
Color schemes for default macOS
授权协议 Readme
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 尹凌龙
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Color themes for default macOS

This is a set of color themes for default macOS (initially ported fromiTerm2 color schemes, collected by @mbadolato). Screenshots are demonstrated below andin the screenshots/ directory of this repo.

Note: Some default macOS themes are not included here (default themes like"Pro", "Basic", "Grass", etc.), because you already have them :)


Since terminal themes are just color schemes, you need to enable color formatting for your shell first - see this comment for more details

Installation Instructions

  • Clone or download this repo

  • Go to themes/ folder

  • Double click on *.terminal file. It will open a new Terminal window with selectedcolor theme.

  • Set the theme as the default one with Shell -> Use Settings as Default


Convert iTerm2 Color Scheme

This repo contains a tool to convert any iTerm2 color theme into macOSTerminal theme. To run just execute script:

$ ./tools/iterm2terminal.swift /path/to/my/awesome-theme.itermcolors

Generate Theme Preview

If you have an awesome theme and want to publish it, please generate apreview image using the following steps:

  1. Load the theme in a terminal.
  2. Run
    $ bash tools/
  3. Set the font size to 14.
  4. Take a screenshot and put it in the screenshots/ folder.
  5. Update the to include your new theme screenshot.

Note: preview will be generated using ANSI Escape Sequences


3024 Day (download)

3024 Night (download)

AdventureTime (download)

Afterglow (download)

AlienBlood (download)

Alucard (download)

Argonaut (download)

Arthur (download)

AtelierSulphurpool (download)

Atom (download)

Atom One Light (download)

ayu (download)

ayu Light (download)

Ayu Mirage (download)

Batman (download)

Belafonte Day (download)

Belafonte Night (download)

BirdsOfParadise (download)

Blazer (download)

Borland (download)

Bright Lights (download)

Broadcast (download)

Brogrammer (download)

C64 (download)

Chalice (download)

Chalice Dark (download)

Chalk (download)

Chalkboard (download)

Ciapre (download)

CLRS (download)

Cobalt Neon (download)

Cobalt2 (download)

CrayonPonyFish (download)

Dark Pastel (download)

Darkside (download)

Desert (download)

DimmedMonokai (download)

DotGov (download)

Dracula (download)

Dumbledore (download)

Duotone Dark (download)

Earthsong (download)

Elemental (download)

ENCOM (download)

Espresso (download)

Espresso Libre (download)

Fideloper (download)

FishTank (download)

Flat (download)

Flatland (download)

Floraverse (download)

FrontEndDelight (download)

FunForrest (download)

Galaxy (download)

Github (download)

Glacier (download)

GoaBase (download)

Grape (download)

Grass (download)

Hardcore (download)

Harper (download)

Highway (download)

Hipster Green (download)

Homebrew (download)

Hurtado (download)

Hybrid (download)

IC_Green_PPL (download)

IC_Orange_PPL (download)

idleToes (download)

IR_Black (download)

Jackie Brown (download)

Japanesque (download)

Jellybeans (download)

JetBrains Darcula (download)

Kibble (download)

Later This Evening (download)

Lavandula (download)

LiquidCarbon (download)

LiquidCarbonTransparent (download)

LiquidCarbonTransparentInverse (download)

Man Page (download)

Mariana (download)

Material (download)

MaterialDark (download)

Mathias (download)

Medallion (download)

Misterioso (download)

Molokai (download)

MonaLisa (download)

Monokai Pro (Filter Spectrum) (download)

Monokai Soda (download)

N0tch2k (download)

Neopolitan (download)

Neutron (download)

Night Owl (download)

NightLion v1 (download)

NightLion v2 (download)

Nova (download)

Novel (download)

Obsidian (download)

Ocean (download)

OceanicMaterial (download)

Ollie (download)

Parasio Dark (download)

PaulMillr (download)

Pencil Dark (download)

Pencil Light (download)

Piatto Light (download)

Pnevma (download)

Pro (download)

Red Alert (download)

Red Sands (download)

Relaxed (download)

Renault Style (download)

Renault Style Light (download)

Rippedcasts (download)

Royal (download)

Seafoam Pastel (download)

SeaShells (download)

Seti (download)

Shaman (download)

Slate (download)

Smyck (download)

SoftServer (download)

Solarized Darcula (download)

Solarized Dark (download)

Solarized Dark (patched) (download)

Solarized Dark Higher Contrast (download)

Solarized Light (download)

Source Code X (download)

Spacedust (download)

SpaceGray (download)

SpaceGray Eighties (download)

SpaceGray Eighties Dull (download)

Spiderman (download)

Spring (download)

Square (download)

Sundried (download)

Symfonic (download)

Tango Dark (download)

Tango Light (download)

Teerb (download)

Thayer Bright (download)

The Hulk (download)

Tomorrow (download)

Tomorrow Night (download)

Tomorrow Night Blue (download)

Tomorrow Night Bright (download)

Tomorrow Night Eighties (download)

ToyChest (download)

Treehouse (download)

Twilight (download)

Ubuntu (download)

Unikitty (download)

Urple (download)

Vaughn (download)

VibrantInk (download)

VS Code Dark Plus (download)

VS Code Light Plus (download)

WarmNeon (download)

Wez (download)

WildCherry (download)

Wombat (download)

Wryan (download)

Zenburn (download)

  • 下载oh my zsh (官网给的链接会显示连接错误) sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" 复制 .zshrc cp ~/.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template ~/.zshrc mac 本身带有zsh,只需要更改为默认

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  • 记录一下,查着方便 oh-my-zsh是个开源的zsh管理工具,可以用来美化终端,个性化功能设置,可能不会让你变成技术大牛,但是可以让你感觉自己是技术大牛~~ 安装 从官网可以看到,推荐的自动安装方式有两种,分别基于curl和wget,当然,作为zsh的工具,zsh也是必须的,不过macos一般都自带了zsh,这一点可以通过zsh --version确认. curl和wget也可以用同样的方法去确

  • 前言 1、概述 zsh(Z Shell)是 *nix 系中的 shell 的一种,一般的发行版中都已集成了 zsh,比如 MacOS 中你可以使用 which zsh 查看到 /bin/zsh 的存在。 但是 zsh 的使用率却是相对较低,因为大部分用户使用 shell 环境都使用 bash shell。直到 oh-my-zsh 的出现… oh-my-zsh 是一款开款的工具,它用来帮助你配置、管

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  • 一、iTerm2 1.1、iTerm2 安装: 去官网下载 iTerm2 dmg 文件直接安装就可以了 iTerm2:官网地址 1.2、oh-my-zsh 安装: curl -L | sh 1.3、pip 安装: sudo easy_install pip

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