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 Homebridge Plugin for lirc-state-api
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所属分类 其他开源、 物联网
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地区 不详
投 递 者 司空锋
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Plugin for Homebridge proxying HomeKit requests to lirc-state-api service. Let you control your infrared devices via HomeKit / Siri.


lirc-state-api service configured and running.


Assuming the service lirc-state-api is running on localhost:3001, and has a device fan with states power, air and rotate.

"accessories": [
      "accessory": "homebridge-lirc-accessory.LIRC Accessory",
      "hapService": "Fan",
      "name": "Fan",
      "manufacturer": "dyson",
      "model": "cool",
      "serialNumber": "123-45678",
      "baseUrl": "http://localhost:3001/devices/fan",
      "properties": [
          "characteristic": "On",
          "lircState": "power",
          "type": "Boolean"
          "characteristic": "RotationSpeed",
          "lircState": "air",
          "type": "Integer",
          "ratio": 10
          "characteristic": "RotationDirection",
          "lircState": "rotate",
          "type": "Boolean"
  • LIRC 是一个C开发包,用来从远程通用红外设备上接收和发送红外信号。它包含一个守护进程用来解码和发送红外信号,一个鼠标的守护进程用来将红外信号转换成鼠标动作,同时还包含一些工具用来通过红外线控制远程计算机。

  • State The state contains information whose cryptographic digest is included in block headers, and thus is necessary for validating new blocks. For instance, the validators set and the results of trans

  • 它为状态机提供了一个模块,该模块使用从指定的状态机类派生的子类实现。 这些方法与状态无关,并导致使用装饰器声明的转换。 如何实现状态模式? 状态模式的基本实现如下所示 - class ComputerState(object): name = "state" allowed = [] def switch(self, state): """ Switch to new

  • This doc introduces app state, ephemeral state, and how you might manage each in a Flutter app. In the broadest possible sense, the state of an app is everything that exists in memory when the app is

  • This doc introduces app state, ephemeral state, and how you might manage each in a Flutter app. In the broadest possible sense, the state of an app is everything that exists in memory when the app is

  • 通常情况下,在react中我们可能同时有几个组件修改同样的数据或者说跟同一个数据有关系。我们推荐在这几个组件最亲近的组件组件哪里提升一个共同的state来管理这些数据,让我们来看一下具体怎幺实现! 在这个章节中,我们将创建一个温度计算器,用来实现计算水温为多少的时候,水将变为沸腾。 我们首先来实现一个BoilingVerdict,它接受一个celsius温度值作为props属性,用来表示是否足以让