RPi GPIO based LED Strip plugin for Homebridge
Due to all the changes and updated that have occured in Homebridge since the original release of this plugin, i decided to replace its core to extend its usability and compatibility.This plugin now relies on pi-blaster.js which you need to install beforehand.
Originally inspired by GiniaE/homebridge-gpio-ledstrip
To identify the correct pin configuration, have a look at the following layout
P.S: if pi-blaster seems not to work (e.g running the command 'echo "$PIN=1" > /dev/pi-blaster' doesn't yield the desired output), try restarting manually the service with root privileges
Configuration sample:
"accessories": [
"accessory": "SmartLedStrip",
"name": "Bedroom LedStrip",
"rPin": 22,
"gPin": 27,
"bPin": 17
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1.1. GPIO Setting 1.1.1. GPIO Domain 1.1.2. GPIO Utilization Method in Linux Kernel 1.1.3. GPIO Utilization Method in MCU 1.1.4. GPIO Utilization Method in User Space 1.1. GPIO Setting 1.1.1. GPIO Dom