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Peer-to-peer lite database over IPFS
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 数据库相关
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 燕寒
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


A toy peer-to-peer database for the future internet.

What does that mean?

Godless is a way of sharing structured data between computers without using servers or the cloud.

Check the wiki for a tutorial.

Try it!


$ ipfs daemon

Run server:

$ godless init
$ godless store server --early

The --early flag indicates that the server should fail if it can find no running IPFS daemon.

Now send queries to the server using godless query console:

> join books rows (@key=book50, authorName="EL James", publisher="Don't wanna know")

Waited 278.572562ms for response from server.

> select books where str_eq(@key, "book50")

| Table | Row    | Entry      | Point            |
| books | book50 | authorName | EL James         |
| books | book50 | publisher  | Don't wanna know |
Found 2 Namespace Entries.
Waited 29.798089ms for response from server.

How does it work?

Data is stored in a CRDT namespace suitable for sharing between peers. This is indexed using an another datastructure which itself is a CRDT. Indexes and namespaces are arranged into a canonical order and saved to the Interplanetary File System.

The datastructures can be reassembled at another peer by looking up the IPFS hash. Index hashes are shared over PubSub.

Crucially, data is signed using strong cryptography. You can specify a key in your queries to sign (in joins) or verify (in selects). This is crucial to maintaining data consistency in the face of arbitrary joins by other net users :).


Godless is currently in alpha stage for Linux only.

For everyone

Check out the releases page.

Download signatures from teoma.org.uk.

For Golang programmers

go get -u github.com/johnny-morrice/godless/godless
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