re_newspeaker = r'^(<bullet> | )(?P<name>(%s|(((Mr)|(Ms)|(Mrs))\. [-A-Za-z \']+( of [A-Z][a-z]+)?))|((The ((VICE|ACTING|Acting) )?(PRESIDENT|SPEAKER|CHAIR(MAN)?)( pro tempore)?)|(The PRESIDING OFFICER)|(The CLERK)|(The CHIEF JUSTICE)|(The VICE PRESIDENT)|(Mr\. Counsel [A-Z]+))( \([A-Za-z.\'\- ]+\))?)\.'
re_speaking = r'^(<bullet> | )((((((Mr)|(Ms)|(Mrs))\. [A-Za-z \'\-]+(of [A-Z][a-z]+)?)|((The (VICE |Acting |ACTING )?(PRESIDENT|SPEAKER)( pro tempore)?)|(The PRESIDING OFFICER)|(The CLERK))( \([A-Za-z.\'\- ]+\))?))\. )?(?P<start>.)'
<speaker=Mr. D'STALL</speaker><speaking>Mr. President, I have been seeking to obtain a report on
this bill. I am not on the Budget Committee, and I am not on the
Government Relations Committee. But from what I understand, this is a
very important bill, a big bill, a complex bill, far reaching in its
contents. I have been queried, along with all other Senators, I
suppose, as to whether or not they would have any objection to the
adoption of the committee amendments, en bloc. I am going to object to
the adoption of the committee amendments, en bloc, until I see the
committee report.</speaking>
Mr. D'STALL. Mr. President, I have been seeking to obtain a report on
this bill. I am not on the Budget Committee, and I am not on the
Government Relations Committee. But from what I understand, this is a
very important bill, a big bill, a complex bill, far reaching in its
contents. I have been queried, along with all other Senators, I
suppose, as to whether or not they would have any objection to the
adoption of the committee amendments, en bloc. I am going to object to
the adoption of the committee amendments, en bloc, until I see the
committee report.
re_newspeaker = r'^(<bullet> | )(?P<name>(%s|(((Mr)|(Ms)|(Mrs))\. [-A-Z\']+|((Miss) [-A-Z\']+)( of [A-Z][a-z]+)?))|((The ((VICE|ACTING|Acting) )?(PRESIDENT|SPEAKER|CHAIR(MAN)?)( pro tempore)?)|(The PRESIDING OFFICER)|(The CLERK)|(The CHIEF JUSTICE)|(The VICE PRESIDENT)|(Mr\. Counsel [A-Z]+))( \([A-Za-z.\- ]+\))?)\.'
re_speaking = r'^(<bullet> | )((((((Mr)|(Ms)|(Mrs))\. [A-Z\']+|((Miss) [-A-Z\']+)(of [A-Z][a-z]+)?)|((The (VICE |Acting |ACTING )?(PRESIDENT|SPEAKER)( pro tempore)?)|(The PRESIDING OFFICER)|(The CLERK))( \([A-Za-z.\- ]+\))?))\. )?(?P<start>.)'
有没有人试图描述与正则表达式匹配的正则表达式? 由于重复的关键字,这个主题几乎不可能在网上找到。 它可能在实际应用程序中不可用,因为支持正则表达式的语言通常具有解析它们的方法,我们可以将其用于验证,以及一种在代码中分隔正则表达式的方法,可用于搜索目的。 但是我仍然想知道匹配所有正则表达式的正则表达式是什么样子的。应该可以写一个。
问题内容: 我在Python中使用什么正则表达式来匹配这样的日期:“ 11/12/98”? 问题答案: 与其使用正则表达式,不如将字符串解析为对象通常更好: 然后,您可以访问日,月和年(以及小时,分钟和秒)作为对象的属性: 要测试用正斜杠分隔的数字序列是否表示有效日期,可以使用一个块。无效的日期将引发: 如果您需要搜索更长的字符串以获取日期,则可以使用正则表达式来搜索以正斜杠分隔的数字: 当然,无
主要内容:基本模式匹配,字符簇,确定重复出现基本模式匹配 一切从最基本的开始。模式,是正则表达式最基本的元素,它们是一组描述字符串特征的字符。模式可以很简单,由普通的字符串组成,也可以非常复杂,往往用特殊的字符表示一个范围内的字符、重复出现,或表示上下文。例如: 这个模式包含一个特殊的字符 ^,表示该模式只匹配那些以 once 开头的字符串。例如该模式与字符串 "once upon a time" 匹配,与 "There once was
问题内容: 当字符串以数字开头时,我需要匹配,然后是一个点,然后是一个空格和1个或多个大写字符。匹配必须发生在字符串的开头。我有以下字符串。 我尝试过的正则表达式是: 它不匹配。一个有效的正则表达式将对这个问题有什么作用? 问题答案: (对不起,我先前的错误。大脑现在坚定地投入了。嗯,也许。) 这有效: 分解: =字符串开头 =一个或多个数字 (之所以转义,是因为它在字符串中,因此) =文字(或者
问题内容: 我从以下格式的文件中获取输入: 现在,我想在我的Java代码中读取int1,int2,int3和int4。我该如何在Java中使用正则表达式匹配。谢谢。 问题答案: 为了避免空值: