Gitmoji is an initiative to standardize and explain the use of emojis on GitHub commit messages.
Using emojis on commit messages provides an easy way of identifying the purpose or intention of a commit with only looking at the emojis used. As there are a lot of different emojis I found the need of creating a guide that can help to use emojis easier.
The gitmojis are published on the following package in order to be used as a dependency
To use gitmojis from your command line install gitmoji-cli. A gitmoji interactive client for using emojis on commit messages.
npm i -g gitmoji-cli
Contributing to gitmoji is a piece of
Are you using Gitmoji on your project? Set the Gitmoji badge on top of your readme using this code:
<a href="">
<img src="��%20��-FFDD67.svg?style=flat-square" alt="Gitmoji">
The code is available under the MIT license.
gitmoji 列表 emoji emoji代码(左右都添加冒号:) commit说明 ? tada 初次提交. ✨ sparkles 引入新功能. ? ambulance 重要补丁. ? pencil 撰写文档. ? bug 修复bug. ♻️ recycle 代码重构. ? art 改进代码结构/格式. ⚡️ zap 性能优化. ? wrench 修改配置文件. ✅ white_check_m
开始一个项目 :tada: 开始一个项目 ✨ 开始一个新功能 :sparkles: 开始一个新功能 修复bug :bug: 修复bug 临时保存 :construction: 临时保存 ⬆️ 升级依赖项 :arrow_up: 升级依赖项 ⬇️ 降级依赖项 :arrow_up: 升级依赖项 将依赖项固定到特定版本 :pushpin: 将依赖项固定到特定版本 ➕ 添加依赖