
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 乌和畅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Welcome to the Windows Terminal, Console and Command-Line repo

This repository contains the source code for:

Related repositories include:

Installing and running Windows Terminal

�� Note: Windows Terminal requires Windows 10 1903 (build 18362) or later

Microsoft Store [Recommended]

Install the Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store.This allows you to always be on the latest version when we release new buildswith automatic upgrades.

This is our preferred method.

Other install methods

Via GitHub

For users who are unable to install Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store,released builds can be manually downloaded from this repository's Releasespage.

Download the Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_<versionNumber>.msixbundle file fromthe Assets section. To install the app, you can simply double-click on the.msixbundle file, and the app installer should automatically run. If thatfails for any reason, you can try the following command at a PowerShell prompt:

# NOTE: If you are using PowerShell 7+, please run
# Import-Module Appx -UseWindowsPowerShell
# before using Add-AppxPackage.

Add-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_<versionNumber>.msixbundle

�� Note: If you install Terminal manually:

  • Terminal will not auto-update when new builds are released so you will needto regularly install the latest Terminal release to receive all the latestfixes and improvements!

Via Windows Package Manager CLI (aka winget)

winget users can download and installthe latest Terminal release by installing the Microsoft.WindowsTerminalpackage:

winget install --id=Microsoft.WindowsTerminal -e

Via Chocolatey (unofficial)

Chocolatey users can download and install the latestTerminal release by installing the microsoft-windows-terminal package:

choco install microsoft-windows-terminal

To upgrade Windows Terminal using Chocolatey, run the following:

choco upgrade microsoft-windows-terminal

If you have any issues when installing/upgrading the package please go to theWindows Terminal packagepage and follow theChocolatey triage process

Via Scoop (unofficial)

Scoop users can download and install the latest Terminalrelease by installing the windows-terminal package:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install windows-terminal

To update Windows Terminal using Scoop, run the following:

scoop update windows-terminal

If you have any issues when installing/updating the package, please search foror report the same on the issuespage of Scoop Extras bucketrepository.

Windows Terminal 2.0 Roadmap

The plan for delivering Windows Terminal 2.0 is describedhere and will be updated as the project proceeds.

Project Build Status

Project Build Status

Terminal & Console Overview

Please take a few minutes to review the overview below before diving into thecode:

Windows Terminal

Windows Terminal is a new, modern, feature-rich, productive terminal applicationfor command-line users. It includes many of the features most frequentlyrequested by the Windows command-line community including support for tabs, richtext, globalization, configurability, theming & styling, and more.

The Terminal will also need to meet our goals and measures to ensure it remainsfast and efficient, and doesn't consume vast amounts of memory or power.

The Windows Console Host

The Windows Console host, conhost.exe, is Windows' original command-line userexperience. It also hosts Windows' command-line infrastructure and the WindowsConsole API server, input engine, rendering engine, user preferences, etc. Theconsole host code in this repository is the actual source from which theconhost.exe in Windows itself is built.

Since taking ownership of the Windows command-line in 2014, the team addedseveral new features to the Console, including background transparency,line-based selection, support for ANSI / Virtual Terminalsequences, 24-bitcolor,a Pseudoconsole("ConPTY"),and more.

However, because Windows Console's primary goal is to maintain backwardcompatibility, we have been unable to add many of the features the community(and the team) have been wanting for the last several years including tabs,unicode text, and emoji.

These limitations led us to create the new Windows Terminal.

You can read more about the evolution of the command-line in general, and theWindows command-line specifically in this accompanying series of blogpostson the Command-Line team's blog.

Shared Components

While overhauling Windows Console, we modernized its codebase considerably,cleanly separating logical entities into modules and classes, introduced somekey extensibility points, replaced several old, home-grown collections andcontainers with safer, more efficient STLcontainers,and made the code simpler and safer by using Microsoft's Windows ImplementationLibraries - WIL.

This overhaul resulted in several of Console's key components being availablefor re-use in any terminal implementation on Windows. These components include anew DirectWrite-based text layout and rendering engine, a text buffer capable ofstoring both UTF-16 and UTF-8, a VT parser/emitter, and more.

Creating the new Windows Terminal

When we started planning the new Windows Terminal application, we explored andevaluated several approaches and technology stacks. We ultimately decided thatour goals would be best met by continuing our investment in our C++ codebase,which would allow us to reuse several of the aforementioned modernizedcomponents in both the existing Console and the new Terminal. Further, werealized that this would allow us to build much of the Terminal's core itself asa reusable UI control that others can incorporate into their own applications.

The result of this work is contained within this repo and delivered as theWindows Terminal application you can download from the Microsoft Store, ordirectly from this repo'sreleases.


For more information about Windows Terminal, you may find some of theseresources useful and interesting:


I built and ran the new Terminal, but it looks just like the old console

Cause: You're launching the incorrect solution in Visual Studio.

Solution: Make sure you're building & deploying the CascadiaPackage project inVisual Studio.

Note: OpenConsole.exe is just a locally-built conhost.exe, the classicWindows Console that hosts Windows' command-line infrastructure. OpenConsoleis used by Windows Terminal to connect to and communicate with command-lineapplications (viaConPty).


All project documentation is located at aka.ms/terminal-docs. If you would liketo contribute to the documentation, please submit a pull request on the WindowsTerminal Documentation repo.


We are excited to work alongside you, our amazing community, to build andenhance Windows Terminal!

BEFORE you start work on a feature/fix, please read & follow ourContributor'sGuide tohelp avoid any wasted or duplicate effort.

Communicating with the Team

The easiest way to communicate with the team is via GitHub issues.

Please file new issues, feature requests and suggestions, but DO search forsimilar open/closed pre-existing issues before creating a new issue.

If you would like to ask a question that you feel doesn't warrant an issue(yet), please reach out to us via Twitter:

Developer Guidance


Building the Code

This repository uses gitsubmodules for some of itsdependencies. To make sure submodules are restored or updated, be sure to runthe following prior to building:

git submodule update --init --recursive

OpenConsole.sln may be built from within Visual Studio or from the command-lineusing a set of convenience scripts & tools in the /tools directory:

Building in PowerShell

Import-Module .\tools\OpenConsole.psm1

Building in Cmd


Running & Debugging

To debug the Windows Terminal in VS, right click on CascadiaPackage (in theSolution Explorer) and go to properties. In the Debug menu, change "Applicationprocess" and "Background task process" to "Native Only".

You should then be able to build & debug the Terminal project by hittingF5.

�� You will not be able to launch the Terminal directly by running theWindowsTerminal.exe. For more details on why, see#926,#4043

Coding Guidance

Please review these brief docs below about our coding practices.

�� If you find something missing from these docs, feel free to contribute toany of our documentation files anywhere in the repository (or write some newones!)

This is a work in progress as we learn what we'll need to provide people inorder to be effective contributors to our project.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code ofConduct. For more information see the Code of ConductFAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with anyadditional questions or comments.

  • 问题内容: 我试图通过Mac上的终端运行Java程序,但得到: 我用Eclipse编译了这个应用程序,当我用Eclipse运行它时,它运行良好。此外,我在正确的目录中,因为当我在终端中键入“ ls”时,它会列出所有文件,包括我要运行的类文件。 这是我输入的内容: 我非常感谢帮助解决此问题! 谢谢, 院长 编辑:解决方案-而不是java mainClass,它也必须具有包:java startPac

  • 问题内容: 我正在使用Ubuntu 9.04 x64,并且在我撰写本文时: 在终端,我希望它在同一终端窗口中打开一个新选项卡。而是打开一个新窗口。 我发现它的目的是在新窗口中打开一个新选项卡,即,如果我写: 它将打开一个带有两个选项卡的新窗口。 因此,问题是,如何使用中的命令在 当前 窗口中打开新标签页? 问题答案: 这将自动确定相应的终端并相应地打开选项卡。

  • 问题内容: 好的,我对Mac和OSX有点陌生,但是我选择了一个,以便可以使用我的Java程序对一些Java程序进行故障排除,因为我工作的公司使用OSX和Windows机器的组合。我遇到的问题是,当我从Oracle网站安装Java 7时,它会更新首选项菜单,并在双击它们时似乎可以正确执行.jar文件,但是终端窗口的版本仍为1.6.0_43并运行由于版本较旧,终端上的相同.jar文件会导致运行时错误。

  • 本文向大家介绍如何在mac的terminal安装Apache Tomcat,包括了如何在mac的terminal安装Apache Tomcat的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 首先是下载Apache Tomcat 网址是http://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi 下载好之后解压到你常用的目录下面,这里我放到了desktop 通过输入以下命令行进入apa

  • 问题内容: 我已经安装了从oracle网站下载的JDK 7u7。但是安装后,终端仍然显示Java版本6 知道为什么Java 7不显示吗? 回答:好的,问题已经解决。答案是:我发现我的终端机具有.bash_profile,并且java home变量设置为1.6 因此,这是导致每次我打开新终端窗口时出现问题的行。只需删除此行即可解决问题。你仍然需要遵循@aleroot所说的内容,但是如果这对你不起作用

  • 问题内容: 我的问题是,我正在通过终端运行一些adb命令。我写了一个工具;这将使事情变得容易。回到问题所在,为了使命令运行,我必须在终端上输入“密码”。那么,我该如何做才能使“密码”部分出现在JOptionPane.showInputDialog框上? 这是我到目前为止的内容: 问题答案: 您可以“读取”过程输入,并在“检测到”密码提示时显示,并要求用户输入密码。 在开始该过程之前,您“可以”提示

  • 本文向大家介绍pycharm中导入模块错误时提示Try to run this command from the system terminal,包括了pycharm中导入模块错误时提示Try to run this command from the system terminal的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 pycharm中导入模块错误时,提示:Try to run this com

  • 本文向大家介绍MySQL之终端Terminal(dos界面)管理数据库、数据表、数据的基本操作,包括了MySQL之终端Terminal(dos界面)管理数据库、数据表、数据的基本操作的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 MySQL有很多的可视化管理工具,比如“mysql-workbench”和“sequel-pro-”。 现在我写MySQL的终端命令操作的文章,是想强化一下自己对于MySQL的