#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Rectangle {
Rectangle() : x(5.0), y(6.0), width(7.0), height(8.0) {}
void printMe()
cout << "The rectangle is located at (" << x << ',' << y << ") and is " << width << " x " << height << endl;
double x;
double y;
double width;
double height;
int main()
Rectangle r = {0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0};
Rectangle s; // uninitialized!
constructor_vs_initializer_list.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
constructor_vs_initializer_list.cpp:21:38: error: could not convert ‘{0.0, 0.0, 3.0e+0, 4.0e+0}’ from ‘<brace-enclosed initializer list>’ to ‘Rectangle’
Rectangle r = {0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0};
我想知道数据成员初始化的优先规则是什么。大括号初始值设定项列表与您自己定义的构造函数相比如何?它与C 11特性相比如何:=默认构造函数和类内成员初始值设定项?我假设这些初始化对象数据成员的不同方法会以某种方式相互冲突。
Rectangle() = default;
double x = 1.0;
#include <iostream>
struct A {
int i;
struct B {
B() = default;
int i;
struct C {
int i;
C::C() = default;
struct D {
int i;
struct E : public D {
struct F {
F(int i = 5) {}
int i;
struct G {
G() = delete;
int i;
int main() {
// g++ (v 8.2.1) provides good warnings about uninitialized values.
// clang++ (v 7.0.1) does not.
// Technically, they are initialized to 'indeterminate values', but it is
// easier to refer to the member variables as uninitialized.
// All of the following are 'default initialized', meaning they are not even
// zero-initialized. Members are UNINITIALIZED (Technically, they are
// initialized to 'indeterminate' values.
// Either nothing is done, or the default constructor is called (in
// which nothing is done).
A a;
B b;
C c;
D d;
E e;
F f;
std::cout << "a: " << a.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "b: " << b.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "c: " << c.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "d: " << d.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "e: " << e.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "f: " << f.i << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
} {
// This is more complex, as these are all 'list initialized'.
// Thank you, infinite wisdom of the C++ committee.
A a{};
// Direct list initialization -> aggregate initialization
// - A has no user-provided constructor and
// thus is an aggregate, and agg. init. takes place.
// This 'value initializes' all *MEMBERS* (unless a default member
// initializer exists, which it does not here).
// Value initialization of non-class types results in
// zero-initialization. (member `i` is zero-initialized)
A a2 = {};
// same thing, but via copy list initialization
A a3{{}};
// recursive, initializes `i` with {}, which zero initializes `i`.
A a4{0};
// recursive, initializes `i` 0;
// Could also do `A a4 = {0}`
A a5{a};
// direct intialization of `a5` with `a`.
// Implicit copy constructor chosen by overload resolution.
A a6{A{}};
// post C++17, direct initializes a6 with a prvalue of type A, that is
// aggregate initialized as above. NOT copy/move initialized, but
// instead initialized via the "initializer expression itself".
// I assume this means the value of a6 is directly set via as if it were
// being aggregate initialized.
B b{};
// Same as A. `B() = default;` does NOT specify a user-provided
// constructor
C c{};
// Because the first declaration of `C()` is not `C() = default;`,
// this DOES have a user-provided constructor, and 'value initializaton'
// is performed.
// NOTE: this value intializes `C`, not the *MEMBERS* of `C`.
// Because `C` is a normal class type, value initialization just calls
// the default constructor, which does nothing, and leaves all members
// uninitialized.
D d{};
// D is a class type that is list/direct initialization -> value
// inititalizaton -> default initialization -> call constructor ->
// members are left unitialized.
E e{};
// List initialization -> value initialization -> default initialization
// -> calls implicitly defined default constructor -> Calls default
// constructor of bases -> leaves E::D.i uninitialized
F f{};
// List/direct initialization -> value initialization -> calls default
// constructor with default arguments -> leaves F.i uninitialized
// G g{};
// Fails to compile.
// list initialization -> value initialization -> default initialization
// -> deleted default constructor selected by overload resolution ->
// fails to compile
std::cout << "a: " << a.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "a2: " << a2.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "a3: " << a3.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "a4: " << a4.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "a5: " << a5.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "a6: " << a6.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "b: " << b.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "c: " << c.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "d: " << d.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "e: " << e.i << std::endl;
std::cout << "f: " << f.i << std::endl;
问题内容: 在Java中,但是在其他OO语言中,初始化属性定义之间也有区别,例如 并使用构造函数对其进行初始化? 我想不出任何实际的区别,有没有?否则,即使结果相同,是否存在一种方法优于另一种方法的情况? 问题答案: 初始化顺序在这里很重要。 将字段设置为默认初始值(0,false,null) 调用对象的构造函数(但不要执行构造函数的主体) 调用超类的构造函数 使用初始化程序和初始化块初始化字段
我相信现代C初始值设定项列表对于初始化对象非常有用,甚至不需要定义自己的构造函数: 但是,当我的类从另一个类继承时,这不起作用: 我尝试添加
主要内容:初始化 const 成员变量构造函数的一项重要功能是对成员变量进行初始化,为了达到这个目的,可以在构造函数的函数体中对成员变量一一赋值,还可以采用 初始化列表。 C++构造函数的初始化列表使得代码更加简洁,请看下面的例子: 运行结果: 小明的年龄是15,成绩是92.5 李华的年龄是16,成绩是96 如本例所示,定义构造函数时并没有在函数体中对成员变量一一赋值,其函数体为空(当然也可以有其他语句),而是在函数首部与函数体之间添
考虑代码 输出是 据我所知,值被隐式转换为一个(第一个输出),然后初始化器构造函数开始工作(第二个输出)。我的问题是为什么会这样?标准构造函数不是更好的匹配吗?一、 例如,我本以为这个片段的输出就是ctor。 PS:如果我将构造函数标记为,那么是唯一调用的构造函数,因为整数现在不能隐式转换为。
我一直避免像下面这样的初始化 因为引用和指针限定符不适用于初始化。假设这是初学者学习的第一件事,与之相关的模糊性让我觉得下面的内容更清晰,也更不需要读者思考 有了C17和结构化绑定,我很开心,看到了很多潜力。C17禁止了C14和C11未能修复的东西,是一个而不是
所以我正在学习构造函数初始值设定项列表,我写了以下代码: 为此我使用了g编译器。它调用的是构造函数而不是复制构造函数。它应该调用复制构造函数,因为我正在创建一个对象来创建另一个对象?这里的问题是什么,标准对此怎么说?