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Self-hosted, super simple photo stream
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 沈宇定
操作系统 未知
适用人群 未知

This project is no longer being maintained by me. Please go to https://github.com/waschinski/photo-stream/ a version maintained by someone who actually knows what they're doing :)

Photo Stream

Photo stream is a simpler home for your photos by @maxvoltar and friends. Easy to use, self hosted, no tracking, just photos.



  • Lazy loading
  • Only load larger resolutions when needed (to save on bandwidth)
  • Photo tints
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Unique URL's for photos
  • RSS feed (Which you can plug into IFTTT and set up auto-posting to most social networks, like I've done here. Make sure you select "Post a tweet with image" when setting it up to embed the photo.)
  • Drag, drop, commit workflow (learn more about how to add photos to your stream)
  • Optimized light and dark themes (auto-enabled depending on your OS preferences)
  • Optional: Links to your social networks


We like to take photos and share them. Problem is it's hard to really own your photos and how they're represented across social media these days, so we set out to make a place for them. You host it yourself, wherever you want (Netlify, Github Pages...), you're in control.

How to install

The easy way

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clear the photos/original directory
  3. Add your own photos
  4. Deploy your forked copy to Netlify (free by default, you can add your own domain and analytics for a reasonable price)
  5. In your build & deploy settings, set "Build command" to jekyll build and "Publish directory" to _site/.
  6. Enjoy your very own photo stream!

The slightly-less-easy-but-still-totally-doable way

Check to see if you have Ruby installed (ruby -v). If you don't, you can follow the installation instructions provided here.

Next you'll have to install Jekyll (a simple gem install bundler jekyll should suffice).

bundle install

You'll also need some additional dependencies:

# Make sure xcode CLT is installed first:
xcode-select --install

# This takes a while. Plug your laptop in and go grab a coffee, a book, or just
# like, take a sec away from the computer and breathe for a bit.
brew install glib vips

How to use

Put your photos (not resized) in the photos/originals directory. Optionally you can give them a name, which will appear as the title of the photo page and in the RSS feed.

This command will serve the static page on your local machine. http://localhost:4000

bundle exec jekyll serve

You can also statically build your site to be uploaded to a regular webhost.

bundle exec jekyll build

Now upload the contents of the _site/ directory to your webserver.

Automating the build & upload with rsync

Copy the bash script 'build-n-rsync.sh' from the _script directory to the root of your photo-stream folder.Fill in the required credentials & run the script. It will build & upload your site.



First thing you want to do is edit a couple of things in /_config.yml:

  • title: The title of your photo stream
  • email: Your email address (this line is optional, you can remove it)
  • author
    • name: Your name
    • email: Your email address (optional)
    • website: Your website (could be the address of this photo stream)
  • description: Description of your photo stream
  • baseurl: Should be "" ⚠️ Do not change unless you know what you're doing
  • url: Where will this photo stream live (example: https://maxvoltar.photo)
  • twitter_username: Your Twitter username
  • github_username: Your Github username
  • instagram_username: Your Instagram username

Don't include the @-part of your social handles. By default links to your Github and Instagram profiles are hidden. You can uncomment these by going into /index.html. There, you can also add links to wherever you want. Just add more <li>'s with class="link" to the <ul class="links"> list.


Before publishing your website, Jekyll will resize your photos into 3 different buckets:

  • /photos/large: These are only shown when a user navigates to a photo page. By default these are resized to a maximum of 2048 wide and 2048 tall. If you wish, you can change these by changing the values in /_config.yml (by default they look something like this: resize_to_limit: [2048, 2048]).
  • /photos/thumbnail: These are used in the grid. Photo Stream will load all thumbnails above the fold, then more as you scroll down; all to save bandwidth. Standard size for these is 640 by 640 (max), but you can also change this if needed.
  • /photos/tint: What you see while the page loads its first batch of thumbnails, also used as the background for photo pages. ⚠️ Do not make changes to the tint versions in your config file.


Known issues

  • You might see a VIPS-WARNING message while running jekyll serve. This is a bug in libvips that's being tracked, but it's harmless.
  •  stream().map()里面的操作是必须返回值是个String,所以map里面的操作不能是equals等这种,可以是toString等其他     测试代码如下: public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>

  • video stream stopped情况 在使用AlexeyAB大神的库并编译后,测试视频文档是出现该情况,而图片和摄像头没有异常。 我的情况是,一开始opencv在终端中查询版本显示找不到opencv 而在python3中调用opencv却能显示版本 于是 根据以下博主的文章,记录一下我的解决过程 配置路径 补全opencv依赖库 重新编译darknet 第一部分 配置路径 我认为是因为op

  • 最近在deepstream编译gst-plugins下的gst-dsexample插件 使用命令 $:~/deepstream_workspace/src/deepstream_detection/deepstream/gst-plugins/gst-dsexample$ sudo make CUDA_VER=10.2 install 出现下述错误: xxxxx@xxxxx-m:~/deeps

  • 运行david-gpu/srez 1.环境python3.5   tensorflow0.10.0rc0 cuda8.0 cudnn4 numpy==1.11.1 scipy==0.18.0 six==1.10.1 moviepy==环境版本不对会出现很多问题)(有时候遇见什么语法错误可能是环境的问题) 主要问题: AttributeError: 'module' object

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  • 谷歌贴图 谷歌贴图可以让用户从互联网搜索图片或从用户的谷歌相册选取图片插入到Discuz论坛,从而提高用户贴图的体验。 用户还可将本地照片批量上传到谷歌相册后插入论坛,达到节省网站空间的目的。 功能介绍 发帖时引用网络搜索图片 发帖时引用Picasa网络相册图片 发帖时批量上传图片至Picasa网络相册,并插入帖子

  • 实现较为完整的图片浏览器(Photo Browser),整体效果和ios自带的照片app差不多。包括的功能有:手指划动切换图片,点击图片隐藏导航条,放大图片、分享图片、复制图片等等。显示的图片包括本地图片、相册图片、网络图片。并且能够处理下载和cache(缓存)来自互联网图片。 [Code4App.com]