简单地说,JavaScript是一种运行在浏览器中的解释型的编程语言。 那么问题来了,为什么我们要学JavaScript?尤其是当你已经掌握了某些其他编程语言如Java、C++的情况下。 简单粗暴的回答就是:因为你没有选择。在Web世界里,只有JavaScript能跨平台、跨浏览器驱动网页,与用户交互。 Flash背后的ActionScript曾经流行过一阵子,不过随着移动应用的兴起,没有人用Fl
Hprose 是高性能远程对象服务引擎(High Performance Remote Object Service Engine)的缩写。 它是一个先进的轻量级的跨语言跨平台面向对象的高性能远程动态通讯中间件。它不仅简单易用,而且功能强大。你只需要稍许的时间去学习,就能用它轻松构建跨语言跨平台的分布式应用系统了。 Hprose 支持众多编程语言,例如: AAuto Quicker ActionS
这是 GeoFire 的 JavaScript 客户端开发包。 GeoFire 是一个开源的用来存储和查询定位信息的库,简化了使用字符串键来存储位置信息。这些查询是实时的。GeoFire 使用 Firebase 数据库,更新也是实时的。 同时提供了 Objective-C 和 Java 的兼容客户端。
Pretty Beautiful Javascript,這是安裝前看 jQuery 1.7.0 程式碼的效果: 這是安裝後的效果: 不過 javascript 檔案大一點跑起來就會很慢 XD
OAuth in JavaScript 是一个 OAuth 的 JavaScript 开发包。
awesome-coding-javascript �� 持续构建个人的源码库,更多信息请看这篇文章。 1. JavaScript 原生和常用方法的代码实现 call / apply 实现 bind 实现 new 实现 deepclone 深拷贝实现 throttle 节流实现 debounce 防抖实现 URL 参数解析 实现 Promise 实现 async/await 实现 订阅/发布 实现
The JavaScript Workshop This is the repository for The JavaScript Workshop, published by Packt. It contains all the supporting project files necessary to work through the course from start to finish.
Awesome JavaScript Interviews A collection of super-popular Interview questions, along with explanations and implementation examples that I was putting together for myself while preparing for my first
Web UI for JavaScript Obfuscator This project is a web interface to the javascript obufscator project. You can see it running here: obfuscator.io Running it Building the react project: $ yarn # or npm
Full-Stack JavaScript Architecture Opinionated project architecture for Full-Stack JavaScript Applications. About Using JavaScript for full-stack has always been a challenge especially with architecti
Must-Watch JavaScript This is a collection of well-received talks about JavaScript, covering topics such as ES6/ES2015, JavaScript frameworks, client-side apps, mobile integration, JavaScript performa
Live em Javascript Três projetos em Javascript puro feitos durante uma live com o professor Bonieky Lacerda da B7Web. Urna Eletrônica Um simulador da urna eletrônica brasileira. O script recebe um arq
⚠️ This package not up to date and maintained ⚠️ We recommend you not to use this package. We stopped to maintained it by lack of time and also because the features provided by this SDK are the same a
On-Demand Javascript Plugin aka "Lazy Loading" Download Javascript as and when required, instead of downloading it all on page load. This is a "lazy loading" approach applied to Javascript, and has se