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i18next - Nuxt3 用 i18n 控制台提示这个是什么意思?

[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'menu') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'toggleNavigation') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'blogMenu') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'search') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'aboutMe') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'menu') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'toggleNavigation') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'blogMenu') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'search') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'aboutMe') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'home') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'home') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'readMore') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'search') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'categories') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'recentPosts') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'subscribe') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'followOurLatestNews') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'enterYourEmailAddress') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'other') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'login') is not supported for jit compilation[intlify] the message that is resolve with key 'register') is not supported for jit compilation



@nuxtjs/i18n 的 bug,升级到最新版吧。


这些提示来自于 i18n(国际化)模块,关于 "message that is resolve with key xxx is not supported for jit compilation" 的含义是,i18n 在 JIT(即时编译)编译期间无法解析这些键对应的消息。可能的原因是,这些消息键在编译期间无法被正确地解析,导致无法找到对应的翻译文本。这可能是由于配置问题、语法错误或其他问题导致的。


  • 确保 i18n 配置正确,包括消息文件的路径和格式,以及默认语言设置。
  • 确保消息文件中包含这些消息键的翻译文本。
  • 检查代码中是否正确使用了这些消息键,比如使用正确的键名、在正确的位置调用了翻译函数等。


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