Transform your command line from ugly and painful to delightful and easy-to-read.
First things first, you'll want to install a nice color theme for your terminal. The one in the screenshot above is called Monokai Soda Custom, and you'll find it included in the repo. I based it off of the most excellent Monokai Soda theme, found here.
Load the theme by opening up your mac terminal and navigating to Preferences > Profiles > Import, and then set the theme as your default.
Now log into your bash terminal and punch in the following git config commands. You should be able to copy & paste them as a full block and just hit return. This tells git that we want color in our UI, and sets specific colors for specific file status types.
git config --global color.ui true
git config --global color.status.changed "blue normal"
git config --global color.status.untracked "red normal"
git config --global color.status.added "magenta normal"
git config --global color.status.updated "green normal"
git config --global color.status.branch "yellow normal bold"
git config --global color.status.header "white normal bold"
Now you'll need to update your .bash_profile with the contents of the bash_profile included in the repo. The easiest way to do this will be to first show all hidden files on your system, because .bash_profile is usually set to invisible. You can show hidden files by pasting the following command into your terminal.
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/
Once your finder reloads, you should be able to see all hidden files. In the finder, navigate to Users/YourUserNameHere, and you should see .bash_profile listed in the directory. If you don't, you simply have to create one yourself (just place an empty text file there and name it .bash_profile.)
Either way, open your .bash_profile and paste in the contents of the bash_profile included in this repo (paste it beneath any other content that's already in there.) Now save the file.
Congratulations! Your .bash_profile now includes all the code that your terminal needs to display it's UI in color, including a nicely colorized bash -ls command, a customized command prompt, and aliases for a number of highly-readable git log formats. You can customize these to your heart's content, but hopefully this will give you a solid jumping-off point.
Now let's hide those invisible files again, by pasting the following command into the terminal and hitting return.
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/
Restart the terminal app, and you're ready to go!
With any luck, you should now have a nice looking command line terminal running on your Mac. If you like, point the terminal to one of your git repositories and take a few of the included git log aliases for a ride.
Type in 'log' and hit return, and you should get a nicely formatted basic log, starting with a list of refs on top, followed by all your commits.
Now explore the other colorized aliases if you like:
Lastly, type in the trusty '-ls' bash command and you should see a nicely colorized list of files, directories, etc.
Well, that's it. You're good to go!
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for more information.
1、获取端口 在代理工具中获取其开放的 HTTP 端口,比如这里使用的端口是 1088 2、配置代理 bash 终端 bash 是 macOS Mojave 及更低版本中的默认 Shell 终端 a) 打开终端文件 方法一:使用命令行 vi ~/.bash_profile 方法二:直接在Finder中手动打开,.bash_profile文件默认隐藏,在user的主目录中键盘输入快捷键 comma
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