
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 谷光誉
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知



A gitmoji interactive client for using gitmojis on commit messages.


This project provides an easy solution for using gitmoji from your command line. Gitmoji-cli solves the hassle of searching through the gitmoji list. Includes a bunch of options you can play with! ��



$ npm i -g gitmoji-cli


$ brew install gitmoji


$ gitmoji --help
A gitmoji interactive client for using gitmojis on commit messages.

    $ gitmoji
    --init, -i      Initialize gitmoji as a commit hook
    --remove, -r    Remove a previously initialized commit hook
    --config, -g    Setup gitmoji-cli preferences.
    --commit, -c    Interactively commit using the prompts
    --list, -l      List all the available gitmojis
    --search, -s    Search gitmojis
    --version, -v   Print gitmoji-cli installed version
    --update, -u    Sync emoji list with the repo


You can use the commit functionality in two ways, directly or via a commit-hook.


Start the interactive commit client, to auto generate your commit based on your prompts.

$ gitmoji -c

You can pass default values to the prompts using the following flags:

  • title: For setting the commit title.
  • message: For setting the commit message.
  • scope: For setting the commit scope.

Those flags should be used like this:

$ gitmoji -c --title="Commit" --message="Message" --scope="Scope"


Run the init option, add your changes and commit them, after that the prompts will begin and your commit message will be built.

$ gitmoji -i
$ git add .
$ git commit

⚠️ The hook should not be used with the gitmoji -c command.

gitmoji commit


Search using specific keywords to find the right gitmoji.

$ gitmoji -s "criteria"

gitmoji search


Pretty print all the available gitmojis.

$ gitmoji -l

gitmoji list


Update the gitmojis list, by default the first time you run gitmoji, the cli creates a cache to allow using this tool without internet connection.

$ gitmoji -u


Run gitmoji -g to setup some gitmoji-cli preferences.

gitmoji config


  • Automatic git add: Enable or disable the automatic git add . everytime you use the commit command.
  • Emoji format: Switch between the emoji format.
  • Scope prompt: Enable or disable conventional commits scope prompt.
  • Signed commits: Enable or disable signed commits with GPG.
  • Gitmojis api URL: Set a custom URL to use it as the library of gitmojis.
  • 一、全局安装 npm i -g gitmoji-cli 二、在commit message 里使用 git commit -m ':art: 表情' 在终端查看 log 显示的还是文案代号,在GitHub或GitLab的提交记录里看到的是表情。 三、Gitmoji表情速查表 Gitmoji    代码    说明  (调色板)    :art:    改进代码结构/代码格式 ⚡️ (闪电)  

  • 用gitmoji在git commit message 添加有意思的表情 用gitmoji 在commit message 添加有意思的表情: 让提交代码更有乐趣 让commit message更具有描述性和更加规范 最简短的git commit message 规范: [gitmoji][commit message][(#ticket-id)] 比如:  apiVersion updated

  • 前言 创建 git 仓库 git init git 忽略规则 .gitignore : node_modules 代码 1. Gitmoji Commit Message 规范 格式: <emoji> <type>(<scope>): <subject> <BLANK LINE> <body> <BLANK LINE> <footer> 例子: ✨ feat(blog): add comment

  • 生活中我们总会在聊天的时候跟朋友互相发送表情包,若是在guithub提交代码的时候也能commit表情包,岂不是炫酷美滋滋。hiahia~而gitmoji就是可以实现这种功能的插件,不过可惜的是掘进的编辑器还不能识别这种格式表情包,但是github可以正常使用。 如图:具体示例可查看=>gitmoji使用示例 gitmoji的使用 gitmoji项目地址 gitmoji使用示例 gitmoji的使

  • About Gitmoji is an initiative to standardize and explain the use of emojis on GitHub commit messages. Using emojis on commit messages provides an easy way of identifying the purpose or intention of a

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