Table of Content:
MCX v2021.2 introduces a major new feature - split-voxel MC (SVMC), published inBiomedical Optics Express recently by Shijie Yan and Qianqian Fang, seeYan2020 for details.Shortly, SVMC provides a level of accuracy close to mesh-based MC (MMC) in modelingcurved boundaries but it is 4x to 6x faster than MMC. Several demo scripts of SVMCcan be found in the MCXLAB package under examples/demo_svmc_*. Moreover, MCX v2021.2provides Debian/Ubuntu packages for easy installation on these platforms for the firsttime. In addition, several bugs have been fixed.
A detailed list of updates is summarized below (key features marked with “*”):
Between 2020 and 2021, two new journal papers have been published as theresult of this project, including [Yan2020]. Please see the full list at
Monte Carlo eXtreme (MCX) is a fast photon transport simulation software for 3Dheterogeneous turbid media. By taking advantage of the massively parallelthreads and extremely low memory latency in a modern graphics processing unit(GPU), MCX is capable of performing Monte Carlo (MC) photon simulations at ablazing speed, typically hundreds to a thousand times faster than a fullyoptimized CPU-based MC implementation.
The algorithm of this software is detailed in the References[Fang2009,Yu2018,Yan2020]. A short summary of the main features includes:
This software can be used on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. MCX is written in C/CUDAand requires an NVIDIA GPU (support for AMD/Intel CPUs/GPUs via ROCm is stillunder development). A more portable OpenCL implementation of MCX, i.e. MCXCL,was announced on July, 2012 and supports almost all NVIDIA/AMD/Intel CPU and GPUmodels. If your hardware does not support CUDA, please download MCXCL from thebelow URL:
Please read this section carefully. The majority of failures using MCX werefound related to incorrect installation of NVIDIA GPU driver.
Please browse for step-by-step instructions.
For MCX-CUDA, the requirements for using this software include
You must make sure that your NVIDIA graphics driver was installed properly.A list of CUDA capable cards can be found at [2]. The oldestgraphics card that MCX supports is the Fermi series (circa 2010).Using the latest NVIDIA card is expected to produce the bestspeed. You must have a fermi (GTX 4xx) or newer(5xx/6xx/7xx/9xx/10xx/20xx/30xx series) graphics card. The default releaseof MCX supports atomic operations and photon detection.In the below webpage, we summarized the speed differencesbetween different generations of NVIDIA GPUs
For simulations with large volumes, sufficient graphics memory is also requiredto perform the simulation. The minimum amount of graphics memory required for aMC simulation is Nx*Ny*Nz bytes for the input tissue data plusNx*Ny*Nz*Ng*4 bytes for the output flux/fluence data - where Nx,Ny,Nz arethe dimensions of the tissue volume, Ng is the number of concurrent time gates,4 is the size of a single-precision floating-point number. MCX does not requiredouble-precision support in your hardware.
To install MCX, you need to download the binary executable compiled for yourcomputer architecture (32 or 64bit) and platform, extract the package and runthe executable under the {mcx root}/bin
For Windows users, you must make sure you have installed the appropriate NVIDIAdriver for your GPU. You should also configure your OS to run CUDA simulations.This requires you to open the mcx/setup/win64 folder using your file explorer,right-click on the apply_timeout_registry_fix.bat
file and select“Run as administrator”. After confirmation, you should see a windowscommand window with message
Patching your registry
Press any key to continue ...
You MUST REBOOT your Windows computer to make this setting effective. The abovepatch modifies your driver settings so that you can run MCX simulations forlonger than a few seconds. Otherwise, when running MCX for over a few seconds,you will get a CUDA error: “unspecified error”.
Please see the below link for details
If you use Linux, you may enable Intel integrated GPU (iGPU) for display whileleaving your NVIDIA GPU dedicated for computing using nvidia-prime
, see
or choose one of the 4 other approaches in this blog post
To run a simulation, the minimum input is a configuration (text) file, and, ifthe input file does not contain built-in domain shape descriptions, an externalvolume file (a binary file with a specified voxel format via -K/--mediabyte
).Typing mcx
without any parameters prints the help information and a list ofsupported parameters, as shown below:
# Monte Carlo eXtreme (MCX) -- CUDA #
# Copyright (c) 2009-2021 Qianqian Fang <q.fang at> #
# #
# #
# Computational Optics & Translational Imaging (COTI) Lab- #
# Department of Bioengineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA #
# The MCX Project is funded by the NIH/NIGMS under grant R01-GM114365 #
$Rev::e8fdb3$v2021.2$Date::2021-02-07 16:04:46 -05$ by $Author::Qianqian Fang $
usage: mcx <param1> <param2> ...
where possible parameters include (the first value in [*|*] is the default)
== Required option ==
-f config (--input) read an input file in .json or .inp format
if the string starts with '{', it is parsed as
an inline JSON input file
--bench ['cube60','skinvessel',..] run a buint-in benchmark specified by name
run --bench without parameter to get a list
== MC options ==
-n [0|int] (--photon) total photon number (exponential form accepted)
max accepted value:9.2234e+18 on 64bit systems
-r [1|+/-int] (--repeat) if positive, repeat by r times,total= #photon*r
if negative, divide #photon into r subsets
-b [1|0] (--reflect) 1 to reflect photons at ext. boundary;0 to exit
-B '______' (--bc) per-face boundary condition (BC), 6 letters for
/case insensitive/ bounding box faces at -x,-y,-z,+x,+y,+z axes;
overwrite -b if given.
each letter can be one of the following:
'_': undefined, fallback to -b
'r': like -b 1, Fresnel reflection BC
'a': like -b 0, total absorption BC
'm': mirror or total reflection BC
'c': cyclic BC, enter from opposite face
if input contains additional 6 letters,
the 7th-12th letters can be:
'0': do not use this face to detect photon, or
'1': use this face for photon detection (-d 1)
the order of the faces for letters 7-12 is
the same as the first 6 letters
eg: --bc ______010 saves photons exiting at y=0
-u [1.|float] (--unitinmm) defines the length unit for the grid edge
-U [1|0] (--normalize) 1 to normalize flux to unitary; 0 save raw
-E [0|int|mch](--seed) set random-number-generator seed, -1 to generate
if an mch file is followed, MCX "replays"
the detected photon; the replay mode can be used
to calculate the mua/mus Jacobian matrices
-z [0|1] (--srcfrom0) 1 volume origin is [0 0 0]; 0: origin at [1 1 1]
-k [1|0] (--voidtime) when src is outside, 1 enables timer inside void
-Y [0|int] (--replaydet) replay only the detected photons from a given
detector (det ID starts from 1), used with -E
if 0, replay all detectors and sum all Jacobians
if -1, replay all detectors and save separately
-V [0|1] (--specular) 1 source located in the background,0 inside mesh
-e [0.|float] (--minenergy) minimum energy level to trigger Russian roulette
-g [1|int] (--gategroup) number of maximum time gates per run
== GPU options ==
-L (--listgpu) print GPU information only
-t [16384|int](--thread) total thread number
-T [64|int] (--blocksize) thread number per block
-A [1|int] (--autopilot) 1 let mcx decide thread/block size, 0 use -T/-t
-G [0|int] (--gpu) specify which GPU to use, list GPU by -L; 0 auto
-G '1101' (--gpu) using multiple devices (1 enable, 0 disable)
-W '50,30,20' (--workload) workload for active devices; normalized by sum
-I (--printgpu) print GPU information and run program
--atomic [1|0] 1: use atomic operations to avoid thread racing
0: do not use atomic operation (not recommended)
== Input options ==
-P '{...}' (--shapes) a JSON string for additional shapes in the grid.
only the root object named 'Shapes' is parsed
and added to the existing domain defined via -f
or --bench
-j '{...}' (--json) a JSON string for modifying all input settings.
this input can be used to modify all existing
settings defined by -f or --bench
-K [1|int|str](--mediabyte) volume data format, use either a number or a str
1 or byte: 0-128 tissue labels
2 or short: 0-65535 (max to 4000) tissue labels
4 or integer: integer tissue labels
99 or labelplus: 32bit composite voxel format
100 or muamus_float: 2x 32bit floats for mua/mus
101 or mua_float: 1 float per voxel for mua
102 or muamus_half: 2x 16bit float for mua/mus
103 or asgn_byte: 4x byte gray-levels for mua/s/g/n
104 or muamus_short: 2x short gray-levels for mua/s
-a [0|1] (--array) 1 for C array (row-major); 0 for Matlab array
== Output options ==
-s sessionid (--session) a string to label all output file names
-O [X|XFEJPM] (--outputtype) X - output flux, F - fluence, E - energy density
/case insensitive/ J - Jacobian (replay mode), P - scattering,
event counts at each voxel (replay mode only)
M - momentum transfer;
-d [1|0] (--savedet) 1 to save photon info at detectors; 0 not save
-w [DP|DSPMXVW](--savedetflag)a string controlling detected photon data fields
/case insensitive/ 1 D output detector ID (1)
2 S output partial scat. even counts (#media)
4 P output partial path-lengths (#media)
8 M output momentum transfer (#media)
16 X output exit position (3)
32 V output exit direction (3)
64 W output initial weight (1)
combine multiple items by using a string, or add selected numbers together
by default, mcx only saves detector ID and partial-path data
-x [0|1] (--saveexit) 1 to save photon exit positions and directions
setting -x to 1 also implies setting '-d' to 1.
same as adding 'XV' to -w.
-X [0|1] (--saveref) 1 to save diffuse reflectance at the air-voxels
right outside of the domain; if non-zero voxels
appear at the boundary, pad 0s before using -X
-m [0|1] (--momentum) 1 to save photon momentum transfer,0 not to save.
same as adding 'M' to the -w flag
-q [0|1] (--saveseed) 1 to save photon RNG seed for replay; 0 not save
-M [0|1] (--dumpmask) 1 to dump detector volume masks; 0 do not save
-H [1000000] (--maxdetphoton) max number of detected photons
-S [1|0] (--save2pt) 1 to save the flux field; 0 do not save
-F [mc2|...] (--outputformat) fluence data output format:
mc2 - MCX mc2 format (binary 32bit float)
jnii - JNIfTI format (
bnii - Binary JNIfTI (
nii - NIfTI format
hdr - Analyze 7.5 hdr/img format
tx3 - GL texture data for rendering (GL_RGBA32F)
the bnii/jnii formats support compression (-Z) and generate small files
load jnii (JSON) and bnii (UBJSON) files using below lightweight libs:
MATLAB/Octave: JNIfTI toolbox,
MATLAB/Octave: JSONLab toolbox,
Python: PyJData:
JavaScript: JSData:
-Z [zlib|...] (--zip) set compression method if -F jnii or --dumpjson
is used (when saving data to JSON/JNIfTI format)
0 zlib: zip format (moderate compression,fast)
1 gzip: gzip format (compatible with *.gz)
2 base64: base64 encoding with no compression
3 lzip: lzip format (high compression,very slow)
4 lzma: lzma format (high compression,very slow)
5 lz4: LZ4 format (low compression,extrem. fast)
6 lz4hc: LZ4HC format (moderate compression,fast)
--dumpjson [-,0,1,'file.json'] export all settings, including volume data using
JSON/JData ( format for
easy sharing; can be reused using -f
if followed by nothing or '-', mcx will print
the JSON to the console; write to a file if file
name is specified; by default, prints settings
after pre-processing; '--dumpjson 2' prints
raw inputs before pre-processing
== User IO options ==
-h (--help) print this message
-v (--version) print MCX revision number
-l (--log) print messages to a log file instead
-i (--interactive) interactive mode
== Debug options ==
-D [0|int] (--debug) print debug information (you can use an integer
or or a string by combining the following flags)
-D [''|RMP] 1 R debug RNG
/case insensitive/ 2 M store photon trajectory info
4 P print progress bar
combine multiple items by using a string, or add selected numbers together
== Additional options ==
--root [''|string] full path to the folder storing the input files
--gscatter [1e9|int] after a photon completes the specified number of
scattering events, mcx then ignores anisotropy g
and only performs isotropic scattering for speed
--internalsrc [0|1] set to 1 to skip entry search to speedup launch
--maxvoidstep [1000|int] maximum distance (in voxel unit) of a photon that
can travel before entering the domain, if
launched outside (i.e. a widefield source)
--maxjumpdebug [10000000|int] when trajectory is requested (i.e. -D M),
use this parameter to set the maximum positions
stored (default: 1e7)
== Example ==
example: (list built-in benchmarks)
mcx --bench
or (list supported GPUs on the system)
mcx -L
or (use multiple devices - 1st,2nd and 4th GPUs - together with equal load)
mcx --bench cube60b -n 1e7 -G 1101 -W 10,10,10
or (use inline domain definition)
mcx -f input.json -P '{"Shapes":[{"ZLayers":[[1,10,1],[11,30,2],[31,60,3]]}]}'
or (use inline json setting modifier)
mcx -f input.json -j '{"Optode":{"Source":{"Type":"isotropic"}}}'
or (dump simulation in a single json file)
mcx --bench cube60planar --dumpjson
To further illustrate the command line options, below one can find a sample command
mcx -A 0 -t 16384 -T 64 -n 1e7 -G 1 -f input.json -r 2 -s test -g 10 -d 1 -w dpx -b 1
the command above asks mcx to manually (-A 0
) set GPU threads, and launch 16384GPU threads (-t
) with every 64 threads a block (-T
); a total of 1e7 photons (-n
)are simulated by the first GPU (-G 1
) and repeat twice (-r
) - i.e. total 2e7 photons;the media/source configuration will be read from a JSON file named input.json
) and the output will be labeled with the session id “test” (-s
); thesimulation will run 10 concurrent time gates (-g
) if the GPU memory can notsimulate all desired time gates at once. Photons passing through the defineddetector positions are saved for later rescaling (-d
); refractive indexmismatch is considered at media boundaries (-b
Historically, MCX supports an extended version of the input file format (.inp)used by tMCimg. However, we are phasing out the .inp support and stronglyencourage users to adopt JSON formatted (.json) input files. Many of theadvanced MCX options are only supported in the JSON input format.
A legacy .inp MCX input file looks like this:
1000000 # total photon, use -n to overwrite in the command line
29012392 # RNG seed, negative to generate, use -E to overwrite
30.0 30.0 0.0 1 # source position (in grid unit), the last num (optional) sets --srcfrom0 (-z)
0 0 1 0 # initial directional vector, 4th number is the focal-length, 0 for collimated beam, nan for isotropic
0.e+00 1.e-09 1.e-10 # time-gates(s): start, end, step
semi60x60x60.bin # volume ('unsigned char' binary format, or specified by -K/--mediabyte)
1 60 1 60 # x voxel size in mm (isotropic only), dim, start/end indices
1 60 1 60 # y voxel size, must be same as x, dim, start/end indices
1 60 1 60 # y voxel size, must be same as x, dim, start/end indices
1 # num of media
1.010101 0.01 0.005 1.37 # scat. mus (1/mm), g, mua (1/mm), n
4 1.0 # detector number and default radius (in grid unit)
30.0 20.0 0.0 2.0 # detector 1 position (real numbers in grid unit) and individual radius (optional)
30.0 40.0 0.0 # ..., if individual radius is ignored, MCX will use the default radius
20.0 30.0 0.0 #
40.0 30.0 0.0 #
pencil # source type (optional)
0 0 0 0 # parameters (4 floats) for the selected source
0 0 0 0 # additional source parameters
Note that the scattering coefficient mus=musp/(1-g).
The volume file (semi60x60x60.bin
in the above example), can be read in twoways by MCX: row-major[3] or column-major depending on the value of the userparameter -a
. If the volume file was saved using matlab or fortran, thebyte order is column-major, and you should use -a 0
or leave it out ofthe command line. If it was saved using the fwrite()
in C, the order isrow-major, and you can either use -a 1
You may replace the binary volume file by a JSON-formatted shape file. Pleaserefer to Section V for details.
The time gate parameter is specified by three numbers: start time, end time andtime step size (in seconds). In the above example, the configuration specifiesa total time window of [0 1] ns, with a 0.1 ns resolution. That means thetotal number of time gates is 10.
MCX provides an advanced option, -g, to run simulations when the GPU memory islimited. It specifies how many time gates to simulate concurrently. Users maywant to limit that number to less than the total number specified in the inputfile - and by default it runs one gate at a time in a single simulation. But ifthere's enough memory based on the memory requirement in Section II, you cansimulate all 10 time gates (from the above example) concurrently by using-g 10
in which case you have to make sure the video card has at least60*60*60*10*5=10MB of free memory. If you do not include the -g
, MCX willassume you want to simulate just 1 time gate at a time.. If you specify atime-gate number greater than the total number in the input file, (e.g,-g 20
) MCX will stop when the 10 time-gates are completed. If you use theautopilot mode (-A
), then the time-gates are automatically estimated for you.
Starting from version 0.7.9, MCX accepts a JSON-formatted input file inaddition to the conventional tMCimg-like input format. JSON (JavaScript ObjectNotation) is a portable, human-readable and “fat-free” text format torepresent complex and hierarchical data. Using the JSON format makes a inputfile self-explanatory, extensible and easy-to-interface with other applications(like MATLAB).
A sample JSON input file can be found under the examples/quicktest folder. Thesame file, qtest.json
, is also shown below:
"Help": {
"[en]": {
"Domain::VolumeFile": "file full path to the volume description file, can be a binary or JSON file",
"Domain::Dim": "dimension of the data array stored in the volume file",
"Domain::OriginType": "similar to --srcfrom0, 1 if the origin is [0 0 0], 0 if it is [1.0,1.0,1.0]",
"Domain::LengthUnit": "define the voxel length in mm, similar to --unitinmm",
"Domain::Media": "the first medium is always assigned to voxels with a value of 0 or outside of
the volume, the second row is for medium type 1, and so on. mua and mus must
be in 1/mm unit",
"Session::Photons": "if -n is not specified in the command line, this defines the total photon number",
"Session::ID": "if -s is not specified in the command line, this defines the output file name stub",
"Forward::T0": "the start time of the simulation, in seconds",
"Forward::T1": "the end time of the simulation, in seconds",
"Forward::Dt": "the width of each time window, in seconds",
"Optode::Source::Pos": "the grid position of the source, can be non-integers, in grid unit",
"Optode::Detector::Pos": "the grid position of a detector, can be non-integers, in grid unit",
"Optode::Source::Dir": "the unitary directional vector of the photon at launch",
"Optode::Source::Type": "source types, must be one of the following:
"Optode::Source::Param1": "source parameters, 4 floating-point numbers",
"Optode::Source::Param2": "additional source parameters, 4 floating-point numbers"
"Domain": {
"VolumeFile": "semi60x60x60.bin",
"Dim": [60,60,60],
"OriginType": 1,
"LengthUnit": 1,
"Media": [
{"mua": 0.00, "mus": 0.0, "g": 1.00, "n": 1.0},
{"mua": 0.005,"mus": 1.0, "g": 0.01, "n": 1.0}
"Session": {
"Photons": 1000000,
"RNGSeed": 29012392,
"ID": "qtest"
"Forward": {
"T0": 0.0e+00,
"T1": 5.0e-09,
"Dt": 5.0e-09
"Optode": {
"Source": {
"Pos": [29.0, 29.0, 0.0],
"Dir": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
"Type": "pencil",
"Param1": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"Param2": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
"Detector": [
"Pos": [29.0, 19.0, 0.0],
"R": 1.0
"Pos": [29.0, 39.0, 0.0],
"R": 1.0
"Pos": [19.0, 29.0, 0.0],
"R": 1.0
"Pos": [39.0, 29.0, 0.0],
"R": 1.0
A JSON input file requiers several root objects, namely Domain
, Forward
and Optode
. Other root sections, likeHelp
, will be ignored. Each object is a data structure providinginformation indicated by its name. Each object can contain various sub-fields.The orders of the fields in the same level are flexible. For each field, youcan always find the equivalent fields in the *.inp
input files. For example,The VolumeFile
field under the Domain
object is the same as Line#6in qtest.inp
; the RNGSeed
under Session
is the same as Line#2; theOptode.Source.Pos
is the same as the triplet in Line#3; theForward.T0
is the same as the first number in Line#5, etc.
An MCX JSON input file must be a valid JSON text file. You can validate yourinput file by running a JSON validator, for example Youshould always use "" to quote a “name” and separate parallel items by“,”.
MCX accepts an alternative form of JSON input, but using it is not recommended.In the alternative format, you can use “rootobj_name.field_name
”: value
to represent any parameter directly in the root level. For example
"Domain.VolumeFile": "semi60x60x60.json",
"Session.Photons": 10000000,
You can even mix the alternative format with the standard format. If any inputparameter has values in both formats in a single input file, thestandard-formatted value has higher priority.
To invoke the JSON-formatted input file in your simulations, you can use the-f
command line option with MCX, just like using an .inp
file. Forexample:
mcx -A 1 -n 20 -f onecube.json -s onecubejson
The input file must have a .json
suffix in order for MCX to recognize. Ifthe input information is set in both command line, and input file, the commandline value has higher priority (this is the same for .inp
input files). Forexample, when using -n 20
, the value set in Session
is overwritten to 20; when using -s onecubejson
, theSession
value is modified. If your JSON input file is invalid,MCX will quit and point out where the format is incorrect.
Starting from v0.7.9, MCX can also use a shape description file in the place ofthe volume file. Using a shape-description file can save you from making abinary .bin
volume. A shape file uses more descriptive syntax and can be easilyunderstood and shared with others.
Samples on how to use the shape files are included under the example/shapetestfolder.
The sample shape file, shapes.json
, is shown below:
"Shapes::Common Rules": "Shapes is an array object. The Tag field sets the voxel value for each
region; if Tag is missing, use 0. Tag must be smaller than the maximum media number in the
input file.Most parameters are in floating-point (FP). If a parameter is a coordinate, it
assumes the origin is defined at the lowest corner of the first voxel, unless user overwrite
with an Origin object. The default origin of all shapes is initialized by user's --srcfrom0
setting: if srcfrom0=1, the lowest corner of the 1st voxel is [0,0,0]; otherwise, it is [1,1,1]",
"Shapes::Name": "Just for documentation purposes, not parsed in MCX",
"Shapes::Origin": "A floating-point (FP) triplet, set coordinate origin for the subsequent objects",
"Shapes::Grid": "Recreate the background grid with the given dimension (Size) and fill-value (Tag)",
"Shapes::Sphere": "A 3D sphere, centered at C0 with radius R, both have FP values",
"Shapes::Box": "A 3D box, with lower corner O and edge length Size, both have FP values",
"Shapes::SubGrid": "A sub-section of the grid, integer O- and Size-triplet, inclusive of both ends",
"Shapes::XLayers/YLayers/ZLayers": "Layered structures, defined by an array of integer triples:
[start,end,tag]. Ends are inclusive in MATLAB array indices. XLayers are perpendicular to x-axis, and so on",
"Shapes::XSlabs/YSlabs/ZSlabs": "Slab structures, consisted of a list of FP pairs [start,end]
both ends are inclusive in MATLAB array indices, all XSlabs are perpendicular to x-axis, and so on",
"Shapes::Cylinder": "A finite cylinder, defined by the two ends, C0 and C1, along the axis and a radius R",
"Shapes::UpperSpace": "A semi-space defined by inequality A*x+B*y+C*z>D, Coef is required, but not Equ"
"Shapes": [
{"Name": "Test"},
{"Origin": [0,0,0]},
{"Grid": {"Tag":1, "Size":[40,60,50]}},
{"Sphere": {"Tag":2, "O":[30,30,30],"R":20}},
{"Box": {"Tag":0, "O":[10,10,10],"Size":[10,10,10]}},
{"Subgrid": {"Tag":1, "O":[13,13,13],"Size":[5,5,5]}},
{"XSlabs": {"Tag":4, "Bound":[[5,15],[35,40]]}},
{"Cylinder": {"Tag":2, "C0": [0.0,0.0,0.0], "C1": [15.0,8.0,10.0], "R": 4.0}},
{"ZLayers": [[1,10,1],[11,30,2],[31,50,3]]}
A shape file must contain a Shapes
object in the root level. Otherroot-level fields are ignored. The Shapes
object is a JSON array, witheach element representing a 3D object or setting. The object-class commandsinclude Grid
, Sphere
, Box
etc. Each of these object include anumber of sub-fields to specify the parameters of the object. For example, theSphere
object has 3 subfields, O
, R
and Tag
. FieldO
has a value of 1x3 array, representing the center of the sphere;R
is a scalar for the radius; Tag
is the voxel values. The mostuseful command is [XYZ]Layers
. It contains a series of integertriplets, specifying the starting index, ending index and voxel value of alayered structure. If multiple objects are included, the subsequent objectsalways overwrite the overlapping regions covered by the previous objects.
There are a few ways for you to use shape description records in your MCXsimulations. You can save it to a JSON shape file, and put the file name inLine#6 of your .inp
file, or set as the value for Domain.VolumeFile field in a.json
input file. In these cases, a shape file must have a suffix of .json
You can also merge the Shapes section with a .json
input file by simplyappending the Shapes section to the root-level object. You can find an example,jsonshape_allinone.json
, under examples/shapetest. In this case, you no longerneed to define the VolumeFile
field in the input.
Another way to use Shapes is to specify it using the -P
(or --shapes
) commandline flag. For example:
mcx -f input.json -P '{"Shapes":[{"ZLayers":[[1,10,1],[11,30,2],[31,60,3]]}]}'
This will first initialize a volume based on the settings in the input .json
file, and then rasterize new objects to the domain and overwrite regions thatare overlapping.
For both JSON-formatted input and shape files, you can use the JSONlab toolbox[4] to load and process in MATLAB.
MCX may produces several output files depending user's simulation settings.Overall, MCX produces two types of outputs, 1) data accummulated within the3D volume of the domain (volumetric output), and 2) data stored for each detectedphoton (detected photon data).
By default, MCX stores a 4D array denoting the fluence-rate at each voxel inthe volume, with a dimension of NxNyNz*Ng, where Nx/Ny/Nz are the voxel dimensionof the domain, and Ng is the total number of time gates. The output data arestored in the format of single-precision floating point numbers. One may chooseto output different physical quantities by setting the -O
option. When theflag -X/--saveref
is used, the output volume may contain the total diffusereflectance only along the background-voxels adjacent to non-zero voxels.A negative sign is added for the diffuse reflectance raw output to distinguishit from the fuence data in the interior voxels.
When photon-sharing (simultaneous simulations of multiple patterns) or photon-replay(the Jacobian of all source/detector pairs) is used, the output array may be extendedto a 5D array, with the left-most/fastest index being the number of patterns Ns (in thecase of photon-sharing) or src/det pairs (in replay), denoted as Ns.
Several data formats can be used to store the 3D/4D/5D volumetric output.
The .mc2
format is simply a binary dump of the entire volumetric data output,consisted of the voxel values (single-precision floating-point) of all voxels andtime gates. The file contains a continuous buffer of a single-precision (4-byte)5D array of dimension Ns*Nx*Ny*Nz*Ng, with the fastest index being the left-mostdimension (i.e. column-major, similar to MATLAB/FORTRAN).
To load the mc2 file, one should call loadmc2.m
and must provide explicitlythe dimensions of the data. This is because mc2 file does not contain the datadimension information.
Saving to .mc2 volumetric file is depreciated as we are transitioning towardsJNIfTI/JData formatted outputs (.jnii).
The NIfTI-1 (.nii) format is widely used in neuroimaging and MRI community tostore and exchange ND numerical arrays. It contains a 352 byte header, followedby the raw binary stream of the output data. In the header, the data dimensioninformation as well as other metadata is stored.
A .nii output file can be generated by using -F nii
in the command line.
The .nii file is widely supported among data processing platforms, includingMATLAB and Python. For example
The JNIfTI format represents the next-generation scientific data storageand exchange standard and is part of the OpenJData initiative ( by the MCX author Dr. Qianqian Fang. The OpenJData project aims at developingeasy-to-parse, human-readable and easy-to-reuse data storage formats based onthe ubiquitously supported JSON/binary JSON formats and portable JData data annotationkeywords. In short, .jnii file is simply a JSON file with capability of storingbinary strongly-typed data with internal compression and built in metadata.
The format standard (Draft 1) of the JNIfTI file can be found at
A .jnii output file can be generated by using -F jnii
in the command line.
The .jnii file can be potentially read in nearly all programming languagesbecause it is 100% comaptible to the JSON format. However, to properly decodethe ND array with built-in compression, one should call JData compatiblelibraries, which can be found at
Specifically, to parse/save .jnii files in MATLAB, you should use
on Fedora/Debian/Ubuntujsonencode/jsondecode
in MATLAB + jdataencode/jdatadecode
from JSONLab ( parse/save .jnii files in Python, you should use
on Debian/UbuntuIn Python, the volumetric data is loaded as a dict
object where data['NIFTIData']
is a NumPy ndarray
object storing the volumetric data.
The binary JNIfTI file is also part of the JNIfTI specification and the OpenJDataproject. In comparison to text-based JSON format, .bnii files can be much smallerand faster to parse. The .bnii format is also defined in the BJData specification
and is the binary interface to .jnii. A .bnii output file can be generated byusing -F bnii
in the command line.
The .bnii file can be potentially read in nearly all programming languagesbecause it was based on UBJSON (Universal Binary JSON). However, to properly decodethe ND array with built-in compression, one should call JData compatiblelibraries, which can be found at
Specifically, to parse/save .jnii files in MATLAB, you should use one of
on Fedora/Debian/Ubuntujsonencode/jsondecode
in MATLAB + jdataencode/jdatadecode
from JSONLab ( parse/save .jnii files in Python, you should use
on Debian/UbuntuIn Python, the volumetric data is loaded as a dict
object where data['NIFTIData']
is a NumPy ndarray
object storing the volumetric data.
If one defines detectors, MCX is able to store a variety of photon data when a photonis captured by these detectors. One can selectively store various supported data fields,including partial pathlengths, exit position and direction, by using the -w/--savedetflag
flag. The storage of detected photon information is enabled by default, and can bedisabled using the -d
The detected photon data are stored in a separate file from the volumetric output.The supported data file formats are explained below.
The .mch file, or MC history file, is stored by default, but we strongly encourage usersto adpot the newly implemented JSON/.jdat format for easy data sharing.
The .mch file contains a 256 byte binary header, followed by a 2-D numerical arrayof dimensions #savedphoton * #colcount
as recorded in the header.
typedef struct MCXHistoryHeader{
char magic[4]; // magic bits= 'M','C','X','H'
unsigned int version; // version of the mch file format
unsigned int maxmedia; // number of media in the simulation
unsigned int detnum; // number of detectors in the simulation
unsigned int colcount; // how many output files per detected photon
unsigned int totalphoton; // how many total photon simulated
unsigned int detected; // how many photons are detected (not necessarily all saved)
unsigned int savedphoton; // how many detected photons are saved in this file
float unitinmm; // what is the voxel size of the simulation
unsigned int seedbyte; // how many bytes per RNG seed
float normalizer; // what is the normalization factor
int respin; // if positive, repeat count so total photon=totalphoton*respin; if negative, total number is processed in respin subset
unsigned int srcnum; // number of sources for simultaneous pattern sources
unsigned int savedetflag; // number of sources for simultaneous pattern sources
int reserved[2]; // reserved fields for future extension
} History;
When the -q
flag is set to 1, the detected photon initial seeds are also storedfollowing the detected photon data, consisting of a 2-D byte array of #savedphoton * #seedbyte
To load the mch file, one should call loadmch.m
in MATLAB/Octave.
Saving to .mch history file is depreciated as we are transitioning towardsJSON/JData formatted outputs (.jdat
When -F jnii
is specified, instead of saving the detected photon into the legacy .mch format,a .jdat file is written, which is a pure JSON file. This file contains a hierachical datarecord of the following JSON structure
"MCXData": {
where "Info" is required, and other subfields are optional depends on users' input.Each subfield in this file may contain JData 1-D or 2-D array constructs to allowstoring binary and compressed data.
Although .jdat and .jnii have different suffix, they are both JSON/JData files andcan be opened/written by the same JData compatible libraries mentioned above, i.e.
on Fedora/Debian/Ubuntujsonencode/jsondecode
in MATLAB + jdataencode/jdatadecode
from JSONLab ( Python
on Debian/UbuntuIn Python, the volumetric data is loaded as a dict
object where data['MCXData']['PhotonData']
stores the photon data, data['MCXData']['Trajectory']
stores the trajectory data etc.
For debugging and plotting purposes, MCX can output photon trajectories, as polylines,when -D M
flag is attached, or mcxlab is asked for the 5th output. Such informationcan be stored in one of the following formats.
By default, MCX stores the photon trajectory data in to a .mct file MC trajectory, whichuses the same binary format as .mch but renamed as .mct. This file can be loaded toMATLAB using the same loadmch.m
Using .mct file is depreciated and users are encouraged to migrate to .jdat fileas described below.
When -F jnii
is used, MCX merges the trajectory data with the detected photon andseed data and saved as a JSON-compatible .jdat file. The overall structure of the.jdat file as well as the relevant parsers can be found in the above section.
MCXLAB is the native MEX version of MCX for Matlab and GNU Octave. It includesthe entire MCX code in a MEX function which can be called directly insideMatlab or Octave. The input and output files in MCX are replaced by convenientin-memory struct variables in MCXLAB, thus, making it much easier to use andinteract. Matlab/Octave also provides convenient plotting and data analysisfunctions. With MCXLAB, your analysis can be streamlined and speed- up withoutinvolving disk files.
Please read the mcxlab/README.txt file for more details on how to install anduse MCXLAB.
MCX Studio is a graphics user interface (GUI) for MCX. It gives users astraightforward way to set the command line options and simulation parameters.It also allows users to create different simulation tasks and organize theminto a project and save for later use. MCX Studio can be run on many platformssuch as Windows, GNU Linux and Mac OS.
To use MCX Studio, it is suggested to put the mcxstudio binary in the samedirectory as the mcx command; alternatively, you can also add the path to mcxcommand to your PATH environment variable.
Once launched, MCX Studio will automatically check if mcx binary is in thesearch path, if so, the “GPU” button in the toolbar will be enabled. It issuggested to click on this button once, and see if you can see a list of GPUsand their parameters printed in the output field at the bottom part of thewindow. If you are able to see this information, your system is ready to runMCX simulations. If you get error messages or not able to see any usable GPU,please check the following:
If your system has been properly configured, you can now add new simulations byclicking the “New” button. MCX Studio will ask you to give a session IDstring for this new simulation. Then you are allowed to adjust the parametersbased on your needs. Once you finish the adjustment, you should click the“Verify” button to see if there are missing settings. If everything looksfine, the “Run” button will be activated. Click on it once will start yoursimulation. If you want to abort the current simulation, you can click the“Stop” button.
You can create multiple tasks with MCX Studio by hitting the “New” buttonagain. The information for all session configurations can be saved as a projectfile (with .mcxp extension) by clicking the “Save” button. You can load apreviously saved project file back to MCX Studio by clicking the “Load”button.
MCX output consists of two parts, the flux volume file and messages printed onthe screen.
An mc2 file contains the fluence-rate distribution from the simulation in thegiven medium. By default, this fluence-rate is a normalized solution (asopposed to the raw probability) therefore, one can compare this directly to theanalytical solutions (i.e. Green's function). The order of storage in the mc2files is the same as the input file: i.e., if the input is row-major, theoutput is row-major, and so on. The dimensions of the file are Nx, Ny, Nz, andNg where Ng is the total number of time gates.
By default, MCX produces the Green's function of the fluence rate forthe given domain and source. Sometime it is also known as the time-domain“two-point” function. If you run MCX with the following command
mcx -f input.inp -s output ....
the fluence-rate data will be saved in a file named “output.dat” under thecurrent folder. If you run MCX without -s output
, the output file will benamed as input.inp.dat
To understand this further, you need to know that a fluence-rate (Phi(r,t))is measured by number of particles passing through an infinitesimal sphericalsurface per unit time at a given location regardless of directions. Theunit of the MCX output is “W/mm2 = J/(mm2s)”, if it isinterpreted as the “energy fluence-rate” [6], or“1/(mm2s)”, if the output is interpreted as the “particlefluence-rate” [6].
The Green's function of the fluence-rate means that it is produced by aunitary source. In simple terms, this represents the fraction ofparticles/energy that arrives a location per second under the radiation of 1unit (packet or J) of particle or energy at time t=0. The Green's function iscalculated by a process referred to as the “normalization” in the MCX codeand is detailed in the MCX paper [6] (MCX and MMC outputs share the samemeanings).
Please be aware that the output flux is calculated at each time-window definedin the input file. For example, if you type
0.e+00 5.e-09 1e-10 # time-gates(s): start, end, step
in the 5th row in the input file, MCX will produce 50 fluence-rate snapshots,corresponding to the time-windows at [0 0.1] ns, [0.1 0.2]ns ... and[4.9,5.0] ns. To convert the fluence rate to the fluence for eachtime-window, you just need to multiply each solution by the width of thewindow, 0.1 ns in this case. To convert the time-dependent fluence-rate tocontinuous-wave (CW) fluence (fluence in short), you need to integrate thefluence-rate along the time dimension. Assuming the fluence-rate after 5 ns isnegligible, then the CW fluence is simply sum(flux_i*0.1 ns, i=1,50)
. You canread mcx/examples/validation/plotsimudata.m
for examples to compare an MCX output withthe analytical fluence-rate/fluence solutions.
One can load an .mc2
output file into Matlab or Octave using the loadmc2function in the {mcx root}/utils
To get a continuous-wave solution, run a simulation with a sufficiently longtime window, and sum the flux along the time dimension, for example
mcx=loadmc2('output.mc2',[60 60 60 10],'float');
Note that for time-resolved simulations, the corresponding solution in theresults approximates the flux at the center point of each time window. Forexample, if the simulation time window setting is[t0,t0+dt,t0+2dt,t0+3dt...,t1]
, the time points for the snapshots stored inthe solution file is located at [t0+dt/2, t0+3*dt/2, t0+5*dt/2, ... ,t1-dt/2]
A more detailed interpretation of the output data can be found at
MCX can also output “current density” (J(r,t), unit W/m^2, same asPhi(r,t)) - referring to the expected number of photons or Joule of energyflowing through a unit area pointing towards a particular direction per unittime. The current density can be calculated at the boundary of the domain bytwo means:
-X 1
or --saveref/cfg.issaveref
option in mcx to enable thediffuse reflectance recordings on the boundary. the diffuse reflectance isrepresented by the current density J(r) flowing outward from the domain.The current density has, as mentioned, the same unit as fluence rate, but thedifference is that J(r,t)
is a vector, and Phi(r,t) is a scalar. Both measuringthe energy flow across a small area (the are has direction in the case of J)per unit time.
You can find more rigorous definitions of these quantities in Lihong Wang'sBiomedical Optics book, Chapter 5.
Timing information is printed on the screen (stdout). The clock starts (at timeT0) right before the initialization data is copied from CPU to GPU. For eachsimulation, the elapsed time from T0 is printed (in ms). Also the accumulatedelapsed time is printed for all memory transaction from GPU to CPU.
When a user specifies -D P
in the command line, or setcfg.debuglevel='P'
, MCX or MCXLAB prints a progress bar showing the percentageof completition.
To maximize MCX's performance on your hardware, you should follow the bestpractices guide listed below:
A dedicated GPU is a GPU that is not connected to a monitor. If you use anon-dedicated GPU, any kernel (GPU function) can not run more than a fewseconds. This greatly limits the efficiency of MCX. To set up a dedicated GPU,it is suggested to install two graphics cards on your computer, one is set upfor displays, the other one is used for GPU computation only. If you have adual-GPU card, you can also connect one GPU to a single monitor, and use theother GPU for computation (selected by -G
in mcx). If you have to use anon-dedicated GPU, you can either use the pure command-line mode (for Linux,you need to stop X server), or use the -r
flag to divide the totalsimulation into a set of simulations with less photons, so that each simulationonly lasts a few seconds.
It has been shown that MCX's speed is related to the thread number (-t).Generally, the more threads, the better speed, until all GPU resources arefully occupied. For higher-end GPUs, a thread number over 10,000 isrecommended. Please use the autopilot mode, -A
, to let MCX determine the“optimal” thread number when you are not sure what to use.
MCX contains modified versions of the below source codes from otheropen-source projects (with a compatible license).
[Fang2009] Qianqian Fang and David A. Boas, "Monte Carlo Simulation ofPhoton Migration in 3D Turbid Media Accelerated by Graphics Processing Units,"Optics Express, vol. 17, issue 22, pp. 20178-20190 (2009).
[Yu2018] Leiming Yu, Fanny Nina-Paravecino, David Kaeli, Qianqian Fang,“Scalable and massively parallel Monte Carlo photon transport simulationsfor heterogeneous computing platforms,” J. Biomed. Opt. 23(1), 010504 (2018).
[Yan2020] Shijie Yan and Qianqian Fang* (2020), "Hybrid mesh and voxelbased Monte Carlo algorithm for accurate and efficient photon transportmodeling in complex bio-tissues," Biomed. Opt. Express, 11(11) pp. 6262-6270.
If you use MCX in your research, the author of this software would like you tocite the above papers in your related publications.
Mac OS X:刷新用户MCX记录 在客户端登陆后如何能够刷新用户的MCX记录,这样可以在不用最终用户退出,就可以应用最新的MCX规则, 这对于管理员很有用,但是在Snow Leopard之前没有简单的方法,现在在Snow Leopard里面多了一个mcxrefresh命令,就可以即时更新了。 用法很简单: mcxrefresh -u UID mcxrefresh -n UserShor