This is a plugin for homebridge which makes it possible to create a temperature sensorin HomeKit via file.
When you have a DHT-sensor, you need sudo
to read from it. I don't want to run homebridge as sudo
, so I'm having a cronjob
,which writes every n seconds to a file and read from it from homebridge.
"accessory": "TemperatureFile",
"name": "Temperature-sensor",
"description": "The temperature sensor in the bedroom",
"file_path": "/home/pi/dht/temp"
DEPRECATION NOTICE This package is deprecated. Please use homebridge-mqtthing instead. It is more mature, better tested, and offers additional-features. homebridge-mqtt-temperature Get Temperature Sen
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现在天气越来越热了,使用笔记本的人,一定都有烤'猪蹄'的感觉了。特别是使用UBUNTU系统的人。我推荐一个目前我在使用的测试温度的软件。 Computer Temperature Monitor,在Ubuntu的软件中心里面有,也可以到官方网站上下载一个。 安装完后在gnome面板上右键添加到面板,会找到Computer Temperature Monitor,添加就可以用了。 更多屏幕截图请看: