)
  • Button Control (Fully Closing / Opening Blinds via Button Press)
  • BH1750 Light sensor
  • Adjusting End Stop (Currently not available yet)
  • Reset button

This HomeKit enabled Smart Blind Controller is based on this project!



This project uses the Apple HomeKit accessory server library ESP-HomeKit from @MaximKulkin for ESP-OPEN-RTOS.

Although already forbidden by the sources and subsequent licensing, it is not allowed to use or distribute this software for a commercial purpose.

HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP) is Apple’s proprietary protocol that enables third-party accessories in the home (e.g., lights, thermostats and door locks) and Apple products to communicate with each other. HAP supports two transports, IP and Bluetooth LE. The information provided in the HomeKit Accessory Protocol Specification (Non-Commercial Version) describes how to implement HAP in an accessory that you create for non-commercial use and that will not be distributed or sold.
The HomeKit Accessory Protocol Specification (Non-Commercial Version) can be downloaded from the HomeKit Apple Developer page.
Copyright © 2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
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