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Apache POI Word教程。


有人知道关于使用Apache POI库使用MS Word的好教程吗?我想了解如何创建word documents.doc(或者我可能需要创建template.dot),以便在文档(模板)中创建诸如${customer.name}之类的变量,然后通过range.replaceText(“${customer.name}”,“Microsoft Co”)替换它;或者${customer.name}不是变量,只是纯文本(为了更清楚起见,将其命名为变量名)?另外,我也没有在POI中找到关于使用表的教程




您可以使用Microsoft Word在Word文档中使用书签。我一周前就做过了。我通过选择要替换的文本在文档中插入书签,然后插入->bookmark并键入一个新的书签名称。之后,在代码中,您应该在util类中实现如下内容:

 * Inserts a value at a location within the Word document specified by a 
 * named bookmark. 
 * @param bookmarkName An instance of the String class that encapsulates 
 *        the name of the bookmark. Note that case is important and the case 
 *        of the bookmarks name within the document and that of the value 
 *        passed to this parameter must match. 
 * @param bookmarkValue An instance of the String class that encapsulates 
 *        the value that should be inserted into the document at the location 
 *        specified by the bookmark. 
public final void insertAtBookmark(String bookmarkName, String bookmarkValue, Style style) { 
    List<XWPFTable> tableList = null; 
    Iterator<XWPFTable> tableIter = null; 
    List<XWPFTableRow> rowList = null; 
    Iterator<XWPFTableRow> rowIter = null; 
    List<XWPFTableCell> cellList = null; 
    Iterator<XWPFTableCell> cellIter = null; 
    XWPFTable table = null; 
    XWPFTableRow row = null; 
    XWPFTableCell cell = null; 

    // Firstly, deal with any paragraphs in the body of the document. 
    this.procParaList(this.document.getParagraphs(), bookmarkName, bookmarkValue, style); 

    // Then check to see if there are any bookmarks in table cells. To do this 
    // it is necessary to get at the list of paragraphs 'stored' within the 
    // individual table cell, hence this code which get the tables from the 
    // document, the rows from each table, the cells from each row and the 
    // paragraphs from each cell. 
    tableList = this.document.getTables(); 
    tableIter = tableList.iterator(); 
    while(tableIter.hasNext()) { 
        table = tableIter.next(); 
        rowList = table.getRows(); 
        rowIter = rowList.iterator(); 
        while(rowIter.hasNext()) { 
            row = rowIter.next(); 
            cellList = row.getTableCells(); 
            cellIter = cellList.iterator(); 
            while(cellIter.hasNext()) { 
                cell = cellIter.next(); 
                        bookmarkValue, style); 

 * Inserts text into the document at the position indicated by a specific 
 * bookmark. Note that the current implementation does not take account 
 * of nested bookmarks, that is bookmarks that contain other bookmarks. Note 
 * also that any text contained within the bookmark itself will be removed. 
 * @param paraList An instance of a class that implements the List interface 
 *        and which encapsulates references to one or more instances of the 
 *        XWPFParagraph class. 
 * @param bookmarkName An instance of the String class that encapsulates the 
 *        name of the bookmark that identifies the position within the 
 *        document some text should be inserted. 
 * @param bookmarkValue An instance of the AString class that encapsulates 
 *        the text that should be inserted at the location specified by the 
 *        bookmark. 
private final void procParaList(List<XWPFParagraph> paraList, 
        String bookmarkName, String bookmarkValue,Style style) { 
    Iterator<XWPFParagraph> paraIter = null; 
    XWPFParagraph para = null; 
    List<CTBookmark> bookmarkList = null; 
    Iterator<CTBookmark> bookmarkIter = null; 
    CTBookmark bookmark = null; 
    XWPFRun run = null; 
    Node nextNode = null; 

    // Get an Iterator to step through the contents of the paragraph list. 
    paraIter = paraList.iterator(); 
    while(paraIter.hasNext()) { 
        // Get the paragraph, a llist of CTBookmark objects and an Iterator 
        // to step through the list of CTBookmarks. 
        para = paraIter.next(); 
        bookmarkList = para.getCTP().getBookmarkStartList(); 
        bookmarkIter = bookmarkList.iterator(); 

        while(bookmarkIter.hasNext()) { 
            // Get a Bookmark and check it's name. If the name of the 
            // bookmark matches the name the user has specified... 
            bookmark = bookmarkIter.next(); 
            if(bookmark.getName().equals(bookmarkName)) { 
                // ...create the text run to insert and set it's text 
                // content and then insert that text into the document. 
                run = para.createRun(); 
                /*CTR ctr = run.getCTR(); 
                CTRPr ctrPr = ctr.getRPr(); 

                if(ctrPr == null) { 
                    ctrPr = ctr.addNewRPr(); 
                } */
                if(defaultStyle != null || style != null){
                    if(style != null){
                        applyStyleToRun(style, run);
                        if(style.isCenter()) para.setAlignment(ParagraphAlignment.CENTER);
                        if(defaultStyle.isCenter()) para.setAlignment(ParagraphAlignment.CENTER);
                        applyStyleToRun(defaultStyle, run);


                // The new Run should be inserted between the bookmarkStart 
                // and bookmarkEnd nodes, so find the bookmarkEnd node. 
                // Note that we are looking for the next sibling of the 
                // bookmarkStart node as it does not contain any child nodes 
                // as far as I am aware. 
                nextNode = bookmark.getDomNode().getNextSibling(); 
                // If the next node is not the bookmarkEnd node, then step 
                // along the sibling nodes, until the bookmarkEnd node 
                // is found. As the code is here, it will remove anything 
                // it finds between the start and end nodes. This, of course 
                // comepltely sidesteps the issues surrounding boorkamrks 
                // that contain other bookmarks which I understand can happen. 
                while(nextNode != null &&  nextNode.getNodeName() != null &&  !(nextNode.getNodeName().contains("bookmarkEnd"))) { 
                    nextNode = bookmark.getDomNode().getNextSibling(); 

                // Finally, insert the new Run node into the document 
                // between the bookmarkStrat and the bookmarkEnd nodes. 

 * Applique un style sur un XWPFRun 
 * @param style
 * @param run
private void applyStyleToRun(Style style, XWPFRun run) {
    if(style.getFontFamily() != null){
    if(style.getColorCode() != null){



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