This repo contains an easy to use class to dump a database using PHP. Currently MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and MongoDB are supported. Behindthe scenes mysqldump
, pg_dump
, sqlite3
and mongodump
are used.
Here's are simple examples of how to create a database dump with different drivers:
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For dumping MySQL-db's mysqldump
should be installed.
For dumping PostgreSQL-db's pg_dump
should be installed.
For dumping SQLite-db's sqlite3
should be installed.
For dumping MongoDB-db's mongodump
should be installed.
For compressing dump files, gzip
and/or bzip2
should be installed.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require spatie/db-dumper
This is the simplest way to create a dump of a MySql db:
If you're working with PostgreSQL just use that dumper, most methods are available on both the MySql. and PostgreSql-dumper.
If the mysqldump
(or pg_dump
) binary is installed in a non default location you can let the package know by using thesetDumpBinaryPath()
If your application is deployed and you need to change the host (default is, you can add the setHost()
Using an array:
->includeTables(['table1', 'table2', 'table3'])
Using a string:
->includeTables('table1, table2, table3')
In order to use "--column-statistics=0" as option in mysqldump command you can use doNotUseColumnStatistics() method.
If you have installed mysqldump 8, it queries by default column_statics table in information_schema database.In some old version of MySql (service) like 5.7, this table it not exists. So you could have an exception during the execution of mysqldump. To avoid this, you could use doNotUseColumnStatistics() method.
Using an array:
->excludeTables(['table1', 'table2', 'table3'])
Using a string:
->excludeTables('table1, table2, table3')
$dumpCommand = MySql::create()
->getDumpCommand('dump.sql', 'credentials.txt');
If you want to add an arbitrary option to the dump command you can use addExtraOption
$dumpCommand = MySql::create()
->getDumpCommand('dump.sql', 'credentials.txt');
If you're working with MySql you can set the database name using --databases
as an extra option. This is particularly useful when used in conjunction with the --add-drop-database
option (see the mysqldump docs).
$dumpCommand = MySql::create()
->addExtraOption('--databases dbname')
->getDumpCommand('dump.sql', 'credentials.txt');
With MySql, you also have the option to use the --all-databases
extra option. This is useful when you want to run a full backup of all the databases in the specified MySQL connection.
$dumpCommand = MySql::create()
->getDumpCommand('dump.sql', 'credentials.txt');
Please note that using the ->addExtraOption('--databases dbname')
or ->addExtraOption('--all-databases')
will override the database name set on a previous ->setDbName()
If you want the output file to be compressed, you can use a compressor class.
There are two compressors that come out of the box:
- This will compress your db dump with gzip
. Make sure gzip
is installed on your system before using this.Bzip2Compressor
- This will compress your db dump with bzip2
. Make sure bzip2
is installed on your system before using this.$dumpCommand = MySql::create()
->useCompressor(new GzipCompressor()) // or `new Bzip2Compressor()`
You can create you own compressor implementing the Compressor
interface. Here's how that interface looks like:
namespace Spatie\DbDumper\Compressors;
interface Compressor
public function useCommand(): string;
public function useExtension(): string;
The useCommand
should simply return the compression command the db dump will get pumped to. Here's the implementation of GzipCompression
namespace Spatie\DbDumper\Compressors;
class GzipCompressor implements Compressor
public function useCommand(): string
return 'gzip';
public function useExtension(): string
return 'gz';
$ composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
Initial PostgreSQL support was contributed by Adriano Machado. SQlite support was contributed by Peter Matseykanets.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
symfony/var-dumper字体大小设置 ###1、composer.json 中加载 symfony/var-dumper 类库 并在git中composer install后,发现 调试dump的时候 打印字体太小,于是找到以下文件: ####Path:项目根目录\vendor\symfony\var-dumper\Dumper\HtmlDumper.php 2、找到如下代码修改fon
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db 跟数据库相关的操作。因为各项服务根本上的操作都需要跟数据库打交道,因此这部分定义了大量的数据库资源类和相关接口,可以被进一步继承实现。 包括对核心plugin api的实现基础类,其次是一些扩展的资源和方法的支持。 其中model_base.py和models_v2.py中定义了最基础的几个模型类。
基本使用 DB::connection('connection_name'); // 运行数据库查询语句 $results = DB::select('select * from users where id = ?', [1]); $results = DB::select('select * from users where id = :id', ['id' => 1]); // 运行普通语句
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