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如何使用Perl 6类表示嵌套数据结构?



假设在我们的城市里,有一个图书馆(其内容已被数字化为txt文件),有几个房间:1\u red\u room,2\u blue\u room,和3\u white\u room。在每个房间里,都有许多书,每本书都有:作者的名字、标题和文本(从txt文件读取)分为几页(带数字)。


room_name, with the overall number of `$word` contexts in all its books
  list of authors, who use this word, with number of contexts
    for every author, list of books, with number of contexts
      for every book, list of pages, with number of contexts


Word: cucumber
TOTAL: 654
1_red_room: 234
  author: John Smith: 70
    title: "In the wild": 3
      page_50:  1
      page_150: 2
    title: "Hello world": 10
      page_1: 2
      page_5: 1
      page_7: 3
2_blue_room: 114
  author: Wendy Brown
    title: "In the dark": 43
      page_8: 7





my $total-count = 0;
my @room-info;
for @rooms -> $room {
    my @room-authors;
    my %room-authors;
    my $room-count = 0;
    for @(%books{$room}) -> $book {
        my $count = $book.contains-word( $word );
        if $count > 0 {
            $total-count += $count;
            $room-count += $count;
            my $author = $book.author;
            if %room-authors{$author}:exists {
                $(%room-authors{$author}).update($book, $word, $count);
            else {
                %room-authors{$author} = Room-Author.new(
                    book => $book, word => $word, count => $count
                @room-authors.push( $author );
    if @room-authors.elems > 0 {
                room => $room, room-count => $room-count,
                order => @room-authors, hash => %room-authors
say "Word: $word";
say "TOTAL: $total-count";

for @room-info -> $room {
    my @room-authors = $room.order;
    my %room-authors = $room.hash;
    say $room.room ~ " : " ~ $room.room-count;
    for @room-authors -> $author-str {
        my $author = %room-authors{$author-str};
        say "  author: " ~ $author.name ~ " : " ~ $author.count;
        for @($author.titles) -> $title {
            say "    title: " ~ $title.title ~ " : " ~ $title.count;
            for @($title.pages) -> $page {
                say "      page_" ~ $page.page ~ ": " ~ $page.count;


class Page {
    has Int $.page;
    has Int $.count;

class Title {
    has Str $.title;
    has Page @.pages;
    has Int $.count;

class Room-Info {
    has $.room;
    has $.room-count;
    has @.order;
    has %.hash;

class Book {
    has Str $.author;
    has Str $.title;
    has Str $.text;

    # checks how many times a word occurs in the book
    method contains-word ( $word, --> Int ) {
        return 2;  # Stub, insert more code here..

    method get-page-matches( $word ) {
        return [Page.new(page => 50, count => 1),
                Page.new(page => 150, count => 2)]; # Stub, insert more code..

class Room-Author {
    has Title @.titles;
    has Bool %!titles;
    has $.name;
    has $.count;

    submethod BUILD(:$book, :$word, :$!count) {
        my $title = $book.title;
        $!name = $book.author;
        %!titles{$title} = True;
            Title.new(title => $title,
                      pages => $book.get-page-matches( $word ),
                      count => $!count,
    method update( $book, $word, $count ) {
        my $title = $book.title;
        $!count += $count;
        my $author = $book.author; # should be the same as $.name.. 
        if %!titles{$title}:exists {
            die "Unexpected: Duplicate title '$title' for $author";
        else {
            %!titles{$title} = True;
            my Page @pages = $book.get-page-matches( $word );
                Title.new(title => $title,
                          pages => $book.get-page-matches( $word ),
                          count => $count,
                         ) );
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