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Homebridge VM Boot Image

A minimal ISO image that runs Homebridge.

⚠️ For use in virtual machines only, do not boot this ISO in a machine with access to a disk containing data you care about.


  1. Click here to download the latest homebridge-vm-image.iso (70 MB) ISO file.
  2. Create a new virtual machine in HyperV, VirtualBox, Parallels Desktop, ESXi etc.
    • OS: Linux -> Other Linux (64bit)
    • Hyper-V: Select "Generation 1 VM"
  3. Configure your virtual machine with the following settings:
    • RAM: 1GB Minimum
    • CPU: 1+
    • HDD: 8GB virtual hard disk (thin / dynamic)
      • Important: Use a SATA / IDE Controller (SCSI controllers will not work)
    • Network Adapter: Bridged Adapter (VirtualBox / Parallels Desktop) or External Switch (Hyper-V).
    • ISO: homebridge-vm-image.iso (this must stay attached forever, so store the .iso in a safe place).
      • VirtualBox: check the "Is Live CD" box.
      • Parallels Desktop: you may need to re-mount the ISO once after the first boot in the VM settings.
  4. Start your VM.
  5. Connect to the address shown in the console window, eg.
  6. Manage Homebridge.


Based on boot2docker.

  • 配置Bridge模式KVM虚拟机 1. 配置基本环境 1 安装软件包。 安装brctl和tunctl命令行工具,要采用Bridge模式的网络配置,首先需要安装两个RPM包,即bridge-utils和tunctl,它们提供所需的brctl和tunctl命令行工具。可以用yum工具安装这两个RPM包。 #yum install bridge-utils -y #yum -y localinstall

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  • 苹果官网镜像下载地址大全(含原版、引导版、ISO/CDR) https://www.apple114.com/pages/macos/

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  • 请移步至 https://github.com/nandy007/agile-ce