A MATLAB Implementation of the Basic Photometric Stereo Algorithm
This project implements the basic photometric stereo algorithm that essentially uses the least squares method. Given twelve photometric images and their corresponding light directions, the surface normals are first computed as an overdetermined linear system. Basically, this linear system captures a simple physics relationship: a pixel’s intensity is proportional to the dot product between the light direction and the surface normal at that pixel.
Next, from the surface normals can the height map be solved as another overdetermined system. This second linear system captures the relationship that the surface normal at a pixel is perpendicular to the vector formed by this pixel and its immediate neighbor.
Just run script run_ps.m
The data is by courtesy of Steven Seitz and available at here. Dirk-Jan Kroon holds the copyright of tga_toolbox
, containing tga_read_image.m
and tga_read_header.m
*本程序演示使用光度立体技术检查洗发水瓶的标签褶皱缺陷。 *输入4张洗发水瓶标签的图片,光线来自不同方向。 * * *初始化 dev_close_window () dev_update_off () dev_open_window (0, 0, 640, 512, ‘black’, WindowHandle) *打开窗口 set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, ‘
本程序演示了使用光度立体技术对皮革样品的检查。 *输入4张皮革样本的图片,光线来自不同的方向。 初始化 dev_update_off () dev_close_window () dev_open_window (0, 0, 640, 480, ‘black’, WindowHandle) *打开窗口 set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, ‘mono’, ‘tru
*本项目演示了用光度立体技术检查地板孔洞缺陷。 *输入的4张图片来自地板面板,光线来自不同的方向 * * 初始化 dev_close_window () dev_update_off () dev_open_window (0, 0, 640, 512, ‘black’, WindowHandle) *打开图形窗口,定义参考点与大小 set_display_font (WindowHandle,
论文阅读 [TPAMI-2022] Deep Photometric Stereo Networks for Determining Surface Normal and Reflectances 论文搜索(studyai.com) 搜索论文: Deep Photometric Stereo Networks for Determining Surface Normal and Reflectan
双透视摄像机(立体相机)常被用于创建3D Anaglyph(3D立体影像) 或者Parallax Barrier(视差屏障)。 例子 effects / anaglyph effects / parallaxbarrier effects / stereo 构造器 StereoCamera( ) 属性 .aspect : Float 默认值是1. .eyeSep : Float 默认值是0.064
StereoPipeline 是由美国国家航空航天局(NASA )开源的自动测量与立体摄影工具,主要用于行星轨道图像捕获,以及机器人着落轨迹探测。可以根据捕获到的信息,绘制数字高程模型(DEM)、投影图像和3D模型。
使用 OpenCV 函数, 这个项目能从成对的立体图像中重建场景。
Stereo-Odometry-SOFT This repository is a MATLAB implementation of the Stereo Odometry based on careful Feature selection and Tracking. The code is released under MIT License. The code has been tested
stereoview 是一个立体可视化和标定工具
StereoView是一款Android 3D立体无限旋转容器。 效果图: