const int edgeOfBoard = 15;
static int[,,] movementCount = new int[edgeOfBoard, edgeOfBoard, 2]; //movement speed/diagonals tracking matrix
static void Main()
int movementSpeed = 4; //number of tiles character can move
int x = 7; //x starting position
int y = 7; //y starting position
for(int i = 0; i < edgeOfBoard; i++) //fill movementCount with 99
for(int j = 0; j < edgeOfBoard; j++)
movementCount[i, j, 0] = 99;
movementCount[x, y, 0] = 0; //set origin (character's location) as 0 movements from itself
pathfinder(movementSpeed, x, y, 0); //run pathfinder algorithm
print(); //print result
private static void print() //print result
for(int y = 0; y < edgeOfBoard; y++) //print movement to get to a given tile
for(int x = 0; x < edgeOfBoard; x++)
if(movementCount[x, y, 0] == 99) //replace 99s with " " to make it easier to read
Console.Write("| ");
Console.Write("|" + movementCount[x, y, 0]);
for(int y = 0; y < edgeOfBoard; y++) //print diagonals needed to get to a given tile
for(int x = 0; x < edgeOfBoard; x++)
if(movementCount[x, y, 1] == 0)
Console.Write("| ");
Console.Write("|" + movementCount[x, y, 1]);
internal static void pathfinder(int movementSpeed, int x, int y, int depth)
if (depth <= movementSpeed) //cuts off when limit is reached
for (int Y = -1; Y <= 1; Y++) //checks all adjacent tiles
for (int X = -1; X <= 1; X++)
//Console.WriteLine("y = " + y + ", Y = " + Y + ", x = " + x + ", X = " + X + ", mvC[] = " + movementCount[x + X, y + Y, 0]);
//Checks if current adjacent tile subject is in bounds and is not the origin of the search
if (y + Y >= 0 && y + Y <= edgeOfBoard && x + X >= 0 && x + X <= edgeOfBoard && !(Y == 0 && X == 0) && (movementCount[x + X, y + Y, 0] == 99))
int[] lowestAdjacent = findLowestAdjacent(x + X, y + Y); //find the lowest adjacent tile
if (lowestAdjacent[0] + 1 <= movementSpeed) //if it is within the movement speed, add it to the matrix
movementCount[x + X, y + Y, 0] = lowestAdjacent[0] + 1; //update movement speed for subject tile
movementCount[x + X, y + Y, 1] = lowestAdjacent[1]; //update number of diagonals needed for subject tile
for (int Y = -1; Y <= 1; Y++) //mmove into already checked tiles to recursively check their adjacent tiles
for (int X = -1; X <= 1; X++)
if (y + Y >= 0 && y + Y <= 15 && x + X >= 0 && x + X <= 15 && !(Y == 0 && X == 0) && (movementCount[x + X, y + Y, 0] != 99) && (movementCount[x + X, y + Y, 0] < movementSpeed))
pathfinder(movementSpeed, x + X, y + Y, depth + 1);
private static int[] findLowestAdjacent(int x, int y) //finds lowest number of movements to get to subject tile (x, y)
int[] lowestRtrn = { 99, 0 }; //movement, diagonals
int lowest = 99;
for (int Y = -1; Y <= 1; Y++) //checks each adjacent tile
for (int X = -1; X <= 1; X++)
if (y + Y >= 0 && y + Y <= edgeOfBoard && x + X >= 0 && x + X <= edgeOfBoard) //ensures it is within bounds
int diag = isDiagonalMovement(x, y, x + X, y + Y) ? diagonalMovementIncrease(movementCount[x + X, y + Y, 1] + 1) : 0; //checks whether or not it should be diagonally increased
if ((movementCount[x + X, y + Y, 0] + diag) < lowest) //adds to result if lower than current
lowest = movementCount[x + X, y + Y, 0] + diag;
lowestRtrn[1] = movementCount[x + X, y + Y, 1] + (isDiagonalMovement(x, y, x + X, y + Y) ? 1 : 0);
lowestRtrn[0] = lowest;
return lowestRtrn;
private static int diagonalMovementIncrease(int diagonalMovements) //checks if diagonal is second diagonal (+2 instead of +1)
return diagonalMovements % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0;
private static bool isDiagonalMovement(int x, int y, int X, int Y) //checks if (x, y) is diagonal from (X, Y)
if (
(x + 1 == X && y + 1 == Y) ||
(x - 1 == X && y + 1 == Y) ||
(x + 1 == X && y - 1 == Y) ||
(x - 1 == X && y - 1 == Y)
return true;
return false;
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问题内容: 美好的一天, 我正在使用以下代码来计算9天移动平均线。 但这是行不通的,因为它会在调用限制之前先计算所有返回的字段。换句话说,它将计算该日期之前或等于该日期的所有关闭时间,而不仅仅是最后9个。 因此,我需要从返回的选择中计算出SUM,而不是直接计算出来。 IE浏览器 从SELECT中选择SUM … 现在我将如何去做,这是非常昂贵的还是有更好的方法? 问题答案: 使用类似 内查询返回的所
我正试着做作业,但做不到。我研究了很多相关的话题,但找不到答案,所以需要帮助。 我们的老师想要这个;制定一个计划,用4×4英寸大小的黑白相间的瓷砖铺一个矩形浴室地板。地板尺寸(以英寸为单位)是4的倍数 确定输入和输出。 输入是地板尺寸(长×宽),以英寸为单位。 输出是瓷砖地板。 Step2)将问题分解为更小的任务。 自然的子任务是铺设一排瓷砖。如果可以解决这个问题,那么可以通过从一面墙开始,将一行
我计划一个独立游戏项目已经有一段时间了。我会为你总结一下,这样我就可以直接回答这个问题。 它是通过Visual Studio完全使用最新版本的XNA完成的。希望将其放在360和PC上,但目前我只是在真正寻找面向PC的解决方案。 这是一个2D侧向滚动射击游戏(想想大都会风格,甚至是Terraria)。它最终将包括一个游戏中的地图编辑器,地图是基于图块的(16x16)。会有向上和向下滚动。我希望在开发
我正在尝试构造一个程序,该程序将获取一个int({1,2,3})数组和一个长度值,并计算该数组的所有可能组合。 例如: 这将输出: 但是当我尝试在 for 循环中调用可能的梳子时,我不断收到堆栈溢出错误 }