
RRT, RRT*, RRT*FN algorithms for MATLAB
授权协议 BSD-3-Clause License
所属分类 应用工具、 科研计算工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 邬飞捷
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


MATLAB implementation of RRT, RRT* and RRT*FN algorithms.

What is RRT, RRT* and RRT*FN

  • RRT (Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree) is a sampling-based algorithm forsolving path planning problem. RRT provides feasable solutionif time of RRT tends to infinity.

  • RRT* is a sampling-based algorithm for solving motion planning problem,which is an probabilistically optimal variant of RRT. RRT* converges to the optimal solution asymptotically.

  • RRT*FN is a sampling-based algorithm based on RRT*.RRT*FN inherents asymptotical convergence to the optimal solution,however RRT*FN implements it using less memory.

How to use

The original package contains 3 files containing algorithm

  • rrt.m
  • rrt_star.m
  • rrt_star_fn.m

and 2 files containing classes that enable algorithm to solveproblems for simple 2D mobile robot model and nDOF Redundant Manipulator

  • FNSimple2D.m
  • FNRedundantManipulator.m

One can add other additional models implementing all methods mentioned inrrt.m, rrt_star.m, rrt_star_fn.m


  • Olzhas Adiyatov oadiyatov[at]nu.edu.kz
  • Atakan Varol

(c) 2013

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