
Non-rigid iterative closest point, nricp.
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nricp - Non-rigid iterative closest point

nricp is a MATLAB implementation of a non-rigid variant of the iterative closest point algorithm. It can be used to register 3D surfaces or point-clouds. The method is described in the following paper:

'Optimal Step Nonrigid ICP Algorithms for Surface Registration', Amberg, Romandhani and Vetter, CVPR, 2007.


  • Non-rigid and local deformations of a template surface or point cloud.
  • Iterative stiffness reduction allows for global intitial transformations that become increasingly localised.
  • Optional initial rigid registration using standard iterative closest point.
  • Optional bi-directional distance metric which encourages surface deformations to cover more of the target surface
  • Handles missing data in the target surface by ignoring correspondences with points on target edges.
  • Optional landmarks can be used.




Download this directory and the dependencies and add them to your MATLAB path.


You need to provide the models to be registered, and then modify the test.m, after that you can run test.m.

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